This slides show the collaborative work one of the course "Translation techniques" of the University UNAD. 2017. Presented by the group number 16.
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Collaborative 1 group 16 UNAD Translation
1. Tutor: Camilo Arturo Cendales
Group 16: Natasha Praise Salva
Olga Lucia Cediel
Julian Andr辿s Parra
Ivan Alejandro Murcia
Laura Alejandra Brand
Translation Techniques Course
University Open And Distance Unad
3. Pueblo Amish de Am辿rica; 多Una sociedad modelo?
America's Amish communities live a lifestyle
that has changed little since the 18th century;
but in other respects, they are showing other
Americans the way forward into the twenty-
Las comunidades Amish (secta religiosa menonita) de
Am辿rica viven un estilo de vida que ha cambiado poco
desde el siglo XVIII; Pero en otros aspectos, est叩n
mostrando a otros estadounidenses el camino hacia
adelante en este siglo XXI...
Paragraph 1 Translated by Julian Parra
The roadsign is, to say the least, unexpected;
driving through a prosperous rural part of North
America, the last thing you expect to see beside
the highway is a yellow diamond roadsign with a
horse and buggy in the middle! Watch out for
horses and buggies on the road? What is this?
Do they exercise racehorses here, or what?
La se単al vial aqu鱈 es, por decir lo menos, inesperado;
Conduciendo a trav辿s de una pr坦spera parte rural de
Am辿rica del Norte, lo 炭ltimo que se espera ver al lado
de la carretera es 臓una se単al vial amarillo diamante
con un caballo y un cochecillo en el medio! 多Cuidado
con los caballos y cochecillos en la carretera? 多Qu辿 es
esto? 多Corren caballos de carreras aqu鱈, o qu辿?
4. You keep an eye open for horses; for two miles
you see nothing, then all of a sudden, look!
Coming towards you on the other side of the
road, two black horse-drawn buggies! As they go
by, your surprise turns to disbelief; what's
going on? Are they making a movie about
eighteenth century America? The men and the
women in the buggy look like they jumped out of
a novel by Fennimore Cooper. Then, another
mile and things get even stranger; beside a neat-
looking farm-house, there is a whole line of
buggies. In the door of the house, half a dozen
men in black coats, and with long beards, are
talking while some women dressed in a
curiously ancient fashion are sitting on a bench.
Is this 2015 or 1715?
Mantienes alerta para los caballos; Por dos millas
no ves nada, entonces de repente, 臓mira! Viniendo
hacia ti en el otro lado de la carretera, 臓dos coches
negros tirados por caballos! A medida que pasan,
tu sorpresa se convierte en incredulidad; 多qu辿 est叩
pasando? 多Est叩n haciendo una pel鱈cula sobre la
Am辿rica del siglo XVIII? Los hombres y las mujeres
en el coche parecen saltar de una novela de
Fennimore Cooper. Luego, otro kil坦metro y las
cosas se vuelven a炭n m叩s extra単as; Al lado de una
finca de aspecto elegante, hay toda una l鱈nea de
coches. En la puerta de la casa, media docena de
hombres de abrigos negros
y barbas largas hablan
mientras algunas mujeres
vestidas de una manera
curiosamente antigua est叩n
sentadas en un banco. 多Es
este 2015 o 1715?
5. Paragraph 2 Translated by Olga Lucia Cedel
Usted conduciendo, pregunt叩ndose 多qu辿 ha
ocurrido con esta parte de los Estados Unidos de
Am辿rica? Has conducido en un t炭nel del tiempo,
Y sin darse cuenta, volv鱈 300 a単os, O 多es la gente
que acabas de ver que est叩 atrapada en una en
un t炭nel del tiempo?
Una consulta r叩pida en la
gasolinera m叩s cercana te da la
respuesta; Est叩s en tierra Amish,
y los hombres y mujeres que ha
visto son Amish, parte de un
extra単o grupo religioso que se
establecieron en Am辿rica en el
siglo XVIII, Y gran parte de su
estilo de vida ha cambiado poco
desde entonces.
You drive on, wondering what has
happened to this part of the United States
of America? Have you driven into a time-
warp, and without realizing it, gone back
300 years, or is it the people you've just
seen who're stuck in a time warp?
A quick enquiry at the nearest gas
station gives you the answer; you
are in Amish country, and the men
and women you have just seen are
Amish, part of a strange religious
group that settled in America in the
18th century, and much of whose
lifestyle has changed little since
6. Si usted ha visto la pel鱈cula Testigo en
peligro (nombre dado para
Hispanoam辿rica), ya sabr鱈a algo sobre
los Amish, como su comunidad es
estrictamente religiosa y aut坦noma,
c坦mo la gente Amish prescinden de los
elementos esenciales de la vida
moderna como la electricidad y los
coches, y c坦mo ellos no se mezclan con
gente fuera de su propia comunidad, Es
pr叩cticamente inesperado que alguien
se convierta en un Amish, quien no ha
nacido como Amish.
