Presentation in Norwegian on Internet of Things and Privacy.
Presentation is mostly images and bullet points, not intended as a standalone presentation.
El Da de Andaluca se celebra el 28 de febrero para conmemorar el referndum de 1980 que otorg la autonoma a Andaluca. Adems de celebrar su cultura nica, el da tambin sirve para reflexionar sobre los desafos continuos de la regin, especialmente la alta tasa de desempleo. La bandera de Andaluca consta de tres franjas horizontales verdes y blancas y representa la pureza, la esperanza y el paisaje de la regin. El himno fue escrito por Blas Infante y
Labo XX Antwerp - Densification strategies for the 20th century belt (BUUR)Kevin Penalva-Halpin
Study of the densification of the 20th century belt
Following a competition organised by the City of Antwerp, BUUR in association with Futureproofed, was selected with three other teams for the realisation of a prestigious research project entitled Labo XX. The mission included the development of a strategy for urban renewal and densification of the twentieth century belt around the city of Antwerp. The strategy aimed to create housing for another 100,000 inhabitants by 2030.
The belt around the city centre is as an amalgam of; monotonous neighbourhoods lacking a strong identity, fragments of industry, transformed historic towns, beautifully landscaped parks, undefined residual spaces, remnants of agricultural landscapes and so on. It was thus clear that all the elements were in place in order to create a quality urban environment, including: housing, parks and open spaces, economy and employment and local urban centres. We found a remarkable number of attractions at both the urban and regional scale.
Through creating links, BUUR studied the possibilities of progressively integrating existing functions to transform the belt into a pleasant and attractive area that is complementary to Antwerps city centre. In order to create distinguishable areas, it was necessary to define additional functions. The existing radial tramlines could be integrated by a north-south tangental line to form a network at the local a urban level.
Through the study, BUUR analysed the integration of an urban system that is tangental to the existing radial network while looking at densification and renovation opportunities.
PERIOD: 2013 > 2014
CLIENT: City of Antwerp
TEAM: BUUR with Futureproofed
Continuous Deployment with Amazon Web ServicesJulien SIMON
This document summarizes a webinar about continuous deployment with Amazon Web Services. It defines concepts like continuous integration, continuous delivery, and DevOps. It then demonstrates how to set up continuous integration/continuous delivery pipelines on AWS using services like CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, and CodePipeline. The pipelines shown include building and deploying a C library and a Java web application. Potential issues that may occur with deployments are also discussed.
Ilmu kepolisian ditinjau dari filsafat ilmu meliputi tiga aspek: (1) obyek materialnya adalah manusia, kepolisian sebagai fungsi dan organisasi, serta masyarakat; (2) obyek formalnya meliputi ilmu alam, sosial, dan humaniora; (3) epistemologi ilmu kepolisian terkait dengan pengetahuan yang diperoleh melalui pengalaman dan akal.
Infrastructure as code with Amazon Web ServicesJulien SIMON
This document summarizes a presentation on infrastructure as code using AWS services like CloudFormation, Terraform, and Troposphere. The presentation covers why infrastructure as code is useful for automating deployments, making builds predictable and testable. It also provides examples of typical use cases and demos of creating, updating and deleting stacks with the different services. CloudFormation, Terraform and Troposphere are compared in terms of features and interfaces. Additional resources for learning more about infrastructure as code and AWS are also listed.
Patrimnio Cultural Portugus - Pante?es de Portugal e Edifcios da Soberania...Artur Filipe dos Santos
Durante os vrios sculos que leva j a histria de Portugal vrios tm sido os edifcios que simbolizaram o ideal de soberania nacional, como s?o exemplos maiores a Assembleia da Repblica, o Palcio de Belm (j estudado nesta cadeira), o Palcio das Necessidades ou ainda os edifcios dos Ministrios no Terreiro do Pa?o.
Devops with Amazon Web Services (January 2017)Julien SIMON
This document discusses Amazon Web Services tools for DevOps practices like microservices architecture, continuous delivery, and deployment pipelines. It introduces AWS services for source control (CodeCommit), building (CodeBuild), deployment (CodeDeploy), and release management (CodePipeline). These services help teams implement best practices like automated testing, releases to multiple environments without downtime, and rollbacks. The document provides an example pipeline of using CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy and CodePipeline together to deploy code from a GitHub repository to development and production environments. It also briefly introduces the X-Ray service for distributed application debugging.
