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Excellent onderwijs en gelijke kansen voor
Excellence et ¨¦galit¨¦ des chances dans
Twitter: @DirkJacobs71
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European
Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme
(FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement 28360
Colloque Aped 10/11/18 - Jacobs
Colloque Aped 10/11/18 - Jacobs
Colloque Aped 10/11/18 - Jacobs
Colloque Aped 10/11/18 - Jacobs
Colloque Aped 10/11/18 - Jacobs
Colloque Aped 10/11/18 - Jacobs
Gemiddelde resultaten voor wiskunde (PISA 2015)
Puntenwolk met wiskunde resultaten en de sociaal-economische index in de Franse
Gemeenschap (PISA 2012) / Nuage de points entre les r¨¦sultats en math¨¦matiques et
l¡¯index du statut socio¨¦conomique et culturel en Communaut¨¦ fran?aise, en fonction
de l¡¯orientation scolaire (g¨¦n¨¦ral ou qualifiant)
Gelijke kansen? Wiskunde PISA 2015: Verklaarde
variantie door socio-economische status
Combinatie van
resultaten en
impact van
PISA 2015
Minder gelijke
Meer gelijkheid van
Sterkere resultaten
en gelijke kansen
(PISA 2015)
Sterkere resultaten
Minder gelijke
Meer gelijkheid van
Wiskunde PISA 2015: Proportie van leerlingen per
competentieniveau (zwarte vertikale lijn = minimaal niveau)
PISA 2012
Wiskunde PISA 2015: Verschil tussen 10% sterkste en
10% zwakst presterende leerlingen
voor wiskunde en
kloof tussen
presterende en
Kleinere kloofGrotere kloof
Croisement entre
¨¦quit¨¦ (variance
expliqu¨¦e) et
dispersion (¨¦cart
interd¨¦cile) pour
Grotere kloof tussen
sterksten en zwaksten
Kleinere kloof tussen
sterksten en
Meer gelijke
Minder gelijke
Proportion d¡¯¨¦l¨¨ves par niveau de comp¨¦tence en lecture selon la
cat¨¦gorie d¡¯immigration
Proportie leerlingen per competentieniveau naar migratiestatus
Evolutie van wiskunde scores over de tijd heen naar
S¨¦gr¨¦gation acad¨¦mique pour lecture
S¨¦gr¨¦gation socio-¨¦conomique pour lecture
acad¨¦mique et
¨¦quit¨¦ pour lecture
acad¨¦mique et
¨¦fficacit¨¦ pour
Equal opportunities for migrant youth in
educational systems with high levels of
social and ethnic segregation - assessing
the impact of school team resources
Universit¨¦ Libre de Bruxelles
Julien DANHIER "Little Matthew has also chosen the Wrong
School. Secondary Analyses of Compositional Effect in a
Segregated Educational System¡°, 20 April 2016
Emilie MARTIN "Teacher Self-Efficacy and Student
Achievement: From Measurement Clarifications to
Multilevel Regression Modeling¡°, 12 June 2017
?In schools with high numbers of at-risk (migrant) students, weaker school team resources
(high teacher turnover, lower effectiveness, lower collective teacher efficacy)
?In schools with low number of at-risk (migrant) students, stronger school team resources
(low turnover, higher effectiveness, higher collective teacher efficacy)
EQUOP data set
Data collection beginning school year 2014-2015
year of Secondary education, Francophone schools in Belgium
Sample of 164 secondary schools contacted (=1/3 of total number of schools),
106 participated
12570 pupils
620 classes
398 mathematics teachers
106 schools
Merged on individual level with test scores on national tests CEB (end of
primary school) and CE1D (end of 2nd
year of secondary education)
Integrated (and usable) dataset:
10395 pupils
589 classes
388 mathematics teachers
103 schools
Procedure of opt-out by parents and pupils (570 did so)
Index Socio-Economic Position, calculated in a factor analyses
using the variables: highest educational level parents, highest
professional status parents, home possesions and number of books
at home
Results on
mathematics test
at the end of the
year of
poorer parents richer parents
Higher results
Weaker results
Retard scolaire dans l¡¯enseignement secondaire, 4i¨¨me
ann¨¦e et 5i¨¨me
ann¨¦e (2013-
Donn¨¦es exhaustives, source: F¨¦d¨¦ration Wallonie Bruxelles, fichier comptage des ¨¦l¨¨ves,
traitement GERME-ULB
Taux de redoublement
PISA 2015
Results on
test at the end
of the 2nd
of secondary
Class mean
Index Socio-Economic Position, class means, calculated in a factor analyses using the
variables: highest educational level parents, highest professional status parents, home
possesions and number of books at home
poorer parents richer parents
Higher results
Weaker results
Dank voor uw aandacht
Danhier, J. & Jacobs, D. (2017) Segregatie in het onderwijs overstijgen:
Analyse van de resultaten van het PISA 2015-onderzoek in Vlaanderen
en in de Federatie Walloni?-Brussel, Brussel: Koning
Twitter: @DirkJacobs71
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European
Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme
(FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement 28360

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Colloque Aped 10/11/18 - Jacobs

