Presented by Dominic
August, 2012
2. Learning objectives
? By the end of the lesson, students should
be able to:
? Define code of ethics
? Describe International Council of Nurses
Code of ethics
? Describe Nurses & Midwives Council of
Malawi nursing code of ethics
3. Introduction
? A code of ethics is a formal statement of a
group¨s ideals and values.
? Serves as a standard for nurses
professional actions
? International / national associations have
established codes of ethics
4. International Council of Nurses
(ICN) Code of ethics
? Adopted in 1953
? The ICN Code of ethics has four principal
elements that outline the standards of
ethical conduct
5. 1. Nurses & People
? The nurse¨s primary professional responsibility is
to people requiring nursing
? In providing care, the nurse promotes an
environment in which the human rights, values,
customs and spiritual beliefs of the individual,
family & community are respected
? The nurse ensures that the individual receives
sufficient information on which to base consent
for care & related treatment
6. Cont..
? The nurse holds in confidence personal
information and uses judgement in sharing
this information
? The nurse shares with society the
responsibility for initiating and supporting
action to meet the health and social needs
of the public, in particular those of
vulnerable populations
7. Cont..
? The nurse also shares responsibility to
sustain and protect the natural
environment from depletion, pollution,
degradation and destruction
8. 2. Nurses & Practice
? The nurse carries personal responsibility and
accountability for nursing practice, and for
maintaining competence by continual learning
? The nurse maintains a standard of personal
health such that the ability to provide care is not
? The nurse uses judgement regarding individual
competence when accepting and delegating
9. Cont´
? The nurse at all times maintains standards
of personal conduct that reflect well on the
profession and enhance public confidence
? The nurse, in providing care, ensures that
use of technology and scientific advances
are compatible with the safety, dignity and
rights of people
10. 3. Nurses & the Profession
? The nurse assumes the major role in
determining and implementing acceptable
standards of clinical nursing practice,
management, research and education
? The nurse is active in developing a core of
research-based professional knowledge
? The nurse, acting through the professional
organization, participates in creating and
maintaining equitable social and economic
working conditions
11. 4. Nurses & Co-workers
? The nurse sustains a cooperative
relationship with co-workers in nursing and
other fields
? The nurse takes appropriate action to
safeguard individuals when their care is
endangered by a co-worker or any other
12. Nurses & Midwives Council of
Malawi Code of Nursing Ethics
? To use professional files