This document provides information about college admissions and test preparation. It discusses that most colleges accept the majority of applicants, with only highly selective colleges accepting under 20%. It recommends starting the college search process by reflecting on one's academic and social interests and financial fit. The document outlines the college application timeline and recommends taking challenging courses and exploring extracurricular activities starting in freshman year. It also discusses the differences between the SAT and ACT admissions tests and provides score benchmarks. Sample test preparation options like classes, tutoring, and self-study resources are presented.
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College timelines, testing and rsat
1. Let¡¯s Talk College!
Cindy Allerman, M. Ed.
Independent Educational Consultant
College Journey Consulting, LLC
2. About Me
? Independent College
? Founded College Journey
Consulting in 2012
? Previously taught for 18 years
(Math, Reading, Talented and Gifted
program, Elementary)
? SAT Prep instructor for 4 years
? Have toured over 125
colleges, and regularly meet
and network with college
admissions officers and other
consultants and counselors.
4. The Reality is:
? There are approximately 1,800 four-year universities
and colleges in the U.S. and most will admit most
? Only about 50 fall in the highly selective category and
admit less than 20% of their applicants.
? 99% of college admissions stories in the news refer to
about 4% of colleges (admit rate<50%)
However, about 1/3 of students transfer from
their first college.
6. Start With You
? What kind of a learner are you?
? What are your interests?
? What are your goals?
? What will you be doing when you aren¡¯t
in class?
? What kind of people do you want to be
? August 1
? Applications Open
? October-December
? Early Action/Early Decision
? Last Chance to take
? December 1
? Texas Deadlines
? Notification of Early
? Scholarship
? January-February
? Regular Decision Deadlines
? March-April
? Notification of College
? Revisit Colleges
? Financial Aid Award Letters
? May 1
? National Deadline for
Student¡¯s Decision
10. Junior Year
? High School Classes
? Class Rank at end of junior year
? AP/IB Classes/Tests in May
? Think about teacher recommendations
? Testing
? October PSAT (National Merit)
? Test Prep
? Take SAT and/or ACT
? SAT Subject Tests
? Develop a list of colleges
? Research and explore options
? Campus Visits
? Extracurricular Activities
? Leadership opportunities
? Take challenging courses
? Get good grades!!
? Find your passion: join clubs, get involved
? Begin exploring colleges
? READ!! Build your vocabulary.
? Sophomore PSAT
12. ? A test of speed and focus
? Presents content in a familiar
format; more direct style of
? Longer sections and tighter
time intervals make time
management key
? Includes Science section
(mostly interpreting graphs
and data)
? A test of mental endurance
with a greater emphasis on
abstract reasoning and
? Shorter sections with more
time per question
? Students can learn SAT
strategies to significantly
improve scores
College Admissions Tests
Which test is right for you?
15. Class of 2017
? Determine which test is best for you by taking a practice test
? Take the Current SAT on an accelerated schedule
? Take the ACT
? Take the new SAT in the spring