The cognitive walkthrough is a usability inspection method that evaluates how easily users can learn to use an interface by exploring it. It involves defining tasks, expected action sequences, and users. Evaluators then walk through each task step-by-step to identify any issues like mismatches between actions and effects or inadequate feedback. The goal is to catch problems that could hinder a user's ability to learn through exploration.
2. What is CW
Usability inspection method
Focused on ease of learning, by exploration
3. Description of the Walkthrough Process
Evaluate an interface in the context of specific tasks
Interface design (Paper mock-up, Prototype)
Task Scenario
Explicit Assumptions (user population, context of use)
Sequence of actions a user should perform
4. Scope and Limitations of Method
Focus on just one method of usability, ease of learning
Would push design trade-offs in an interface in the direction of ease of learning
The method finds:
Poor choices
Inadequate feedback
5. The Walkthrough Phases
The cognitive walkthrough analysis has two phases:
A preparatory phase
The tasks
Action sequences for each task
User population
The interface that will be subjected to analysis
Analysis phase
6. Individual or Group process
The designer presents the design to a group of peers.
Other designers
Software engineers
7. Defining the Inputs to the Walkthrough
Before the walkthrough analysis begins, four areas must be agreed upon
Who will be the users of the system?
What task (or tasks) will be analyzed?
What is the correct action sequence for each task and how is it described?
How is the interface defined?
8. Walking Through the Actions
The analysis phase of the walkthrough
Tell a credible story as to why the expected users would choose that action
Credible stories are:
Based on assumptions about the user's background knowledge and goals
On an understanding of the problem-solving process
9. The problem-solving process
Described by Polson and Lewis' CE theory of exploratory learning
1. Start with a rough description of the task they want to accomplish
2. Explore the interface and select actions they think will accomplish the task
3. Observe the interface reactions to see if their actions had the desired
4. Determine what action to take next
10. The problem-solving process
1. Will the users try to achieve the right effect?
2. Will the user notice that the correct action is available?
3. Will the user associate the correct action with the effect trying to be
4. If the correct action is performed, will the user see that progress is being
made toward solution of the task?