The document discusses collaborative assistants being developed at AIISC focused on health and education. Examples include a COVID-19 symptom checker, assistants for pediatric asthma, nutrition, mental health, autism, and more. Complex assistants for health domains require context using deep domain knowledge, personalization with personalized health graphs, sensing data from multiple modalities like text, voice and images. The virtual health assistant for asthma aims to do self-monitoring, self-appraisal, management, and disease tracking using sensors, social media, clinical data and knowledge graphs to have informed intelligent conversations. Developing such assistants is quite challenging due to big data issues, need for domain context, personalization, explainability, and ease of use.
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Collaborative Assistant/Virtual Assistant/Conversational AI agents at AIISC
2. Focus on two domains: Health & Education
Broad variety: Simple chatbot (flexible interactions) to quite complex (manage
chronic disease)
Uniqueness of complex examples: a. Context with deep domain knowledge, b.
Personalization with personalized health knowledge graph, c. active/passive
sensing, d. multimodal (text, voice, image)
Examples at various stages of development
Health-e Gamecock COVID-10 daily symptom checker
Pediatric Asthma
Mental Health
Autism, After Cancer Exercise, Diabetes, and more in planning.
3. 1. Self
2. Self
3. Self
5. Disease
Virtual Health Assistant for Augmented
Personalized Health: example of Asthma
Complex- multifactorial disease, personalized
Access- challenges in working with patients
(IRB, privacy, medical/clinical knowledge and
lack of gold standards, etc.
4. 4
Sensor, Social, Clinical Datastreams: Informed &
Intelligent Questions
Weather information
(temperature, pollen,
humidity, etc)
Elasticsearch (ES)
Database Query & Rule Abstract raw values
into information
Asthma Domain Knowledge
Patient Data from EMR & PGHD
(Compliance score, prescribed
medications, asthma control level)
IoTs (Foobot & Fitbit)
Conversation Rules & Scripts
Sensor,Social,Clinical Architectural Framework for Intelligent & Informed Conversations: kBOT Asthma
Sensor (IoTs) & Cyber
Clinical (Baseline) Datastream
Patient Consented Social Data
(Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
Social Datastream
Knowledge Datastream
Smarter & engaging agent
Minimize active sensing
(Questions to be asked)
Ask only informed & intelligent questions
Relevant & Contextualized conversations
Personalized & Human-Like
Human-Like Aspect
5. Contextualization and
kBOT initiates greeting
Understands the patients health
condition (allergic reaction to high
ragweed pollen level) via the
personalized patients knowledge
graph generated from EMR, PGHD, and
prior interactions with the kBOT.
Generates predictions or
recommended course of actions.
Inference based on patients historical
records and background health
knowledge graph containing
contextualized (domain-specific)
Figure: Example kBOT conversation which
utilizes background health knowledge graph
and patients knowledge graph to infer and
generate recommendation to patients.
Conversing only information relevant to
the patient
6. Huge need in several fields health and education among the important areas.
Examples from health domain: not enough available clinical expertise to meet mental
health needs; chronic disease need continuous care; massive growth in patient generate
data with demonstrated value for making decisions on health, wellness and fitness.
Quite challenging: big data challenges esp variety of data, need for context to interpret
data (and relevant deep domain knowledge), personalization for each patient, need to be
able to explain results before clinicians will take the technology seriously, ease of use/UX,
incentives in validation studies (patients, clinicians, insurance companies), etc.