There are 6 major color schemes according to the CSEC Clothing and Textiles text: monochromatic uses one color and its tints and tones; analogous uses adjacent colors on the color wheel; complementary uses opposite colors on the wheel; split-complementary uses a color and the colors on either side of its complement; triad uses three colors equally spaced on the wheel; and accented neutral includes neutral colors like black or white with small amounts of other colors.
2. Types of colour schemes
In reference to the CSEC Clothing and Textiles text, there are
6 major colour schemes;
1. Monochromatic
2. Analogous
3. Complementary
4. Split-complementary
5. Triad
6. Accented neutral
6. Split Complementary Colour Scheme
A color scheme using one color, and the colors on either side
of its complement.
7. Triad Colour Scheme
A color scheme using three colors equal
distance from each other on the color
8. Accented Neutral
A color scheme that includes neutral colors, like white, beige,
brown, grey, or black, and one or more small doses of other
colors. eg. brown and beige with blue, gray and black with red.