Envato is an ecosystem of sites that help people be creative. Nurturing, empowering and supporting a thriving community has been critical to its success ¨C you could say Envato is in the business of community.
CEO Collis Ta¡¯eed shares the community journey at Envato and lessons learned along the way, including the community¡¯s relationship to company purpose, the ecosystem model it has generated, the value to the staff and customers, and the systems and processes necessary to impactfully adopt it as a central pillar of business.
4. Envato.
Influenced by my community experience
Market, Studio & Tuts+
By Creatives, For Creatives
5. Forums at the Heart,
Mixed with Social and Blogs.
Authors, Buyers, Learners, Staff, the Lot.
6. Big
30 million visits a month
4 million members
1.5 million active buyers
30,000 active authors
70,000 unique forum posters
1 million social followers
8. HBR & eBay 2006 Study
converting customers
into community participants:
25% got involved.
9. Community vs Control
Bid 6x as often.
Earned 6x monthly sales revenue,
And 10x more first time sellers.
Spent 54% more in total.
¡°Do Customer Communities Pay Off?¡± HBR Magazine Nov 2006
10. All Kinds of Community Businesses
Wikia, Reddit, DeviantArt, 500px,
StackExchange, Yelp, ¡
Envato, Etsy, AirBnB, eBay, ¡
WordPress, Mozilla, ¡