The document discusses AWS services for DevOps workflows including infrastructure as code (AWS CloudFormation), container management (Amazon ECS and ECR), continuous integration and delivery (AWS CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline). It provides an overview of each service and examples of how they can be used together in a continuous deployment pipeline to develop, build, test and deploy applications on AWS.
Bonnes pratiques pour la gestion des oprations de scurit AWSJulien SIMON
Modle de scurit partage
Protection des donnes
Gestion des utilisateurs et des autorisations
Journalisation des donnes
Automatisation des vrifications
Authentification et autorisation d'accs avec AWS IAMJulien SIMON
Modle de scurit?AWS
Bases d'IAM
Stratgies IAM
Stratgies gres IAM
R?les IAM
Fdration?didentit avec IAM
An introduction to serverless architectures (February 2017)Julien SIMON
An introduction to serverless
AWS Lambda
Amazon API Gateway
Demo: writing your first Lambda function
Demo: building a serverless pipeline
Additional resources
Developing and deploying serverless applications (February 2017)Julien SIMON
- The document discusses developments and tools for serverless applications on AWS Lambda. It begins with an overview of new Lambda features like environment variables and Step Functions for orchestrating Lambda functions.
- Several serverless frameworks are demonstrated, including the Serverless Framework, Gordon, and Chalice, which simplify developing and deploying Lambda functions and event sources.
- The AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) is presented as a way to bundle Lambda functions, APIs, and events using CloudFormation for simplified deployment. Additional resources on Lambda are also listed.
This document provides an introduction and overview of Amazon's AI services including Amazon Polly, Amazon Lex, and Amazon Rekognition. Amazon Polly is a text-to-speech service that converts text into natural-sounding speech for 47 voices across 24 languages. Amazon Lex builds conversational interfaces using natural language understanding. Amazon Rekognition provides deep learning capabilities for image analysis, including object detection, facial analysis, face comparison and face recognition.
The document summarizes announcements from AWS re:Invent 2016, including:
- New generally available services such as AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate, EC2 Systems Manager, CodeBuild, X-Ray, Personal Health Dashboard, Shield, Pinpoint, Glue, Batch, and Step Functions.
- New features for Lambda including C# support, Lambda@Edge, and Step Functions integration.
- Previews for services like X-Ray, Shield Advanced, and Batch.
- Updates to services including CloudFormation, ECS, and improvements to the Well-Architected Framework.
Persuasive Resume - Cover Letter - Job Letter WritingFaHaD .H. NooR
these slides will help you writing persuasive cover letter, resume and job letter.
Job seekers frequently send a cover letter along with their curriculum vitae or applications for employment as a way of introducing themselves to potential employers and explaining their suitability for the desired positions. Employers may look for individualized and thoughtfully written cover letters as one method of screening out applicants who are not sufficiently interested in their positions or who lack necessary basic skills.
The functional rsum is used to focus on skills that are specific to the type of position being sought. This format directly emphasizes specific professional capabilities and utilizes experience summaries as its primary means of communicating professional competency. In contrast, the chronological rsum format will briefly highlight these competencies prior to presenting a comprehensive timeline of career growth through reverse chronological listings, with the most recent experience listed first. The functional rsum works well for those making a career change, having a varied work history or with little work experience. A functional rsum is also preferred for applications to jobs that require very specific skills or clearly defined personality traits. A functional rsum is a good method for highlighting particular skills or experiences, especially when those particular skills or experiences may have derived from a role which was held some time ago. Rather than focus on the length of time that has passed, the functional rsum allows the reader to identify those skills quickly.
Stranger Danger: Securing Third Party Components (Tech2020)Guy Podjarny
Building software today involves more assembly than actual coding. Much of our code is in fact pulled in open source packages, and the applications heavily rely on surrounding third party binaries. These third parties make us more productive - but they also introduce an enormous risk. Each third party component is a potential source of vulnerabilities or malicious code, each third party service a potential door into our system.
