Collin is a middle school student who lives in Fredericton, New Brunswick. He has spiky reddish-purple hair and his left ear is pierced. Collin enjoys playing and watching hockey and basketball, going to the gym with his friend Travis, and dirt biking on his KX 85 Sports bike.
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1. Hi I am Collin, My favorite color is orange I have reddish purplish hair and I spike it up. I am about 5ft6 and I have my left ear pierced. Collin
2. I love to play Hockey and Basketball. I love to watch Hockey and Basketball to. I like to go to the gym (field house) after school with my friend Travis. I love to dirt bike and I have a kx 85 Sports
3. My favorite hockey team is the Penguins Teams My favorite basketball teams are the Celtics and the raptors
4. I live in Fredericton New Brunswick it is very cold in the winter and it is pretty warm in the summer. Were I Live