This document describes an algorithm for determining if a directed path exists between pairs of vertices in an undirected graph. It involves decomposing the graph into biconnected components, which can be directed circularly. It then treats the decomposed graph as a forest, finds the lowest common ancestor of each vertex pair, and assigns directions upwards or downwards to ensure the pairs are connected. The implementation counts the number of vertices above and below the lowest common ancestor to determine the edge direction without using heavy-light decomposition.
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2. Description
Given an undirected graph G=(V,E) allowing multiple edges
and pairs of vertices M,
Check if there exists a proper direction of E
that makes every path uv in M reachable.
|V|, |E|, |M| < 2*10^5
3. Bi-connected Components Decomposition
In a bi-connected component, we can make a circular direction
This allows any paths in this component reachable!
4. Bi-connected Components Decomposition
In a bi-connected component, we can make a circular direction
This allows any paths in this component reachable!
5. Bi-connected Components Decomposition
In a bi-connected component, we can make a circular direction
This allows any paths in this component reachable!
7. Assigning direction
For each (u,v) in M
If u and v arent in the same component : no solution
Otherwise, for an arbitrary root r in the tree, find the LCA called l.
Path ul should be directed upwards.
Path lv should be directed downwards.
If there exists any contradiction : no solution
8. Implementation
How to assign the direction of all the edges in the path?
Heavy-Light Decomposition with path update can be a solution
But theres a simpler way
9. Implementation
Iterating each vertex in reversed-preorder,
assign the direction of the edge towards its parent:
Summing up 3 kinds of vertex count in this subtree:
a = beginning vertex, b = ending vertex, c = passing vertex(chosen as LCA)
IF a>c , the edge should be directed upwards.
(there exists a vertex in this subtree who wants to go out of this subtree)
IF b>c, the edge should be directed downwards.
(there exists a vertex out of this subtree who wants to go inside this subtree)
IF a>c and b>c, CONTRADICTION!