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March 2011 to April 2011
    How it started

  After a successful round of investi-
  gating three primary colours, the
  teachers listened to the children to
  identify colours that they often
  pointed out or were their favour-
  ites, to set out another journey of
  exploration and fun. The consen-
     Green, Orange and

                                  Duration of Project:
                                   9 to 18 March 2011 (Green)
                                     21 March to 8 April 2011
                                     11 to 27 April 2011 (Pink)

                                                    Work: Investigation

        We love green vegetables!
Investigating Green Vegetables
9 March 2011

A small provocation of vegetables, bitter
gourd, zucchini, winter melon and snap
peas was set up in a basket. The children
rubbed their hands on the vegetables’
skins, feeling the rough exterior of the bit-
ter gourd and the smooth texture of the
winter melon.
We noticed the different shades of green..
From light to dark. We smelled the vegeta-
bles… sometimes, we can’t really smell
anything! Then the vegetables were cut up
in small pieces for us to see the insides and
maybe have a taste?

                                                Learning Concepts
Work: Investigation

Shades of Green
         Mark-making with Green Media
                         10 March 2011
            Dotting Dottie the Dinosaur
                         17 March 2011

       Crayons, colour pencils and magic
  markers were used on an assortment of

   Kiran, Edward, Sophia and Harrison met
  Dottie the Dinosaur . Together they used

                         Learning Concepts
Work: Investigation


        Crunchy, Crunchy Greens
Investigating Green Fruits
11 March 2011

A basket of green apples, pears and kiwi invited everyone to
explore the textures and smells, the smooth skin of the ap-
ples, bumpy pears and furry kiwi. We then guessed the col-
our of the flesh inside the different fruits.. The insides of ap-
ples and pears were white but the kiwi was green! And had
many black seeds… some of us wanted to take the seeds out
before eating them!
A few of us matched the fruits to the corresponding picture

                                               Learning Concepts
Work: Investigation

Green Day!
 Celebrating Green
 Making a Green Salad
 18 March 2011

 A note was sent home
 for families to contrib-
 ute a green vegetable
 or fruit for the class’
 green salad. We had
 zucchini, apples, peas,
 lettuce, pears and
 grapes! After explor-
 ing the fruits and
 vegetables, we
 chopped them up into
 small pieces and put
 them in a big bowl.
 Gave it a good stir and
 our green salad was
 ready! The salad had
 mixed reviews.. Some
 of us picked out the
 ones we liked to eat
 while others finished
 their bowls!
                            Learning Concepts

                                                   Work: Investigation

How do we make orange play dough?
Making orange play dough from scratch
22 March 2011

We used our favourite recipe to make the
play dough. We measured out the flour,
salt and cream of tartar with measuring
spoons then carefully added really hot wa-
ter to mix it all together. Instead of using
food dye, we tried adding carrot juice for
some colour instead. But it didn’t work!
The play dough didn’t turn very orange but
we were still happy with the way it turned
out and decided not to add anything else.
We used our hands to knead and roll the
dough, knives to slice the dough.

                                               Learning Concepts
Work: Investigation

Orange. Orange. Orange!
             Mark-making with Orange Media
                   21 March to 1 April 2011

     Crayons, colour pencils and magic markers
        were used on an assortment of papers.

        Orange in paint pots with flat and thick
       brushes, bottle caps on plates of orange
       paint were available at the easel board.

                              Learning Concepts
Work: Investigation

              Do you like carrots?
Exploring Carrots & Tomatoes
30 March 2001

A basket of carrots and tomatoes invited
the children to smell, touch and even a lick
or two!

Baby Carrots & Cream Cheese
1 April 2011

Baby carrots and cream
cheese were served for morn-
ing tea. We also tried the
sliced tomatoes. We preferred
to lick the cream cheese off
the orange vegetables rather
than munching on them!

                                               Learning Concepts
Work: Investigation

                 We Love Goop!
Making Goop—Corn Flour + Water + Orange Paint
1 to 5 April 2001

Various sized tubs were laid out on the outdoor table. In each
tub, a cup of corn flour, some water and a dollop of orange
paint. Using long paint brushes, we mixed all of them to-
gether until a thick consistency. Then it was time explore the
goop, spreading, squeezing, rubbing on table top, ground and
even our bodies and hair!

                                             Learning Concepts
Work: Investigation

 Orange Day!
Celebrating Orange—
Making Orange Juice
7 to 8 April 2001

We love orange juice so
the children discovered
how to use fresh oranges
to make juice. Everybody
had a turn squeezing and
twisting half-oranges with
juice squeezers. The
squeezer has two parts,
the top was for the orange
halves, the bottom was
where the juice will drip

                             Learning Concepts
Work: Investigation

 Orange Day!
Celebrating Orange—
Making Orange Muffins
7 to 8 April 2001

The saved orange halves
were used for our muffins.
We used a food processor
to blend the oranges into
pulp. Flour, eggs and but-
ter were mixed together
with the pulp using a hand
mixer. The batter was then
scooped into small baking
cups before popping them
into the oven. They smelt
and tasted delicious!

