D.E.W.: Drop Everything & Write is a strategy rooted in research. The inspiration comes from the Collins Writing program. Refer to the D.E.W. @ SVSU ppt. and the D.E.W. Getting Started Guide for reference.
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Collins Type 1 & 2 Writing
1. Collins Type 1 & 2 Writing Developing Writing and Thinking Skills Across the Curriculum: A Practial Program for Schools Information from CEA Collins Education Associates Copyright 1992 Vansumeren LC/CC HMS 09-05-06
2. Type One Open your spiral. Label your paper. Put an X on every other line. Listen to the prompt. Write!
3. Type 1 Prompt (ex 1) Write at least 10 lines telling what you know about Handy Middle School.
4. Scoring Type 1 Content IS NOT graded, just length requirement.
5. Type 1 (ex 2) Write at least 10 lines describing what a productive classroom looks AND sounds like.
6. Type 1 Discussion Concerns Correction (10 lines) Binder Resources What works?
7. Type Two Open your spiral. Label your paper. Put an X on every other line. Listen to the prompt. Write!
8. Type 2 Prompt (ex 1) Describe at least 4 behavioral expectations at Handy Middle School. Circle the four key behavioral words in your writing.
9. Scoring Type 2 Content IS graded. In general, look only at the circled words on the page.
10. Type 2 Prompt (ex 2) Name and circle 5 of your classes. Tell what you like about each class.
11. Type 2 Discussion Concerns Correction (No. of items) Binder Resources What works?
12. Collins Type Writing Dont limit a child to your own learning, for he was born in another time. ~Rabbinical Saying