I gave this talk at the Cancer Research Breakfast Club on 27.04.17. It details what service design is, what co-design is and its benefits, with examples, and puts down some tips for running your own co-design session too.
6. @liorsmith | liorsmith.wordpress.com
what is service design?
definition from a book
This is Service Design Thinking, 2012
when you have two coffee shops
right next to each other, and each
sells the exact same coffee at the
exact same price, service design is
what makes you walk into one and
not the other.
- 31 volts service design, 2008
12. @liorsmith | liorsmith.wordpress.com
variety of perspectives
lead to appropriate solution
users are the expert of their own experience,
so have some of the best ideas
get stakeholder buy-in:
involving people from the start gets them invested
in the success of the project
(good for tackling internal politics)
13. @liorsmith | liorsmith.wordpress.com
get people enthusiastic
about taking action - and get volunteers
bringing disconnected stakeholders together
is sometimes an intervention of its own
research: understand expectations
of user group, so that what you create will satisfy
(the designer is still responsible for actually turning the ideas into a working creation, though designers
often encourage the impression that the users have ownership over the design work)
benefits that they don’t tell you
21. @liorsmith | liorsmith.wordpress.com
service design fringe festival
co-design in the pub
12 participants from:
- last year’s team
- this year’s team
- festival volunteers
- event attendees
- people with awareness of our
- potential sponsor
...bringing a range of perspectives,
supportive & critical
23. @liorsmith | liorsmith.wordpress.com
service design fringe festival
we got:
- insight on industry problems
that possibly nobody else holds
in one place
- critique of last iteration of festival
PLUS good ideas to improve from
the criticisers
- solid actions to take
(put into playbook)
- shared vision (stretch goals)
& inspired group
- volunteers
26. @liorsmith | liorsmith.wordpress.com
do it early
timing is important
co-design is about giving power to
users. no point in involving them
once you’ve already decided on a
tips to involve users in design
run a co-design session
27. @liorsmith | liorsmith.wordpress.com
think broadly about your
getting a range of people in the
room is the most important part
tips to involve users in design
run a co-design session
28. @liorsmith | liorsmith.wordpress.com
invite 3 weeks in advance
at a time & place your users
find accessible
demonstrate the principles you
intend to design with
tips to involve users in design
run a co-design session
29. @liorsmith | liorsmith.wordpress.com
for your first time, get guidance
from a service designer/someone
who has facilitated co-design before
co-design has a particular style
I can put you in touch :)
tips to involve users in design
run a co-design session
30. @liorsmith | liorsmith.wordpress.com
make it fun!
bad moods are good for editing,
good moods are good for ideas
tips to involve users in design
run a co-design session
31. @liorsmith | liorsmith.wordpress.com
structure the session carefully...
be aware of what you need to get
out of the session
...but allow flexibility in timings
creativity is unpredictable, so in the
moment, be sensitive to when
something great is about to happen
tips to involve users in design
run a co-design session
32. @liorsmith | liorsmith.wordpress.com
don’t worry about imperfection
approach with humility
asking users for input means
you should not have the answers
already: design is a messy, scrappy
process. embrace it!
tips to involve users in design
run a co-design session
33. @liorsmith | liorsmith.wordpress.com
follow up
show participants what you’ve done
with their ideas
this is how to create an active
community of volunteers/helpers
tips to involve users in design
run a co-design session
34. @liorsmith | liorsmith.wordpress.com
service design resources
that I have found useful
service design fringe festival
service lab london
nesta talks
global service jam
CSM short course
MAs at RCA or LCC
helen hamlyn centre
this is service design thinking
helsinki design lab
service design network
DIY toolkit