This is Cognation's Second Newsletter telling you about the new Mountain Biking Trails in South Wales and how to find out more about the Cognation project on Facebook:
The document summarizes a report on visits to flood affected areas in Bihar, India. Over 1 million people were left homeless after flooding from the Kosi river. The summary describes the scale of the disaster, relief efforts by the government and international organizations, observations from visiting relief camps, and suggestions provided in the report.
The document announces an oriental dance contest in Colombia organized by Bellyqueen Superstars, providing information on the event and contact details. It introduces the organizing team for the contest, which includes journalists and writers from several countries around the world. The team aims to showcase the fusion of Latin and Arab cultures through the magazine and dance competition.
This document contains recipes for dishes that can be made in a rice cooker, including Arroz Manolo (Spanish rice dish), Grandma's Chicken, Pumpkin and Rice Bavarian, and Cream of Watercress Soup. It also includes recipes for braised leg of lamb, braised pork shoulder, mussel soup, venison, shrimp bisque, and other main dishes and sides that utilize a rice cooker. The recipes provide ingredients and instructions for preparing each meal in a rice cooker.
This document outlines a three-step methodology for businesses from India to identify opportunities in the US market:
Step 1 involves identifying a specific market to target, whether large or niche. Step 2 is to analyze the business's strengths and weaknesses in relation to that market. Step 3 is to identify potential partner businesses in the US that have complementary strengths, such as US businesses with strong products but no distribution in the target market.
The document then discusses synergies between US and Indian businesses, with US strengths including capital, technology and quality products, and Indian strengths including labor, cultural knowledge and quality services. These combined strengths could create a powerful global business partnership.
Finally, the document promotes the 4th Annual USA India
The document discusses curriculum leadership and 21st century learning methods. It summarizes research showing that while U.S. student performance on standardized tests is high, they struggle with real-world problem solving. Initiatives like No Child Left Behind and programs assessing skills like PISA aimed to improve skills, but funding limited ability to fully incorporate 21st century testing. Challenges included adequately supporting diverse learners under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
This document provides an agenda for the 5th Annual Advocacy conference on July 14-15, 2016 in Baltimore, MD. The conference will focus on strengthening relationships between patient advocacy organizations and the pharmaceutical industry through effective communication and collaboration. Distinguished speakers from various pharmaceutical companies and patient advocacy groups will discuss topics such as measuring the success of advocacy relationships, engaging patients beyond treatment, and ensuring compliant collaborations. The agenda includes keynote speeches, case studies, panels, workshops, and networking activities designed to advance patient advocacy and define patient-centric approaches.
Hydrophobic sites on the surface of protein molecules are thoughtto have important functional roles. The identi鍖cation of such
sites can provide information about the function and mode of interaction with other cellular components. While the 鍖uorescence
enhancement of polarity-sensitive dyes has been useful in identifying hydrophobic sites on a number of targets, strong intrinsic
quenching of Nile red and ANSA dye 鍖uorescence is observed on binding to a cytochromec0. Fluorescence quenching is also
determination of binding constants. Absorption di鍖erence spectroscopy is shown not to be sensitive to the presence of 鍖uorescence
quenchers but sensitive enough to measure binding constants. The dye BPB is shown to bind to the same hydrophobic sites
on proteins as polarity-sensitive 鍖uorescence probes. The absorption spectrum of BPB is also observed to be polarity sensitive.
A binding constant of 3106M1 for BPB to BSA has been measured by absorption di鍖erence spectroscopy. An empirical
correlation is observed between the shape of the absorption di鍖erence spectrum of BPB and the polarity of the environment. The
results indicate that absorption di鍖erence spectroscopy of BPB provides a valuable supplement to 鍖uorescence for determining
the presence of hydrophobic sites on the surface of proteins as well as a method for measuring binding constants.
This document discusses how digital technologies like simulations, games, and social networking can be leveraged in classrooms to enhance learning. It begins by describing how students already engage with these technologies outside of school in ways that mirror good learning practices like collaboration and problem-solving. The document then provides examples of digital games and simulations that have been used successfully for learning, both inside and outside educational contexts. It argues that these technologies allow new concepts to be taught in new interactive ways. Educators are encouraged to thoughtfully integrate these technologies into classrooms to better align school with how students already learn and keep pace with a changing world.
The document discusses trends in the global airline industry and provides a forecast for 2014. Key points include:
- Consolidation in the US airline industry may reduce consumer choice and could put upward pressure on fares, though weak demand will likely prevent steep fare increases.
- Overcapacity from major expansion by Gulf carriers could drive down prices on some routes to Africa, Europe and Asia Pacific. Rapid expansion to North America may also lower fares between North America and South Asia.
- US and European airlines are keeping capacity tight, but demand remains soft, meaning airfares will likely remain flat or see minimal increases in 2014. Latin America may see 2-3% increases.
Northeast Wireless Safety Summit February 4, 2015 PresentationsIlissa Miller
Northeast Wireless Safety Summit (NEWSS), founded by HPC Wireless, hosted the first annual Wireless Safety Summit in Tarrytown, NY on February 4, 2015. The panel of presenters delivered these slides during the full day program.
