Social Penetration Theory proposes that relationships develop from superficial to intimate levels over time through reciprocal self-disclosure. Developed in the 1960s-1970s, it assumes relationships progress in a systematic, predictable way from non-intimate to intimate through verbal and nonverbal communication. While self-disclosure allows relationships to deepen, it also increases vulnerability.
2. What Is SPT? Defined as a process of bonding that moves a relationship from superficial to more intimate.
3. Begun in the 1960s and 1970s when open and candid communication was reduced. Open and candid: Being open, honest/blunt Theorist: Altman and Taylor Believed that peoples relationships vary tremendously in their social penetration History Ex. Wife-husband, teacher-student, Doctor-patient
4. Includes Not just physical intimacy but also intellectual and emotional. Both verbal and nonverbal communication *Being close or intimate with someone may have different meanings for different people
5. Side Effects -vulnerability- Self-disclosure is the primary way that superficial relationships progress to intimate ones unfortunately it can leave a person vulnerable .
8. Assumption #3 Relational development includes depenetration and dissolution If a relationship depenetrates, it does not mean that it will automatically dissolve or terminate
9. Assumption #4 Self-disclosure is at the core of relationship development I tell you something then you revel something about yourself Strategic: Planning to tell someone you love them Nonstrategic: Stranger-on-the-train
10. Conclusion What type of theory? It would be considered a mid-range theory Tradition Socio-psychological
11. Discussion Question It has been researched that women and men self disclose differently. With that being said, following the theory of social penetration, do you think that a woman has more intimate relationships than a man?