Come and meet CodeScene, a unique behavioral code analysis tool written in Clojure. This tool goes beyond traditional static analysis by looking for patterns in version control data to understand the history and evolution of a code base: unraveling things like hotspots, temporal coupling between modules and an interesting social view of the code. I'll briefly describe the ideas behind CodeScene, how it works and then show you an analysis of real Clojure code.
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4. Motivation
Developers spend most of their time on doing
modi鍖cations to existing code
Technical Debt is inevitable and must be
proactively eliminated.
7. Motivation (2)
Clojure bene鍖ts - dynamic, quick experiments
=> rapid development
Technical Debt can accumulate quickly
8. Motivation (3)
Not all technical debt is created equal - Return
On Investment
Static analysis ignores history
Relying solely on humans expertise is ineffective
and expensive
We need concrete data to be able to deal with
Technical debt effectively
9. What is CodeScene?
Web-based code analysis tool that lets you
prioritise technical debt, identify organizational
inef鍖ciences, and detect code thats expensive
to maintain.
Language neutral
On-prem & cloud version (
16. Under the Hood
git log -> parse -> analyse -> store to disk ->
present (UI)
Pipes & Filters
Core analysis module reused by cloud and on-
prem applications
17. Pipes & Filters
Git -> git log -> parse -> analyze -> persist on
disk -> load from disk -> present (UI)
Pipes & Filters
19. Analyses
Language neutral - based on universal LOC
Temporal Coupling
20. Analyses (2)
Core analysis module is completely separated
and reused from both on-prem and cloud
Results are stored in plain CSV 鍖les - no DB!
21. Performance
Memory is the bottleneck => serialisation of
Linux ~45 min on i7 machine
25. Why Not Clojure(Script)?
Server-side rendering with thin JS layer
Jenkins plugin - Java
Haskell - git cloning service
Kotlin? (IDEA plugin)
26. Conclusion
Technical debt is a real problem regardless of
programming language
Theres a huge amount of useful information
stored in your version control system
Ultimately, you need to rely on human expertise
Support your developers judgment and
experience with data to get the highest ROI
27. Resources
CodeScene Introduction (15 min) screencast
CodeScene Product Sheet Showcase - clojure, erlang, React, etc.
Adams talks & books
Talk A Crystal Ball to Prioritize Technical Debt
EuroClojure 2015 talk Beyond Code: Repository Mining with Clojure
book Software Design X-Rays: Fix Technical Debt with Behavioral Code Analysis
book Your Code as a Crime Scene
CodeScene enterprise documentation
Empears blog - e.g. The Day I Parsed a Monster
code-maat repository