The document discusses the nuclear and space technology race between the United States and Soviet Union during the Cold War. Both nations developed nuclear weapons and feared a nuclear war, leading to an arms race as President Reagan challenged the USSR to increase military spending. In space, the Soviets initially led by launching the first satellite and manned mission while the US gained the advantage by landing astronauts on the moon. Eventually, the two countries began cooperating in space exploration.
2. Nuclear &Military TechnologyNuclear powerNuclear weaponsThe United States and the Soviet Union had nuclear weaponsBoth nations feared a nuclear warnuclear annihilation: total destruction by nuclear weaponsArms RaceU.S. President Ronald Reagan challenged the USSR to an arms race by building up the American militaryUSSR couldn’t keep up!
3. Space TechnologyThe Space Race: competition between the U.S. &Soviet Union to control outer spaceSoviets: put first man-made satellite (Sputnik) into orbit & put first man in spaceAmericans: put first men on the moonUS took lead in space technology/ explorationEventually, both countries began to cooperate in space exploration