Este documento presenta un proyecto para crear un espacio virtual en Facebook para que los alumnos de 2° año de la Escuela Especial N° 6 exploren temas relacionados a la tecnologÃa. El objetivo es incluir las redes sociales como recurso didáctico, reconocer los riesgos de su uso, y utilizar Facebook como herramienta educativa. La profesora Marcela Bracco Sánchez administrará el grupo privado en Facebook para que los alumnos puedan comentar material subido por el docente.
B. Sakthivel has over 10 years of experience in quality control and assurance for oil and gas construction projects. He is currently a QA/QC Supervisor in Oman working on pipeline and facility projects for Occidental Mukhaizna and Oman Oil Company. Sakthivel's responsibilities include inspection, non-destructive testing, materials verification, and ensuring work meets standards like ASME B31.3. He aims to contribute his engineering and management skills while further developing his career.
This document is a collection of concepts, mantras, and poems by Amber Grista. It begins with an introduction explaining that this is not a self-help guide or short story, but rather a collection of writings that can be used and shared in various ways. One poem discusses living in a temporary apartment and accepting difficult circumstances. Another mantra states that persistence and hard work do not guarantee success. The collection contains many short poems and reflections on topics like conformity, love, and suburban life.
Este documento presenta los resultados de la 20a jornada de la 3a división regional juvenil masculina en el grupo 8. U.E. L'Alcudia "B" lidera la tabla con 53 puntos, seguido por SEDAVI U.E. "B" con 50 puntos. Los partidos de la jornada incluyeron victorias para EMDA C.F. Alaquas "B", Albal C.F., Silla C.F. "B" y una derrota para Catarroja C.F.
This is the basic presentation that I use for my storm chasing/meteorology talks that I do for schools etc. I can easily modify it to fit almost any course or subject that might be interested in weather prediction, photography, etc.
Este documento es una exhortación apostólica del Papa Francisco dirigida a toda la Iglesia tras un sÃnodo de obispos. El Papa invita a los cristianos a renovar su encuentro con Jesucristo y a una nueva etapa evangelizadora marcada por la alegrÃa del Evangelio. Propone una Iglesia en salida misionera que anuncie el Evangelio a todos, incluyendo a los pobres de manera preferencial.
B. Sakthivel has over 10 years of experience in quality control and assurance for oil and gas construction projects. He is currently a QA/QC Supervisor in Oman working on pipeline and facility projects for Occidental Mukhaizna and Oman Oil Company. Sakthivel's responsibilities include inspection, non-destructive testing, materials verification, and ensuring work meets standards like ASME B31.3. He aims to contribute his engineering and management skills while further developing his career.
This document is a collection of concepts, mantras, and poems by Amber Grista. It begins with an introduction explaining that this is not a self-help guide or short story, but rather a collection of writings that can be used and shared in various ways. One poem discusses living in a temporary apartment and accepting difficult circumstances. Another mantra states that persistence and hard work do not guarantee success. The collection contains many short poems and reflections on topics like conformity, love, and suburban life.
Este documento presenta los resultados de la 20a jornada de la 3a división regional juvenil masculina en el grupo 8. U.E. L'Alcudia "B" lidera la tabla con 53 puntos, seguido por SEDAVI U.E. "B" con 50 puntos. Los partidos de la jornada incluyeron victorias para EMDA C.F. Alaquas "B", Albal C.F., Silla C.F. "B" y una derrota para Catarroja C.F.
This is the basic presentation that I use for my storm chasing/meteorology talks that I do for schools etc. I can easily modify it to fit almost any course or subject that might be interested in weather prediction, photography, etc.
Este documento es una exhortación apostólica del Papa Francisco dirigida a toda la Iglesia tras un sÃnodo de obispos. El Papa invita a los cristianos a renovar su encuentro con Jesucristo y a una nueva etapa evangelizadora marcada por la alegrÃa del Evangelio. Propone una Iglesia en salida misionera que anuncie el Evangelio a todos, incluyendo a los pobres de manera preferencial.