This talk contains more information about this risk, create a framework for digesting and tackling it, and lists a myriad of tools that can help.
This document contains a list of 10 teachers from various schools who prepared a paper for Question 1, as well as 3 editors who edited the paper. It provides the names and schools of the teachers and editors. The schools are located in Sitiawan and surrounding areas in Malaysia. The document identifies which teachers prepared the paper and which editors reviewed it.
Patrimnio Cultural Portugus - Pante?es de Portugal e Edifcios da Soberania...Artur Filipe dos Santos
Durante os vrios sculos que leva j a histria de Portugal vrios tm sido os edifcios que simbolizaram o ideal de soberania nacional, como s?o exemplos maiores a Assembleia da Repblica, o Palcio de Belm (j estudado nesta cadeira), o Palcio das Necessidades ou ainda os edifcios dos Ministrios no Terreiro do Pa?o.
Devops with Amazon Web Services (January 2017)Julien SIMON
This document discusses Amazon Web Services tools for DevOps practices like microservices architecture, continuous delivery, and deployment pipelines. It introduces AWS services for source control (CodeCommit), building (CodeBuild), deployment (CodeDeploy), and release management (CodePipeline). These services help teams implement best practices like automated testing, releases to multiple environments without downtime, and rollbacks. The document provides an example pipeline of using CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy and CodePipeline together to deploy code from a GitHub repository to development and production environments. It also briefly introduces the X-Ray service for distributed application debugging.
The document discusses AWS services for DevOps workflows including infrastructure as code (AWS CloudFormation), container management (Amazon ECS and ECR), continuous integration and delivery (AWS CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline). It provides an overview of each service and examples of how they can be used together in a continuous deployment pipeline to develop, build, test and deploy applications on AWS.
Bonnes pratiques pour la gestion des oprations de scurit AWSJulien SIMON
Modle de scurit partage
Protection des donnes
Gestion des utilisateurs et des autorisations
Journalisation des donnes
Automatisation des vrifications
Authentification et autorisation d'accs avec AWS IAMJulien SIMON
Modle de scurit?AWS
Bases d'IAM
Stratgies IAM
Stratgies gres IAM
R?les IAM
Fdration?didentit avec IAM
An introduction to serverless architectures (February 2017)Julien SIMON
An introduction to serverless
AWS Lambda
Amazon API Gateway
Demo: writing your first Lambda function
Demo: building a serverless pipeline
Additional resources
Developing and deploying serverless applications (February 2017)Julien SIMON
- The document discusses developments and tools for serverless applications on AWS Lambda. It begins with an overview of new Lambda features like environment variables and Step Functions for orchestrating Lambda functions.
- Several serverless frameworks are demonstrated, including the Serverless Framework, Gordon, and Chalice, which simplify developing and deploying Lambda functions and event sources.
- The AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) is presented as a way to bundle Lambda functions, APIs, and events using CloudFormation for simplified deployment. Additional resources on Lambda are also listed.
This document provides an introduction and overview of Amazon's AI services including Amazon Polly, Amazon Lex, and Amazon Rekognition. Amazon Polly is a text-to-speech service that converts text into natural-sounding speech for 47 voices across 24 languages. Amazon Lex builds conversational interfaces using natural language understanding. Amazon Rekognition provides deep learning capabilities for image analysis, including object detection, facial analysis, face comparison and face recognition.
The document summarizes announcements from AWS re:Invent 2016, including:
- New generally available services such as AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate, EC2 Systems Manager, CodeBuild, X-Ray, Personal Health Dashboard, Shield, Pinpoint, Glue, Batch, and Step Functions.
- New features for Lambda including C# support, Lambda@Edge, and Step Functions integration.
- Previews for services like X-Ray, Shield Advanced, and Batch.
- Updates to services including CloudFormation, ECS, and improvements to the Well-Architected Framework.
Persuasive Resume - Cover Letter - Job Letter WritingFaHaD .H. NooR
these slides will help you writing persuasive cover letter, resume and job letter.
