Recollections by grads, staff & faculty. Presented at COGS Turned 25! event during Geomatics Atlantic 2012 ( in Halifax, June 2012. More session details at
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COGS Turned 25!
1. COGS Turned 25
Celebration at Geomatics Atlantic 2012
Notes and pictures provided by grads; want to contribute? Send note/picture(s) to
3. Eric Wilson - 1994 S. Tech
& 2011 Marine Geomatics
COGS Friends:
I attended COGS twice...once in 1992-4 in the
S.Tech 2 and then in 2010-11 for Marine
Geomatics. The "college" is, was and always
will be a great place to grow and learn.
- Eric Wilson
5. Eric Wilson - 1994 S. Tech
& 2011 Marine Geomatics
PS: I'm hoping my children may take an
interest in Geomatics and be second
generation COGers!
On behalf of my classes ('94 and '11) and all the friends I made in Lawrencetown:
6. Jess Lanteigne - 2008
"I am so sad to miss the 25th birthday
celebration ...
Say 'Hi!' to everyone!"
8. Dawn Allen - 1994
Advanced GIS
My was H-E-double hockey
sticks at the time, but I have such fond
memories now. (Maybe like having a baby - it
hurt at the time, but you forget.)
11. Bernie Connors - 1986
Land Surveying
Sam's Garage on Hollis Street in Halifax, after
Phil Milo took Astronomy class to Dalhousie
University to see their tiny planetarium.
Students & home towns (l to r) are:
Mark Whynot, Milton, NS
Wayne Waldron, Bridgewater, NS
Bernie Connors, Cole Harbour, NS
Bob ??, Bear River, NS
Rene Boudreau, Petit de Grat, NS
13. Bob Maher
I hope you have a good evening. I remember
lots of good times!
29. Present Faculty ...
Current: MacLean, Dave
Cheung, Ada Milne, Trevor
Churchill, Piers Norton, Jim
Colville, Dave Ormerod, Neil
Dobbin, Jim Phelan, Richard
Dramowicz, Ela Pyke, Brian
Dramowicz, Konrad Raymond, Dave
Greene, Troy Symons, Ed
Hebert, Mark Verran, Jim
Hicks, Bruce Wedlock, Dave
31. Past Faculty (page 1 of ?)
Past: Gold, Chris
Akhavi, Manou Gould, Marlin
Beaton, Monica Healy, Maria
Belbin, John Hore, Phil
Illsley, Paul
Brown, Kevin
Jones, Bill
Castel, Pat
Kaulback, Jack
Chambers, Bill
Kearns, Tim
Dodd, Dave
Kingston, Dennis
Donnelly, Mike Lloyd, Monica
Dykstra, Jeff Maher, Bob
33. Past Faculty (page 2 of ?)
McBurney, Grant Robicheau, Ron
Milo, Phil Scallion-Pond, Paula
Mooney, Barry Stewart, Kathleen
Morrison, Walter Telfer, Len
Munro, Krista Tr辿panier, Lynne
Paton, Andrew Webster, Tim
Power, Bill Wedler, Edward
Proszynski, Piotr Whitehead, Ken
Quinn, Paul Wightman, John
Roberts, Simeon Woolnough, Dave
35. Technical Assistants
Past Ts:
Current TAs: Abbott, Arthur
Dickie, Peter Chambers, Pearl
Illsley, Paul King, Frank
MacKinnon, Darren Raymond, Annie
Wightman, Carrie