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Hui Xu
Official Co-Curricular Record 27408684
Student Life
Date Learning OutcomesActivity Purpose and Description
2014 - 2015 CollaborationWorkshop facilitator
Fall 2014 - ISO Apartment Hunting for International
Students Workshop
The Workshop Facilitator is responsible for delivering a workshop about
Apartment Hunting for International Students Workshops. Self-Awareness & Positive Attitude
Being Adaptable & Flexible
2015 - 2016 CollaborationVolunteer
Open House
Open House volunteers are the first point of contact for the visitors who will be on
campus for our Open House event. They will help direct traffic, give directions and
share their own student experiences at Concordia, as well as make suggestions
as to what activities visitors might be interested based on their interactions with
said visitors. The time commitment can vary but most shifts will last 7 to 8 hours
on the day of.
Communications Skills
Leadership & Management
University Governance
Date Learning OutcomesActivity Purpose and Description
2015 - 2016 Being Adaptable & FlexibleOffice Greeter
Fall 2015 - ISO Office Greeters
The Office Greeters Team responsibilities include greeting newly arrived students
and making photocopies of their immigration documents, assisting students with
straightforward questions and with the Permanent Code Data Form, as well as
keeping the overall student traffic well-managed.
Communications Skills
University Services
Date Learning OutcomesActivity Purpose and Description
2014 - 2015 CollaborationOrientation Facilitator
Winter 2015 - ISO Orientation Session
Orientation Facilitators help set up the room where the orientation sessions are
held and bring any materials that will be needed. they Greet students as they
enter and track attendance at the event. At the end of the event they help with the
take down and bring any materials that aren't used back to the International
Students Office, sort them, and put them away.
Being Adaptable & Flexible
Communications Skills
Andrew Woodall Dr. Alan Shepard
Date Printed: April 02, 2016
President & Vice ChancellorDean of Students
This is an official Co-Curricular Record. To confirm the authenticity of this record visit https://synergy.concordia.ca/verify.htm and enter the Authenticity Code:96201668241032993793
A Guide to Concordia's Co-Curricular Record
Communications Skills
 Communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in the written, spoken, and visual form that fulfills the purpose
and meets the needs of the audience.
 Respond to written, spoken, or visual messages in a manner that ensures effective communication.
 Share information in a timely fashion
Being Adaptable & Flexible
 Manage multiple assignments and tasks, set priorities
 Adapt to changing conditions and work assignments
 Open to new ideas/ways of doing things
 Innovative and resourceful: identify and suggest alternative ways to achieve goals
 Work cooperatively with others
 Contribute to the achievements of group goals
 Overcome differing views and achieve positive outcomes
 React positively to feedback and direction from peers
 Support the participation of others willingly
Leadership & Management
 Inspire others to participate
 Take charge and manage your co-workers
 Accommodate the working styles of others
 Share information and supports common goals
 Facilitate groups discussions and decisions achieving group consensus where appropriate
Multicultural Awareness & Appreciation of Diversity
Show sensitivity and awareness to other people and cultures
Show respect for the diverse opinions, values, belief systems, and contributions of others.
Educate community on cultural sensitivity to create inclusive communities
Challenge the stereotypes and assumptions from others
Planning & Organizing
 Design, plan, organize, and implement projects and tasks within an allotted timeframe.
 Manage the use of time and other resources to complete projects
 Manage multiple assignments and tasks; set priorities
 Coordinates or delegates tasks to other committee or group member
Social Responsibility
 Champion or advocate for issues of concern
 Articulate student perspective and influences policy
 Show commitment to public life through community participation
Problem Solving
 Find solutions to problems using creativity, reasoning, and past experiences along with the available
information and resources
 Apply a systematic approach to solve problems
 Use a variety of thinking skills to anticipate and solve problems
Self-Awareness & Positive Attitude
Demonstrate ability to reflect on strength and weaknesses and learn from past experiences
Demonstrate eagerness to learn a new skill or technique
Exhibit drive and passion  demonstrates enthusiasm through their words and actions
Exhibit positive role modeling
Leveraging Technical Assets
Demonstrate the ability to use web design and development software (e.g. Photoshop, Dreamweaver)
Demonstrate the ability to manage a web server and utilize secure connection protocols.