                             Learning Concepts

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  • 1. Colours Green Orange Pink March 2011 to April 2011
  • 3. Introduction: How it started After a successful round of investi- gating three primary colours, the teachers listened to the children to identify colours that they often pointed out or were their favour- ites, to set out another journey of exploration and fun. The consen- Green, Orange and sus: Pink. Duration of Project: 9 to 18 March 2011 (Green) 21 March to 8 April 2011 (Orange) 11 to 27 April 2011 (Pink)
  • 4. Provocation Work: Investigation We love green vegetables! Investigating Green Vegetables 9 March 2011 A small provocation of vegetables, bitter gourd, zucchini, winter melon and snap peas was set up in a basket. The children rubbed their hands on the vegetables’ skins, feeling the rough exterior of the bit- ter gourd and the smooth texture of the winter melon. We noticed the different shades of green.. From light to dark. We smelled the vegeta- bles… sometimes, we can’t really smell anything! Then the vegetables were cut up in small pieces for us to see the insides and maybe have a taste? Learning Concepts
  • 5. Work: Investigation Shades of Green Mark-making with Green Media 10 March 2011 Dotting Dottie the Dinosaur 17 March 2011 Crayons, colour pencils and magic markers were used on an assortment of papers. Kiran, Edward, Sophia and Harrison met Dottie the Dinosaur . Together they used Learning Concepts
  • 6. Work: Investigation Provocation Crunchy, Crunchy Greens Investigating Green Fruits 11 March 2011 A basket of green apples, pears and kiwi invited everyone to explore the textures and smells, the smooth skin of the ap- ples, bumpy pears and furry kiwi. We then guessed the col- our of the flesh inside the different fruits.. The insides of ap- ples and pears were white but the kiwi was green! And had many black seeds… some of us wanted to take the seeds out before eating them! A few of us matched the fruits to the corresponding picture cards. Learning Concepts
  • 7. Work: Investigation Provocation Green Day! Celebrating Green Making a Green Salad 18 March 2011 A note was sent home for families to contrib- ute a green vegetable or fruit for the class’ green salad. We had zucchini, apples, peas, lettuce, pears and grapes! After explor- ing the fruits and vegetables, we chopped them up into small pieces and put them in a big bowl. Gave it a good stir and our green salad was ready! The salad had mixed reviews.. Some of us picked out the ones we liked to eat while others finished their bowls! Learning Concepts
  • 8. Provocation Work: Investigation How do we make orange play dough? Making orange play dough from scratch 22 March 2011 We used our favourite recipe to make the play dough. We measured out the flour, salt and cream of tartar with measuring spoons then carefully added really hot wa- ter to mix it all together. Instead of using food dye, we tried adding carrot juice for some colour instead. But it didn’t work! The play dough didn’t turn very orange but we were still happy with the way it turned out and decided not to add anything else. We used our hands to knead and roll the dough, knives to slice the dough. Learning Concepts
  • 9. Work: Investigation Orange. Orange. Orange! Mark-making with Orange Media 21 March to 1 April 2011 Crayons, colour pencils and magic markers were used on an assortment of papers. Orange in paint pots with flat and thick brushes, bottle caps on plates of orange paint were available at the easel board. Learning Concepts
  • 10. Work: Investigation Do you like carrots? Exploring Carrots & Tomatoes 30 March 2001 A basket of carrots and tomatoes invited the children to smell, touch and even a lick or two! Baby Carrots & Cream Cheese 1 April 2011 Baby carrots and cream cheese were served for morn- ing tea. We also tried the sliced tomatoes. We preferred to lick the cream cheese off the orange vegetables rather than munching on them! Learning Concepts
  • 11. Work: Investigation We Love Goop! Making Goop—Corn Flour + Water + Orange Paint 1 to 5 April 2001 Various sized tubs were laid out on the outdoor table. In each tub, a cup of corn flour, some water and a dollop of orange paint. Using long paint brushes, we mixed all of them to- gether until a thick consistency. Then it was time explore the goop, spreading, squeezing, rubbing on table top, ground and even our bodies and hair! Learning Concepts
  • 12. Work: Investigation Orange Day! Celebrating Orange— Making Orange Juice 7 to 8 April 2001 We love orange juice so the children discovered how to use fresh oranges to make juice. Everybody had a turn squeezing and twisting half-oranges with juice squeezers. The squeezer has two parts, the top was for the orange halves, the bottom was where the juice will drip into. Learning Concepts
  • 13. Work: Investigation Orange Day! Celebrating Orange— Making Orange Muffins 7 to 8 April 2001 The saved orange halves were used for our muffins. We used a food processor to blend the oranges into pulp. Flour, eggs and but- ter were mixed together with the pulp using a hand mixer. The batter was then scooped into small baking cups before popping them into the oven. They smelt and tasted delicious! Learning Concepts