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Coffee - Africa
Published on December 2011

                                                                                                            Report Summary

This package contains 7 coffee market analyses from the following African countries: Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya and Morocco.

These market research reports offer an in-depth perspective on the actual market situation, trends and future outlook for coffee in
different African countries. The analyses provide essential market information for decision-makers including:

* Overall market value for coffee by country, 2004-2010
* Overall market volume for coffee by country, 2004-2010
* Market value and volume for coffee by type (Not roasted and decaffeinated coffee, Not roasted and not decaffeinated coffee,
Roasted and decaffeinated coffee, Roasted and not decaffeinated coffee and Coffee husks and skins)
* Forecasts and future outlook of the market till 2016
* Country overview, macroeconomic indicators and indicators of doing business

These market analyses answer to questions such as:

* What is the size of the coffee market in different African countries'
* How is the market divided into different types of products' Which products are growing fast'
* How the market has been developing' How does the future look like'
* What is the potential for the market'
* How the indicators of doing business look like' For example, how easily the contracts are being enforced, or what is the inflation
rate and how is it developing'

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                     Coffee - Africa

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                      Payment by wire transfer            Crédit Mutuel
                                                          RIB : 10278 07314 00020257701 89
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Coffee - Africa

  • 1. Find Industry reports, Company profiles ReportLinker and Market Statistics >> Get this Report Now by email! Coffee - Africa Published on December 2011 Report Summary This package contains 7 coffee market analyses from the following African countries: Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya and Morocco. These market research reports offer an in-depth perspective on the actual market situation, trends and future outlook for coffee in different African countries. The analyses provide essential market information for decision-makers including: * Overall market value for coffee by country, 2004-2010 * Overall market volume for coffee by country, 2004-2010 * Market value and volume for coffee by type (Not roasted and decaffeinated coffee, Not roasted and not decaffeinated coffee, Roasted and decaffeinated coffee, Roasted and not decaffeinated coffee and Coffee husks and skins) * Forecasts and future outlook of the market till 2016 * Country overview, macroeconomic indicators and indicators of doing business These market analyses answer to questions such as: * What is the size of the coffee market in different African countries' * How is the market divided into different types of products' Which products are growing fast' * How the market has been developing' How does the future look like' * What is the potential for the market' * How the indicators of doing business look like' For example, how easily the contracts are being enforced, or what is the inflation rate and how is it developing' Coffee - Africa (From ºÝºÝߣshare) Page 1/3
  • 2. Find Industry reports, Company profiles ReportLinker and Market Statistics >> Get this Report Now by email! Fax Order Form To place an order via fax simply print this form, fill in the information below and fax the completed form to: Europe, Middle East and Africa : + 33 4 37 37 15 56 Asia, Oceania and America : + 1 (805) 617 17 93 If you have any questions please visit http://www.reportlinker.com/notify/contact Order Information Please verify that the product information is correct and select the format(s) you require. Coffee - Africa Product Formats Please select the product formats and the quantity you require. 1 User License--USD 2 513.70 Quantity: _____ CD-ROM--USD 2 513.70 Quantity: _____ Hard Copy--USD 2 513.70 Quantity: _____ Contact Information Please enter all the information below in BLOCK CAPITALS Title: Mr Mrs Dr Miss Ms Prof First Name: _____________________________ Last Name: __________________________________ Email Address: __________________________________________________________________________ Job Title: __________________________________________________________________________ Organization: __________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________________________________________________ Postal / Zip Code: __________________________________________________________________________ Country: __________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________________________________________________________ Fax Number: __________________________________________________________________________ Coffee - Africa (From ºÝºÝߣshare) Page 2/3
  • 3. Find Industry reports, Company profiles ReportLinker and Market Statistics >> Get this Report Now by email! Payment Information Please indicate the payment method, you would like to use by selecting the appropriate box. Payment by credit card Card Number: ______________________________________________ Expiry Date __________ / _________ CVV Number _____________________ Card Type (ex: Visa, Amex…) _________________________________ Payment by wire transfer Crédit Mutuel RIB : 10278 07314 00020257701 89 BIC : CMCIFR2A IBAN : FR76 1027 8073 1400 0202 5770 189 Payment by check UBIQUICK SAS 16 rue Grenette – 69002 LYON, FRANCE Customer signature: Ìý Please note that by ordering from Reportlinker you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions at http://www.reportlinker.com/index/terms Please fax this form to: Europe, Middle East and Africa : + 33 4 37 37 15 56 Asia, Oceania and America : + 1 (805) 617 17 93 Coffee - Africa (From ºÝºÝߣshare) Page 3/3