This document provides an agenda and overview for a workshop on learning to code for startup MVPs using Ruby on Rails. The agenda covers reviewing a previous session, learning Ruby basics like syntax and semantics through practice, and introducing Rails models using ORM and SQL. It also provides instructions for setting up development environments on Windows, Mac, and Linux systems, installing Git for version control, and an overview of concepts covered in the previous session like the web architecture, Git/GitHub, Rails and Ruby, and deploying to Heroku.
2. Agenda ¨C Wednesday November 7
1. Review of Last Session
2. Ruby Basics
o Syntax and semantics
o Practice makes perfect
1. Rails Models (but no Bottles)
o ORM and SQL introduction
o Migrations
o Making the User model
o Signup/Signin/Signout
3. Prework ¨C Setup
? Windows (not recommended if possible):
o Use Sublime Text for your text editor
? OSX:
o This includes osx-gcc-installer (200mb)
? Linux:
? What is GIT?
? Distributed Version Control System (DVCS)
? Why should I care?
o Never lose data or accidentally overwrite, delete files
o Collaborate with peers anywhere and stay in sync
automatically (no more _v1, _v2, _final, _final_final¡)
o Compare and track changes over time, and easily
revert changes
o Deploy code to real web
8. Rails
? Ruby on Rails is an open-source web
framework that¡¯s optimized for programmer
happiness and sustainable productivity.
? It lets you write beautiful code by favoring
convention over configuration.
? 80/20 Rule =>great for Startup MVP
9. Heroku
What is Heroku?
?a hosted platform built specifically for
deploying Rails and other web applications in
1 command
?Best thing since sliced bread
10. Ruby ¨C Programmer¡¯s Best Friend
? Ruby is a dynamic, open source
programming language with a focus on
simplicity and productivity. It has an
elegant syntax that is natural to read and
easy to write.
? We will only cover the necessary syntax
needed to create a rails app
? Thankfully, its not a lot ?
11. Interactive Ruby Shell
? For the following slides, you should follow
along with the Interactive Ruby Shell (irb)
? Open a terminal, type irb and press enter
12. Ruby - Strings
? Characters (letters, digits, punctuation)
surrounded by quotes
food = "chunky bacon"
puts "I'm hungry for, #{food}!"
>> "I'm hungry for, chunky bacon!"
? Can perform operations on strings,
concatenation, length, empty, etc
¡°Hello¡± + ¡°World¡±
>> ¡°Hello World"
>> false
13. Ruby - Numbers
? Self Explanatory
123.class (123.0).class
>> Fixnum >> Float
? Can add different types of numbers directly
15. Ruby - Array
? List surrounded by square brace and
separated by commas, zero indexed
a = [1, 2, 3]
b = ('a'..'e').to_a # ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]
c = %w[foo bar baz quux] # ["foo", "bar", "baz", "quux"]
? Can perform operations on arrays, add,
remove, reverse etc