Seeing people sending cold emails for the last seven years made me decide to put this presentation together in the attempt to save many lost souls.
While cold-emailing seems to be relatively straightforward, the majority of senders fail miserably. In fact, every day millions of cold emails are classified as suicidal; they kill every chance for a potential partnership.
This presentation features real cold email examples that ended up in my trash folder and strategies to follow, ensuring your email is not one of them.
There are synergies which are
beneficial for both yourself and the
There is a clear value in your
Your boss said so
You have a cold emailing number
Why not?
About your offer?
About your company?
About you?*
One of the above at least. Two of the above at most!
*Only use if you struggle with the first two. Be objective.
Lets make money together!
Hi [Couldn't find your name]
Hi Alastair [I hope I spelled it right,
sorry otherwise]
I can't imagine how much you guys
would be making.
*Real examples
50. Questions & enquiries? Feel free to contact me
Copyright 2019 息 Ekaterina Rabe. All rights reserved.
51. References
Images from Unsplash and Pexels
Amy Elting Unsplash
Cherry Lin Unsplash
Haley Lawrence Unsplash
Jehyun Sung Unsplash
& Anonymous creators
Editor's Notes
Today cold emailing is one of the most used sales channels. This presentation will help to combat the most frequent mistakes and ensure a high success rate.
There are three main success components for getting your cold email right: structure, knowledge and uniqueness. Lets review all the components one by one.
The number one element for a successful reach out is email structure. Many times you see a soup, which you are unlikely to finish reading. When talking about structure, you should keep in mind the following:
Your email must be short (but sufficient), easy to read, reasonable and actionable. If any of the above are not true about the email you just wrote, send it to the trash.
Brevity is the Soul of Wit and it was not me who said that(but William Shakespeare).
Trust me, almost no one reads cold emails that are this long. Never.
On the other side, dont overdo it when thinking about being swift. The email should be short, but the information provided should be sufficient and it should look like you put some effort into writing it.
What do I mean when talking about an email being readable? Readability, in fact, relies on two major pillars: absence of writing errors and formatting.
It is an easy thing to install a plugin to proofread your email. Nevertheless, receiving terribly written emails is the daily reality. You will be constantly bombarded with various types of errors, from misspelled names to great titles, like Dear MADMAN and Sirs. There are a bunch of tools which will make your life easier even if you are not a Shakespeare. I personally use Grammarly and find it decently effective for eliminating major issues.
You only have a couple of seconds to make an impression. Making the recipients eyes tired before he has even started reading is not your goal.
Punctuation marks in the beginning of the sentence? Is there a list? How about numbering or using bullet points? This is not only difficult to read, but also looks extremely unprofessional.
Now moving more into content. Unfortunately, too many emails have very weak content. What makes your content weak is lack of a reason for sending the email or simply bad reasons. Lets look at some of them.
Your goal is to highlight to the receiver that you have a good reason why you decided to reach out. Among good reasons are listing synergies which are beneficial for both parties, for example. Clearly stating the unique value of your proposal is also a good reason.
Quite frequently, I come across really bad reasoning. A few examples of poor reasons:
- Your boss said so
- You have a cold emailing number target
- Why not?
Maybe it is a good internal reason, but is it worth mentioning externally?
Even if your email is short, readable and reasonable, it does not ensure the last and most important step: making a recipient react to it. It is extremely important to make your email easy to act upon.
Here is an example of an email which I would generally describe as acceptable. However, it is definitely lacking a good reason, and most importantly, it does not call for any action.
If you have interest please respond?! Your email should call for an action, but not because you have simply asked for it in the email.
Interestingly, it is way more simple to make your email actionable than it might seem at first. Two main tricks: ask a question at the end and/or suggest the next steps. This way you are helping the person in front of the screen to get back to you because it is easy for him to follow up.
The second crucial part of successful cold emailing is knowledge. Sounds very obvious, but reality shows it is not that obvious for everyone.
The three components for demonstrating solid knowledge are your expertise, CRM and the research.
It is absolutely crucial to know what you are writing about. You should be very confident about every bit of your proposal. It is unacceptable if you pitch something that you have questions about yourself, without a well-prepared USP, or without understanding what the competition has to offer.
It is absolutely crucial to know what you are writing about. You should be very confident about every bit of your proposal. It is unacceptable if you pitch something that you have questions about yourself, without a well-prepared USP, or without understanding what the competition has to offer.
Indeed, the best emails are written by professionals.
A simple, but vital step for your successful cold emailing is investing in a solid CRM tool.
CRM helps you to save time and build a straightforward emailing system that allows you to follow up efficiently and, more importantly, get good background information about past communication with the recipient and learn from it.
On top of this, using CRM will allow you to avoid repetitive cold emailing (aka they have just been approached by your colleague). Even more awkward is accidentally emailing existing clients or potential clients who have just recently declined the partnership.
Have you ever wondered why they teach you how to do research in university? This is why. Being able to find the right information is perhaps the most important skill for building knowledge.
Good research will allow you to find the right contact person or, in other words, a decision-maker. Typical places to start your research is Google search, LinkedIn and Twitter. If you want to go beyond this, feel free. But remember, there is a thin border between good research and stalking.
One of the most frequent mistakes I see is people sending emails to generic email addresses. Why? Really, this should be your last resort, if you found absolutely no one working in this company. Your chances of success are getting close to zero if youre emailing contact aliases.
When doing your research, also think about the partner background. Is it a huge corporation or a small startup? Is the company based in APAC or the EU? Are you competing in any way, or could you be considered a partner? This will very much define the way you address the recipient.
Last but not least is your uniqueness
To stand out from the tones of most received emails, stick with telling your story in your personal style, but dont be outrageous.
When I think about telling my story, I try to find something special either in my offer or my company something which will make me stand out from others.
Sometimes I see people using their own personalities to tell their stories; however, I find it quite tricky. I would only recommend using this if you have absolutely no idea of how to best tell your story.
There are 4 main writing styles: Descriptive, Expository, Persuasive and Narrative. Each is used for a specific purpose.
What we want to look at is the persuasive writing style, as it is most convenient for writing cold emails. You will see persuasive style used in articles, ads, reviews, cover letters and cold emails.
By definition, persuasive writingintends to convince readers to believe in an idea or opinion and to do an action. This is achieved by relying on 3 pillars Intention, Purpose and Audience.
Too many times when trying to make their email unique, senders majorly overdo it. It is better to stay boring than to be recognized as an example of too much.
Here is an example.
And some more real life examples.
Keeping in mind these 3 components for successful cold emailing will ensure a sufficient reply rate. Nothing comes without practice, so dont expect it to work instantly. In fact, only after months or even years of practice will you be able to write strong cold emails, but with the guidance from this presentation, I hope youll get there faster.