Esto es sobre todo lo que la mayor parte de
americanos saben sobre la gente de Amish, a no
ser que, a menos que realmente vivan cerca de
ellos y se crucen con ellos en la vida cotidiana,
Entonces, 多qui辿nes son?
This is about all that most Americans know
about Amish people, unless, that is, they
actually live near them and come across
them in daily life. So, who are they?
If you had seen the movie
"Witness", you would have already
known something about the Amish,
how their community is strictly
religious and self-contained, how
Amish people do without the
essentials of modern-day life such
as electricity and cars, and how they
do not mix with people outside of
their own community. It is virtually
unheard of for anyone to become an
Amish, who was not born an Amish.
7. Paragraph 3 Translated by Ivan Alejandro Murcia Gonz叩lez
En resumen, los Amish son miembros de un
movimiento religioso ultra protestante que
lleg坦 a am辿rica desde el valle alto del Rin
hace unos 300 a単os, y han mantenido sus
tradiciones y estilos de vida. Ellos son
ciudadanos muy respetuosos de la ley, y su
comunidad es una en la que el crimen es
casi, aunque no del todo, inexistente;
In brief, the Amish are members of an
ultra-protestant religious movement that
first came to America from the upper Rhine
valley over three hundred years ago, and
have kept their traditions and lifestyles.
They are very law-abiding citizens, and
their community is one in which crime is
almost, though not entirely, inexistent;
Amish families live strict
lives, following the same
code of morals as their
ancestors. In a sense, they
are indeed stuck in a time
las familias Amish viven vidas
estrictas, siguiendo el mismo
c坦digo de moral de sus
antecesores. En ese sentido, ellos
est叩n atrapados en el tiempo.
8. Aunque las cosas m叩s notables
sobre los Amish no son su
anticuado estilo de vida y su
ropa hecha en casa, sino la
expansi坦n de su comunidad, su
eficiencia, su cohesi坦n social y
su reciente adopci坦n de
tecnolog鱈a verde, incluyendo
la energ鱈a e坦lica y solar.
Aunque ellos labran la tierra
utilizando yuntas y yugos
tradicionales y no usan
fertilizantes, su agricultura
est叩, -interesantemente entre
la m叩s productiva de
Yet the most remarkable
things to note about the Amish
are not their quaint lifestyles
and their home-made clothes,
but the expansion of their
community, its efficiency, its
social cohesion, and their
recent adoption of "green"
technology, including wind-
power and solar energy.
Although they work the land
using traditional horse-drawn
machines, and use no chemical
fertilizers, their agriculture is
- interestingly - among the
most productive in North
9. Paragraph 4 Translated by Natasha Praise Salva
Mientras que la Am辿rica blanca es,
en general, una poblaci坦n estable en
n炭mero, la comunidad Amish est叩
creciendo m叩s r叩pido que
pr叩cticamente cualquier otra
comunidad en los Estados Unidos.
En los 40 a単os de 1950 a 1990, el
n炭mero de Amish en el condado de
Lancaster, Pensilvania, la
comunidad original y a炭n m叩s
grande Amish en los EE.UU., creci坦
en exactamente el 400%, todo por
crecimiento natural, no a trav辿s de
la afluencia de inmigrantes.
the original and still
the largest Amish
community in the USA,
grew by exactly 400%,
all by natural growth,
not through the influx
of immigrants.
While white America is, on the whole, a
population that is stable in numbers, the
Amish community is growing faster than
virtually any other community in the USA.
In the 40 years from 1950 to 1990, the
number of Amish in Lancaster County,
10. Los Amish no guardan estad鱈sticas, pero
es bastante seguro asumir que la
poblaci坦n Amish total de los Estados
Unidos en el a単o 1900 no era m叩s que un
par de mil; Hoy en d鱈a, los antiguos
Amish, aquellos que han mantenido las
tradiciones m叩s estrictas de su religi坦n y
la sociedad, m叩s de 100.000, se extendi坦
en las comunidades en el este de EE.UU.
y Ontario. El n炭mero total de Amish que
viven en los Estados Unidos en 2011 se
estim坦 en m叩s de 260.000.
Amish, que rechazan la medicina
moderna y todas las formas de control
de la natalidad, tienen algunas de las
familias m叩s grandes en Am辿rica, con un
promedio de m叩s de seis hijos por
The Amish do not keep statistics, but it is
fairly safe to assume that the total Amish
population of the United States in the
year 1900 was no more than a couple of
thousand; today the Old Order Amish,
those who have kept up the strictest
traditions of their religion and society,
number over 100,000, spread in
communities across the eastern US and
Ontario. The total number of Amish
living in the United States in 2011 was
estimated at over 260,000.
