2. Coincidence or a sign? To those who contest and refuse to believe the Imamate of Ali (as) as the successor to our Holy Prophet, please read the following and then YOU DECIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. Coincidence or a sign? Was it a coincidence that when Imam ALIs (as) mother was ready to give birth to him, the wall of the holy Kaaba split open and she entered the holy house to give birth?
4. Coincidence or a sign? Was it a coincidence that the first person to hold the newborn Ali (as),waiting outside the door of the Kaaba, was our holy prophet (pbuh) himself?
5. Coincidence or a sign? Was it a coincidence that our holy Prophet (pbuh) took Ali (as) under his direct care and personal supervision and was brought up in the Prophets household?
6. Coincidence or a sign? Was it a coincidence that Ali (as) was the only disciple or companion of the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) who had never bowed before or worshipped idols?
7. Coincidence or a sign? Was it a coincidence that during the Feast of Dhul Asheera, When ALLAH(swt) commanded prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to ask his near relatives to accept Islam, and when he asked who would help him, it was only Ali(as) who stood up. After which the holy prophet declared him his helper and successor?
8. Coincidence or a sign? Was it a coincidence that ali (as)was chosen to sleep in the holy Prophets (pbuh) bed, during the night of Hijra, so that the Prophet could leave Mecca to foil the plot of the enemies who wished to kill him ?
9. Coincidence or a sign? Was it a coincidence that our holy prophet Muhammad (pbuh) gave the hand of Marriage of his beloved daughter Fatima (as) to Ali (as)?
10. Coincidence or a sign? Was it a coincidence that Ali (as) Was in the forefront in defending Islam against the attacks from the unbelievers, in every battle ?
11. Coincidence or a sign? Was it a coincidence that during the battle of Uhud when most of the Companions fled for their lives and deserted our holy Prophet it was Ali (as) who stood by our Prophet and fought off the attackers?
12. Coincidence or a sign? Was it a coincidence that our holy prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was pairing brothers between the Ansars (medinites)and the Muhajirs,(Meccans) he chose Ali (as) as his brother, even though Ali was not an Ansar?
13. Coincidence or a sign? Was it a coincidence that when ALLAH (swt) commanded Our holy Prophet Muhammad to debate the Christians of Najran, he took with him Ali (as) and his blessed family -Fatima, (as) Hassan (as) and Hussain (as)? Holy Quran 3:61
14. Coincidence or a sign? Was it a coincidence that when Sura Tawba was revealed and it had to be recited to the people of Mecca. Abu Baqar offered to do so and started on his way. The angel jibraeel came with a message from Allah (swt) asking the Prophet (pbuh) to recall Abu Baqar and either to go himself or to send a person like him. The Holy Prophet sent Ali (as)
15. Coincidence or a sign? Was it a coincidence that our prophet Muhammad (pbuh) on his way back from his final Hajj stopped at Ghadeer and declared before thousands of Muslims that "He of whom I am the master (mawla), of him 'Ali is also the master (mawla). O God, be the friend of him who is his friend, and be the enemy of him who is his enemy.?
16. Coincidence or a sign? Was it a coincidence that immediately after the Prophet finished his speech, ALLAH (swt) revealed the following verse; Today I have perfected your religion and completed my favor upon you, and I was satisfied that Islam be your religion? (Holy Qur'an 5: 3)
17. Coincidence or a sign? Was it a coincidence that Ali (as) was born in ALLAHs house-the Kaaba and was martyred in ALLAHs house-the Mosque in Kufa?
18. Coincidence or a sign? NO these are not coincidences, but signs from ALLAH (swt) showing us the right path to the divinely appointed successor to our holy Prophet Muhammad . And He shows you His signs: which then of Allah's signs will you deny? Holy quran 40:81
Editor's Notes
#2: Selling your ideas is challenging. First, you must get your listeners to agree with you in principle. Then, you must move them to action. Use the Dale Carnegie Training速 Evidence Action Benefit formula, and you will deliver a motivational, action-oriented presentation.