Job seekers frequently send a cover letter along with their curriculum vitae or applications for employment as a way of introducing themselves to potential employers and explaining their suitability for the desired positions. Employers may look for individualized and thoughtfully written cover letters as one method of screening out applicants who are not sufficiently interested in their positions or who lack necessary basic skills.
The functional rsum is used to focus on skills that are specific to the type of position being sought. This format directly emphasizes specific professional capabilities and utilizes experience summaries as its primary means of communicating professional competency. In contrast, the chronological rsum format will briefly highlight these competencies prior to presenting a comprehensive timeline of career growth through reverse chronological listings, with the most recent experience listed first. The functional rsum works well for those making a career change, having a varied work history or with little work experience. A functional rsum is also preferred for applications to jobs that require very specific skills or clearly defined personality traits. A functional rsum is a good method for highlighting particular skills or experiences, especially when those particular skills or experiences may have derived from a role which was held some time ago. Rather than focus on the length of time that has passed, the functional rsum allows the reader to identify those skills quickly.
Stranger Danger: Securing Third Party Components (Tech2020)Guy Podjarny
Building software today involves more assembly than actual coding. Much of our code is in fact pulled in open source packages, and the applications heavily rely on surrounding third party binaries. These third parties make us more productive - but they also introduce an enormous risk. Each third party component is a potential source of vulnerabilities or malicious code, each third party service a potential door into our system.
This talk contains more information about this risk, create a framework for digesting and tackling it, and lists a myriad of tools that can help.
This document contains a list of 10 teachers from various schools who prepared a paper for Question 1, as well as 3 editors who edited the paper. It provides the names and schools of the teachers and editors. The schools are located in Sitiawan and surrounding areas in Malaysia. The document identifies which teachers prepared the paper and which editors reviewed it.
La virtualizacin permite ejecutar mltiples mquinas virtuales en un solo servidor fsico compartiendo recursos. Esto ofrece ventajas como aislamiento, seguridad y flexibilidad, aunque reduce el rendimiento. Programas como VirtualBox y VMWare permiten crear mquinas virtuales emulando hardware. Existen diferentes modos de conexin de redes virtuales como puente, NAT y slo anfitrin.
Com clonar i com exportar i importar una mquina virtual
1. Com clonar maquina Virtual
Obrim el virtualbox i seleccionem la maquina que
volem clonar.
Una vegada estigui marcada, anem a maquina,
clonar, li donem un nom a la maquina clonada
i fiquem si volem una clonaci completa o enlazada
li donem a seguent i esperem a que es cloni
2. Exportar VirtualBox
VirtualBox t un mecanisme directe per exportar MMVV a altres equips i fins i tot
a un altre programari de virtualitzaci diferent. Es basa en l'anomenat Open
Virtualization Format (OVF), un format obert per a l'exportaci de MMVV.Per
posar-lo en marxa premem des de l'administrador de VB del men Arxiu ->
Exporta servei virtualitzat. A continuaci, ens apareix una llista amb totes les
MMVV que tenim. Seleccionem una vegada i premem el bot Next. Pas seguit,
ens pregunta pel nom del fitxer on es va a guardar la MV exportada. Aqu s
important mantenir l'extensi .ova i no l'extensi .ovf. Amb la primera, tot es
guardar en un nic fitxer amb una compressi mnima del 50%, i amb la
segona, l'exportaci es distribuir en diversos fitxers. Premem el bot Next. La
seguent finestra premem al final el bot Exporta.
3. Importar VirtualBox
La importaci d'una MV, normalment continguda en un nic fitxer amb extensi
.ova, comen?a prement, en l'administrador de VB, el men Arxiu -> Importa servei
virtualitzat. En la segent finestra premem el bot Obrir servei, i seleccionem el
fitxer .ova del disc. Premem el bot Next. En l'ltima finestra, podem canviar el
nom de la MV importada amb el qual va a aparixer en l'administrador de VB, ia
ms, tamb podem canviar certs parmetres maquinari, encara que aix pot fer-
se a posteriori. La MAC de la targeta de xarxa tamb pot ser canviada aqu.
Premem el bot Importar.