Amish, who reject modern
medicine and all forms of
birth control, have some of
the biggest families in
America, with an average
of over six children per
11. Pocos abandonan su comunidad. Los
adolescentes Amish tienden a ser tan
normalmente rebeldes como cualquier otro
adolescente estadounidense, hasta que son
bautizados. Hasta que esto sucede, no est叩n
obligados a ajustarse a los estrictos c坦digos
Amish de vestimenta, peinado y
comportamiento, y muchos aprovechan esta
libertad; Antes del bautismo, los adolescentes
Amish se comportan como otros adolescentes
estadounidenses; Hasta el 30% de los mayores
no bautizados adolescentes Amish tienen autos,
y el 40% tiene licencias de conducir!
Few abandon their community. Amish
teenagers tend to be as normally
rebellious as any other American teens,
until they are baptized. Until this
happens, they are not obliged to conform
to the strict Amish codes of dress,
hairstyle and behavior, and many make
the most of this liberty; before baptism,
Amish teenagers behave much like other
American teens; up to 30% of older
unbaptized Amish teens own cars, and
40% have drivers licenses!
Amish teens also enjoy
baseball, dancing and even
alcohol! Amish baptism
takes place between the
ages of 16 and 21,
sometimes even later.
Los adolescentes de Amish
tambi辿n disfrutan de b辿isbol, baile
e incluso alcohol! El bautismo
Amish tiene lugar entre las edades
de 16 y 21, a veces incluso m叩s
13. Problems we faced regarding words or expressions in
the translation
on the whole. For these type of
words, I used the Modulation
technique. Because instead of
translating the words literately, I
used a Spanish word that mean
the same, en general.
time-warp: This was difficult but
the problem was vocabulary.
"Witness" this word is a name of a
movie for that reason I used the
technique reformulation or
equivalence and besides I searched
the name of the movie for Latin-
American in the web.
For this translation task I used 2
translation techniques:
transposition and modulation. I
used transposition because in
Spanish the way to put the noun
and adjective is different than in
English, thats why, it was
necessary to use this technique.
1. Watch out!: I didnt understand
this expression, but I can
remember that is a Phrasal verb
and found translation as:
臓mira!, 臓Atenci坦n!, 臓Cuidado!
and I chose that fits the most in
my own criteria.
14. Chart about the difference between method, strategy and technique.
Krings (1986:18) defines
translation strategy as
"translator's potentially
conscious plans for solving
concrete translation problems in
the framework of a concrete
translation task
Harvey :
Functional equivalence: use a
referent in the TL culture
whose function is similar to
that of the referent of the
source language (SL).
Word-for-word translation: in
which the SL word order is
preserved and the words
translated singly by their
most common meanings, out
of context
Seguinot (1989) believes that
there are at least three global
strategies employed by the
translators: (i) translating
without interruption for as long
as possible; (ii) correcting
surface errors immediately; (iii)
leaving the monitoring for
qualitative or stylistic errors in
the text to the revision stage
Formal equivalence or
linguistic equivalence means a
translation "word for word"
transcription or loan "(ie
reproduce or, if necessary,
transliterate the original term)
Literal translation: in which
the SL grammatical
constructions are converted
to their nearest TL
equivalents, but the lexical
words are again translated
singly, out of context
15. Loescher (1991:8)
defines translation
strategy as "a potentially
conscious procedure for
solving a problem faced
in translating a text, or
any segment of it
Descriptive or self-explanatory translation. Uses
generic terms (not CBT) to convey meaning
Faithful translation: it
attempts to produce the
precise contextual
meaning of the original
within the constraints of
the TL grammatical
Bell (1998:188)
differentiates between
global (those dealing with
whole texts) and local
(those dealing with text
segments) strategies and
confirms that this
distinction results from
various kinds of
translation problems
Direct Translation Techniques
are used when structural and conceptual elements
of the source language can be transposed into the
target language. Direct translation techniques
Borrowing Borrowing is the taking of words directly
from one language into another without translation
Calque A calque or loan translation (itself a calque
of German Lehn端bersetzung) is a phrase borrowed
from another language and translated literally
Literal Translation A word-for-word translation can
be used in some languages and not others
dependent on the sentence structure
Semantic translation:
which differs from 'faithful
translation' only in as far
as it must take more
account of the aesthetic
value of the SL text
16. Venuti (1998:240) indicates
that translation strategies
"involve the basic tasks of
choosing the foreign text to
be translated and
developing a method to
translate it." He employs
the concepts of
domesticating and
foreignizing to refer to
translation strategies
Oblique Translation Techniques are
used when the structural or conceptual
elements of the source language cannot
be directly translated without altering
meaning or upsetting the grammatical
and stylistics elements of the target
Oblique translation techniques include:
Reformulation or Equivalence
Adaptation: which is the
freest form of translation,
and is used mainly for
plays (comedies) and
poetry; the themes,
characters, plots are
usually preserved, the SL
culture is converted to the
TL culture and the text is
19. Bosco, G. (n.d.). Translation Techniques. Retrieved March 22, 2017,
Ordudari, M. (july 2007). Translation procedures, strategies, and methods. Translation Journal,
11(3). Retrieved March 22, 2017, from
Preciado, P. D., & Silva, M. (2007). English Translation Techniques [Ebook]. Retrieved March 22,
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