Demonstrate the ability to use faculty specific technical tools.
Demonstrate the ability to create an effective database.

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Co-curricular record

  • 1. Hui Xu Official Co-Curricular Record 27408684 Student Life Date Learning OutcomesActivity Purpose and Description 2014 - 2015 CollaborationWorkshop facilitator Fall 2014 - ISO Apartment Hunting for International Students Workshop The Workshop Facilitator is responsible for delivering a workshop about Apartment Hunting for International Students Workshops. Self-Awareness & Positive Attitude Being Adaptable & Flexible 2015 - 2016 CollaborationVolunteer Open House Open House volunteers are the first point of contact for the visitors who will be on campus for our Open House event. They will help direct traffic, give directions and share their own student experiences at Concordia, as well as make suggestions as to what activities visitors might be interested based on their interactions with said visitors. The time commitment can vary but most shifts will last 7 to 8 hours on the day of. Communications Skills Leadership & Management University Governance Date Learning OutcomesActivity Purpose and Description 2015 - 2016 Being Adaptable & FlexibleOffice Greeter Fall 2015 - ISO Office Greeters The Office Greeters Team responsibilities include greeting newly arrived students and making photocopies of their immigration documents, assisting students with straightforward questions and with the Permanent Code Data Form, as well as keeping the overall student traffic well-managed. Collaboration Communications Skills University Services Date Learning OutcomesActivity Purpose and Description 2014 - 2015 CollaborationOrientation Facilitator Winter 2015 - ISO Orientation Session Orientation Facilitators help set up the room where the orientation sessions are held and bring any materials that will be needed. they Greet students as they enter and track attendance at the event. At the end of the event they help with the take down and bring any materials that aren't used back to the International Students Office, sort them, and put them away. Being Adaptable & Flexible Communications Skills Andrew Woodall Dr. Alan Shepard Date Printed: April 02, 2016 President & Vice ChancellorDean of Students This is an official Co-Curricular Record. To confirm the authenticity of this record visit https://synergy.concordia.ca/verify.htm and enter the Authenticity Code:96201668241032993793
  • 2. A Guide to Concordia's Co-Curricular Record Communications Skills Communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in the written, spoken, and visual form that fulfills the purpose and meets the needs of the audience. Respond to written, spoken, or visual messages in a manner that ensures effective communication. Share information in a timely fashion Being Adaptable & Flexible Manage multiple assignments and tasks, set priorities Adapt to changing conditions and work assignments Open to new ideas/ways of doing things Innovative and resourceful: identify and suggest alternative ways to achieve goals Collaboration Work cooperatively with others Contribute to the achievements of group goals Overcome differing views and achieve positive outcomes React positively to feedback and direction from peers Support the participation of others willingly Leadership & Management Inspire others to participate Take charge and manage your co-workers Accommodate the working styles of others Share information and supports common goals Facilitate groups discussions and decisions achieving group consensus where appropriate Multicultural Awareness & Appreciation of Diversity Show sensitivity and awareness to other people and cultures Show respect for the diverse opinions, values, belief systems, and contributions of others. Educate community on cultural sensitivity to create inclusive communities Challenge the stereotypes and assumptions from others Planning & Organizing Design, plan, organize, and implement projects and tasks within an allotted timeframe. Manage the use of time and other resources to complete projects Manage multiple assignments and tasks; set priorities Coordinates or delegates tasks to other committee or group member Social Responsibility Champion or advocate for issues of concern Articulate student perspective and influences policy Show commitment to public life through community participation Problem Solving Find solutions to problems using creativity, reasoning, and past experiences along with the available information and resources Apply a systematic approach to solve problems Use a variety of thinking skills to anticipate and solve problems Self-Awareness & Positive Attitude Demonstrate ability to reflect on strength and weaknesses and learn from past experiences Demonstrate eagerness to learn a new skill or technique Exhibit drive and passion demonstrates enthusiasm through their words and actions Exhibit positive role modeling Leveraging Technical Assets Demonstrate the ability to use web design and development software (e.g. Photoshop, Dreamweaver) Demonstrate the ability to manage a web server and utilize secure connection protocols. Demonstrate the ability to use faculty specific technical tools. Demonstrate the ability to create an effective database.