This document provides an overview of the codetswana open developer community. It discusses that the community strives to train developers to build market ready solutions by working in teams with necessary resources. It then lists various resources for developers such as conferences, training channels, and open source guides. It emphasizes evaluating problems in society, building consensus through customer research, designing solutions through prototyping and testing, and developing minimum viable products.
2. Who are we?
open developer community that strives to train
developers to build market ready solutions, as
teams with the necessary resources to address
challenges in our society
3. Youtube resources
conferences Channels
Google IO
Android Developers
NewCircle Training(Android Bootcamp)
GitHub training & guides
MSFT Technology News
Microsoft Azure
Visual Studio
Microsoft Research
Microsoft TechEd
Windows Phone
Scott Hanselman
Djangocon Europe
NewCircle Training
Mike Hibbert
Dev Day, GoTo Conferences