This document provides information about colors and images in digital technology. It explains that RGB stands for red, green, and blue, and that each pixel contains values for these three colors, with each color value ranging from 0-255. Combining the different levels of red, green, and blue values results in over 16 million possible colors. The document also includes links to a video and website about RGB color codes and provides color coding exercises for country flags.
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Colours and images
1. Year 7 DigitalTechnology:Bellarine SecondaryCollege
Colours and Images
Learning Objective
1. Studentcan explainhowcoloursare createdinimages
Score Learning shown
4.0 StudenthasshownsolidcolourcodesANDhasshownan additional understanding
of howcolourisuseddigitally
3.00 Studenthasshownsolidunderstandingof colourcodes
2.00 Studenthasshownsome understandingof colourcodes
1.00 Withsteadysupportfromthe teacher,studenthasshownsome understandingof
1. The basics
In a minute we’ll watchthis video,butfirstreadthroughthe questionsandmake predictions.
Question Prediction Actual answer
What doesRGB stand for?
How manycolourbars are
there ineach pixel ina
How manyvaluesdoeseach
How manypossible colours
can you make withRGB?
2. From strength to a number
Once you knowthe settingforeachcolour,youcan calculate the numberforthat colour.The
2. Year 7 DigitalTechnology:Bellarine SecondaryCollege
Andthere iswhat some commoncoloursworkout to be.
3. Year 7 DigitalTechnology:Bellarine SecondaryCollege
3. Colour codes in action
Mark eachflagwiththe colour codesthatit needs.