  • 1. Excellent onderwijs en gelijke kansen voor iedereen. Excellence et ¨¦galit¨¦ des chances dans l¡¯enseignement. Dirk JACOBS dirk.jacobs@ulb.ac.be Twitter: @DirkJacobs71 The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement 28360
  • 8. Gemiddelde resultaten voor wiskunde (PISA 2015)
  • 9. Puntenwolk met wiskunde resultaten en de sociaal-economische index in de Franse Gemeenschap (PISA 2012) / Nuage de points entre les r¨¦sultats en math¨¦matiques et l¡¯index du statut socio¨¦conomique et culturel en Communaut¨¦ fran?aise, en fonction de l¡¯orientation scolaire (g¨¦n¨¦ral ou qualifiant)
  • 10. Gelijke kansen? Wiskunde PISA 2015: Verklaarde variantie door socio-economische status
  • 11. Combinatie van criteria: Gemiddelde wiskunde resultaten en impact van sociaal- economische status PISA 2015 Minder gelijke kansen Meer gelijkheid van kansen Sterkere resultaten Zwakkere resultaten
  • 12. Leesvaardigheid en gelijke kansen (PISA 2015) Sterkere resultaten Zwakkere resultaten Minder gelijke kansen Meer gelijkheid van kansen
  • 13. Wiskunde PISA 2015: Proportie van leerlingen per competentieniveau (zwarte vertikale lijn = minimaal niveau)
  • 15. Wiskunde PISA 2015: Verschil tussen 10% sterkste en 10% zwakst presterende leerlingen
  • 16. Gemiddeld prestatieniveau voor wiskunde en kloof tussen zwakst presterende en sterkst presterende leerlingen Kleinere kloofGrotere kloof
  • 17. Croisement entre ¨¦quit¨¦ (variance expliqu¨¦e) et dispersion (¨¦cart interd¨¦cile) pour math¨¦matiques Grotere kloof tussen sterksten en zwaksten Kleinere kloof tussen sterksten en zwaksten Meer gelijke kansen Minder gelijke kansen
  • 18. Proportion d¡¯¨¦l¨¨ves par niveau de comp¨¦tence en lecture selon la cat¨¦gorie d¡¯immigration Proportie leerlingen per competentieniveau naar migratiestatus
  • 19. Evolutie van wiskunde scores over de tijd heen naar migratiestatus
  • 24. Equal opportunities for migrant youth in educational systems with high levels of social and ethnic segregation - assessing the impact of school team resources Dirk JACOBS, Alejandra ALARCON-HENRIQUEZ, Julien DANHIER, Emilie MARTIN Universit¨¦ Libre de Bruxelles Julien DANHIER "Little Matthew has also chosen the Wrong School. Secondary Analyses of Compositional Effect in a Segregated Educational System¡°, 20 April 2016 Emilie MARTIN "Teacher Self-Efficacy and Student Achievement: From Measurement Clarifications to Multilevel Regression Modeling¡°, 12 June 2017
  • 25. ?In schools with high numbers of at-risk (migrant) students, weaker school team resources (high teacher turnover, lower effectiveness, lower collective teacher efficacy) ?In schools with low number of at-risk (migrant) students, stronger school team resources (low turnover, higher effectiveness, higher collective teacher efficacy)
  • 26. EQUOP data set Data collection beginning school year 2014-2015 2nd year of Secondary education, Francophone schools in Belgium Sample of 164 secondary schools contacted (=1/3 of total number of schools), 106 participated 12570 pupils 620 classes 398 mathematics teachers 106 schools Merged on individual level with test scores on national tests CEB (end of primary school) and CE1D (end of 2nd year of secondary education) Integrated (and usable) dataset: 10395 pupils 589 classes 388 mathematics teachers 103 schools Procedure of opt-out by parents and pupils (570 did so)
  • 27. Index Socio-Economic Position, calculated in a factor analyses using the variables: highest educational level parents, highest professional status parents, home possesions and number of books at home Results on standardized national mathematics test at the end of the 2nd year of secondary education (n=10.395) R=0.406*** R?=0.165 poorer parents richer parents Higher results Weaker results
  • 28. Retard scolaire dans l¡¯enseignement secondaire, 4i¨¨me ann¨¦e et 5i¨¨me ann¨¦e (2013- 2014) Donn¨¦es exhaustives, source: F¨¦d¨¦ration Wallonie Bruxelles, fichier comptage des ¨¦l¨¨ves, traitement GERME-ULB
  • 30. Results on standardized national mathematics test at the end of the 2nd year of secondary education, Class mean result (n=608) Index Socio-Economic Position, class means, calculated in a factor analyses using the variables: highest educational level parents, highest professional status parents, home possesions and number of books at home poorer parents richer parents Higher results Weaker results
  • 31. Dank voor uw aandacht http://equop.ulb.ac.be/ Danhier, J. & Jacobs, D. (2017) Segregatie in het onderwijs overstijgen: Analyse van de resultaten van het PISA 2015-onderzoek in Vlaanderen en in de Federatie Walloni?-Brussel, Brussel: Koning Boudewijnstichting. Twitter: @DirkJacobs71 The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement 28360

Editor's Notes

  • #9: Avant de passer ¨¤ une discussion de l¡¯¨¦valuation des ¨¦coles et des ¨¦l¨¨ves ¨C mais je vais surtout parler de l¡¯¨¦valuation ¨¤ l¡¯¨¦chelle de l¡¯¨¦cole - , je vais me focaliser sur l¡¯¨¦valuation des syst¨¨mes ¨¦ducatives.
  • #20: D¡¯autres crit¨¨res d¡¯¨¦valuation ¨¦galement imaginables, pleins de combinaisons¡­