Presentation of KDK Software India Pvt. Ltd.Vishal Verma
KDK Software Provide Income tax software, E-TDS, VAT, ROC, Digital Signature, Assets Management system a complete office automation tool for chartered accountants. KDK software is ISO 9001 Certified Company located at Jaipur India.
CEMEX is a leading global building materials company with annual sales of $14 billion in 2010. It has a presence in over 50 countries and supplies cement, ready-mix concrete, aggregates, and other construction products and services. CEMEX is becoming a more globally integrated company by locating processes and functions in optimal locations to serve all areas of its business. It is revolutionizing its collaboration culture through new practices, technologies, and motivators to enhance collaboration across the company. CEMEX introduced a new platform called "Shift" to facilitate innovation through collaboration by enabling employee networks, communication, and idea sharing on a global scale.
Hydrophobic sites on the surface of protein molecules are thoughtto have important functional roles. The identi鍖cation of such
sites can provide information about the function and mode of interaction with other cellular components. While the 鍖uorescence
enhancement of polarity-sensitive dyes has been useful in identifying hydrophobic sites on a number of targets, strong intrinsic
quenching of Nile red and ANSA dye 鍖uorescence is observed on binding to a cytochromec0. Fluorescence quenching is also
determination of binding constants. Absorption di鍖erence spectroscopy is shown not to be sensitive to the presence of 鍖uorescence
quenchers but sensitive enough to measure binding constants. The dye BPB is shown to bind to the same hydrophobic sites
on proteins as polarity-sensitive 鍖uorescence probes. The absorption spectrum of BPB is also observed to be polarity sensitive.
A binding constant of 3106M1 for BPB to BSA has been measured by absorption di鍖erence spectroscopy. An empirical
correlation is observed between the shape of the absorption di鍖erence spectrum of BPB and the polarity of the environment. The
results indicate that absorption di鍖erence spectroscopy of BPB provides a valuable supplement to 鍖uorescence for determining
the presence of hydrophobic sites on the surface of proteins as well as a method for measuring binding constants.
This document discusses how digital technologies like simulations, games, and social networking can be leveraged in classrooms to enhance learning. It begins by describing how students already engage with these technologies outside of school in ways that mirror good learning practices like collaboration and problem-solving. The document then provides examples of digital games and simulations that have been used successfully for learning, both inside and outside educational contexts. It argues that these technologies allow new concepts to be taught in new interactive ways. Educators are encouraged to thoughtfully integrate these technologies into classrooms to better align school with how students already learn and keep pace with a changing world.
The document discusses trends in the global airline industry and provides a forecast for 2014. Key points include:
- Consolidation in the US airline industry may reduce consumer choice and could put upward pressure on fares, though weak demand will likely prevent steep fare increases.
- Overcapacity from major expansion by Gulf carriers could drive down prices on some routes to Africa, Europe and Asia Pacific. Rapid expansion to North America may also lower fares between North America and South Asia.
- US and European airlines are keeping capacity tight, but demand remains soft, meaning airfares will likely remain flat or see minimal increases in 2014. Latin America may see 2-3% increases.
Northeast Wireless Safety Summit February 4, 2015 PresentationsIlissa Miller
Northeast Wireless Safety Summit (NEWSS), founded by HPC Wireless, hosted the first annual Wireless Safety Summit in Tarrytown, NY on February 4, 2015. The panel of presenters delivered these slides during the full day program.
Presentation of KDK Software India Pvt. Ltd.Vishal Verma
KDK Software Provide Income tax software, E-TDS, VAT, ROC, Digital Signature, Assets Management system a complete office automation tool for chartered accountants. KDK software is ISO 9001 Certified Company located at Jaipur India.
CEMEX is a leading global building materials company with annual sales of $14 billion in 2010. It has a presence in over 50 countries and supplies cement, ready-mix concrete, aggregates, and other construction products and services. CEMEX is becoming a more globally integrated company by locating processes and functions in optimal locations to serve all areas of its business. It is revolutionizing its collaboration culture through new practices, technologies, and motivators to enhance collaboration across the company. CEMEX introduced a new platform called "Shift" to facilitate innovation through collaboration by enabling employee networks, communication, and idea sharing on a global scale.
1. Welcome to the second edition of our
Cognation (formerly the Off Road Cycling
Centre of Excellence) newsletter.
Weve got lots to update you on
so please read on!
Firstly, weve finally got rid of that long and
boring name the Off Road Cycling Centre of
Excellence (it didnt really reflect the dynamic
sport it was representing!). After, many
discussions and a long afternoon interviewing
Trail development in Afan and Cwmcarn
bikers at Cwmcarn we are pleased to
announce that we are now Cognation, mtb Engineering consultants, Parsons Brinckerhoff and trail designer Rowan Sorrell have been
trails south wales. The name represents all appointed to project manage the creation of the new trails at Afan Forest Park and Cwmcarn.
things associated with Mountain Biking The contract has started and all trails will be up and running by March 2013. There will be
across South Wales and youll definitely be approximately 贈915,000 of new mountain bike trails built in the two centres. But dont worry
seeing us appearing all over the place you wont have to wait until 2013 before you get to ride the new trails because some will
in the future. open by Spring next year.
