This document describes how to create Active Reports in ReportStudio that enable disconnected linking between reports on the Apple iPad using IBM Cognos Mobile. It provides steps for adding an Application Drill-Through definition to allow a report to link to another report. Considerations for design include ensuring all context variables are public, variables match between reports, and scheduling linked reports together. On the iPad, users can drill between linked reports and use the back button to navigate.
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Cognos Drill through for the ipad
1. Tip or Technique
Active Report Application Drill for
the iPad
Product(s): IBM Cognos 10 Mobile
Area of Interest: Reporting
2. Active Report Application Drill for the iPad 2
Business Analytics
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3. Active Report Application Drill for the iPad 3
Business Analytics
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 4
1.1 PURPOSE................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 APPLICABILITY ......................................................................................................... 4
2 ADDING AN ACTIVE REPORT TO IBM COGNOS MOBILE .............................. 5
3 REPORTSTUDIO DESIGN .............................................................................. 6
3.1 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS........................................................................................... 8
3.2 CONSIDERATIONS ..................................................................................................... 9
3.3 ON THE IPAD........................................................................................................... 9
4. Active Report Application Drill for the iPad 4
Business Analytics
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is demonstrate how to create Active Reports in
ReportStudio that will enable disconnected linking to other Active Reports
running in the IBM Cognos Mobile app running on the Apple iPad.
1.2 Applicability
What is outlined in this document requires IBM Cognos 10 RP1, with FP3 for
IBM Cognos Mobile installed.
5. Active Report Application Drill for the iPad 5
Business Analytics
2 Adding an Active Report to IBM Cognos Mobile
The following document will provide step by step instructions on how to use
Application Drill-Throughs to do disconnected linking in ReportStudio for an
Active Report.
Introduced in FP3 for IBM Cognos Mobile is the ability to use Application Drill-
Through definition in ReportStudio to allow an iPad Active Report to
disconnected linking to another Active Report
6. Active Report Application Drill for the iPad 6
Business Analytics
3 ReportStudio Design
1. Select the control you wish to setup Application Drill-Through on
2. On the Properties for the that object select the Application Drill-Through
under Interactive Behavior to display the Application Drill-Through dialog box
3. Click the New button on the bottom right of the Application Drill-Through
dialog box.
4. Add a Name for the drill through definition Note: this name is not exposed to
the user
5. Enter cogmobgr for the Method (it must be cogmobgr)
7. Active Report Application Drill for the iPad 7
Business Analytics
6. Enter a label; this label is exposed to the user on the iPad
7. Click the New button under the Parameters at the bottom of the dialog box
8. Enter cogmobgr_cm_store_id
9. With the Static Value(s) option button selected enter the store id for the
target report click the New button to add a static value
10. Enter a new Static Value on the dialog box.
Note: store id can be found on the properties of the report in Cognos
(for example: i0F10608D19D14A84BB03223DD83AED2C)
11. Click OK twice
12. Repeat this process for the Search Path
13. Click the New button under the Parameters at the bottom of the dialog box
14. Enter cogmobgr_cm_search_path
15. With the Static Value(s) option button selected enter the search path for the
target report click the New button to add a static value
16. Enter a new Static Value on the dialog box.
Note: search path can be found on the properties of the report in Cognos
8. Active Report Application Drill for the iPad 8
Business Analytics
(for example:
/content/folder[@name='salem']/interactiveReport[@name='App Drill Child
Year 2005'])
17. Click OK twice
18. Repeat this process for every report that you wish to drill to.
3.1 Design considerations
1. All context you wish to pass from the Source to the Target report must have
the variable declared as Public (External)
For example varPL is set for Public (External) and will pass the value of the
variable to the target report when the drill through is invoked
2. A variable must be created to enable the drill through definition to occur. No
values need to be set this variable and a specific name arent required.
In the example varDrill is not associated to any control and the variable value
is never to any value.
9. Active Report Application Drill for the iPad 9
Business Analytics
3. On the target reports all variables must be declared as Public (External) if
they are to receive context from the Source report.
4. All variables on the Target report must have the same name as the Source
3.2 Considerations
1. Schedule the group of reports as a job so that they arrive on the iPad
together and have equally fresh data.
2. DrillTarget.AgeDifferenceReRunThresholdHours is a new Mobile Service
advanced setting that controls the maximum allowable age difference
between Active Reports for offline linking; if the value is greater between
target and source the reports will not be available for disconnected linking.
3.3 On the iPad
1. Reports on My iPad section will display all of the Active Reports in the group
2. After drilling to the Target report use the Back on the top right in the iPad
application navigate back to the source report.