The document discusses color palettes for a magazine. It provides HEX and RGB codes for potential color palettes to choose from. In the end, the author decides on a palette of grey, light purple and blue tones because it evokes tranquility and simplicity without overcomplicating the color scheme. A black and white combination is also considered as it is commonly used in magazines to make images and text striking and legible.
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Colour palettes
1. Research
Colour Palettes
The followingcolourpalettesare considerationsforwhatImay applyto myfinal magazine.These examplesinclude
HEX and RGB codessoI can easilyreplicate theseandapplythemtomymagazine.Iwill decide onapaintpalette at
the endof thisdocument.
3. In conclusion,have decidedthatIcouldinclude the secondselectionof colourpalettesthatmainlyincludegrey,light
purple andblue.Ilike thiscolourcombinationbecomesitremindsme of tranquillityandsimplicity.IpreferthisasI
do notwant to overcomplicate the colourscheme.A secondconsiderationisthe basicblackandwhite combination
as thisis typicallyusedoncurrentmagazinestomake the imagesandinformationappearstrikingtothe readeras
well asbeingverylegible.