Some of the new trails at Afan Forest Park will be
green/blue graded, aimed at beginner/intermediate
Investor needed for mountain bikers and obviously all you mountain biking
new bike park at Gethin newbies out there. Also, we will be rebuilding the
A major part of Cognation is to create a Penhydd trail and it will open as a new and improved
commercial bike park at GethinWoods, Merthyr route.Cwmcarn will benefit from a new downhill facility
Tydfil. Hyder Consulting are undertaking the and both regions will have a new skills section.
procurement process to find a suitable There will also be improvements and new sections on
business to have the sole rights to develop current trails at both locations. As the project progresses
the park and take on this exciting project. we will provide more detailed information on these
developments. We will have further updates on the
The bike park at minimum will include a visitor
specifics of the routes in our next newsletter.
centre, several downhill runs catering for all
abilities and an uplift service. We'll keep
updating you as the project unfolds. Join us on facebook
Want to know even more about whats going on? Find out the latest on new trails,
events and all cool things going on in mountain biking across south Wales,
join Cognation on Facebook:
Contact us via email at
2. Croeso i ail rifyn ein cylchlythyr
Cognation (Canolfan Ragoriaeth Beicio
oddi ar yr Ffordd gynt).
Mae llawer o newyddion gennym i
chi felly ewch ati i ddarllen!
Yn gyntaf, rydym o'r diwedd wedi cael gwared
ar yr hen enw hir a diflas sef 'Canolfan
Ragoriaeth Beicio oddi ar y Ffordd' (nid oedd
yn adlewyrchu'r gamp ddeinamig yr oedd yn
ei chynrychioli!). Ar 担l sawl trafodaeth a
phrynhawn hir yn cyfweld 但 beicwyr yng Datblygu llwybrau yn Afan a Chwmcarn
Nghwmcarn, mae'n bleser gennym gyhoeddi
mai ein henw nawr yw 'Cognation, llwybrau Penodwyd yr ymgynghorwyr peirianneg, Parsons Brinckerhoff, a'r cynllunydd llwybrau,
beicio mynydd de Cymru'. Mae'r enw'n Rowan Sorrell, i reoli'r prosiect i greu llwybrau newydd ym Mharc Coedwig Afan a
cynrychioli'r holl bethau sy'n gysylltiedig 但 Chwmcarn. Mae'r contract wedi dechrau, a bydd yr holl lwybrau'n gweithredu erbyn mis
Beicio Mynydd ar draws de Cymru a byddwch Mawrth 2013. Caiff llwybrau beicio newydd gwerth tua 贈915,000 eu hadeiladu yn y ddwy
yn bendant yn ein gweld ym mhob man ganolfan. Ond peidiwch 但 phoeni - ni fydd yn rhaid i chi aros tan 2013 cyn reidio'r llwybrau
yn y dyfodol. newydd oherwydd bydd rhai ohonynt yn agor erbyn gwanwyn y flwyddyn nesaf.
Bydd rhai o'r llwybrau newydd ym Mharc Coedwig Afan
Angen buddsoddwr ar wedi'u graddio'n wyrdd/glas, wedi'u hanelu at feicwyr
gyfer y parc beicio mynydd sy'n ddechreuwyr/canolradd ac, wrth gwrs,
bob un ohonoch chi, feicwyr newydd cwbl ddibrofiad.
newydd yng Ngethin
Hefyd, byddwn yn ailadeiladu llwybr Penhydd a bydd yn
Rhan bwysig o Cognation yw creu parc beicio agor fel llwybr newydd a gwell. Bydd Cwmcarn yn elwa
masnachol yng Nghoed Gethin Merthyr Tudful. ar gyfleuster ar i lawr newydd, a bydd y ddau ranbarth yn
Hyder Consulting sy'n cyflawni'r broses gaffael cynnwys adran sgiliau newydd. Bydd gwelliannau hefyd a
i ddod o hyd i fusnes addas a fydd 但'r unig rhannau newydd ar lwybrau presennol yn y ddau leoliad.
hawl i ddatblygu'r parc ac ymgymryd 但'r Byddwn yn darparu gwybodaeth fanylach am y rhain wrth
prosiect cyffrous hwn. Bydd y parc beicio i i'r prosiect ddatblygu. Bydd mwy o newyddion am
ddechrau'n cynnwys canolfan i ymwelwyr, sawl nodweddion y llwybrau yn ein cylchlythyr nesaf.
llwybr ar i lawr ar gyfer pob gallu a gwasanaeth
Ymunwch 但 ni ar facebook
codi. Byddwn yn rhoi'r diweddaraf i chi wrth i'r
prosiect ddatblygu.
Am wybod hyd yn oed mwy am yr hyn sy'n digwydd? I gael y newyddion diweddaraf am
lwybrau, digwyddiadau a'r holl bethau cwl sy'n digwydd yn y byd beicio mynydd ledled
de Cymru, ymunwch 但 Cognation ar Facebook:
Cysylltwch 但 ni drwy e-bost yn