Next Friday will be dedicated to laughter and fun activities at TELiBrahm. Employees are invited to participate in a comic strip designing contest or funny photo contest. The deadline for submissions is August 16th. The funniest submissions will be published on the company blog. Entries must be original creations and cannot contain inappropriate or offensive content.
A Terrific Fridaydedicated to tickling your funnybone!
Next Friday, let us entertain you! Under the Fun Champs banner, we invite all TELiBrahmites t
their lighter side.
Design a humorous comic strip or click photographs of hilarious situations and submit them t
before 16th of August. The funniest submissions will be published on our Blog! Send in your entr
AMon August 5, 2013.
Designs, drawings andcharacters must be original no tracing.
Photographic content must be original- shot by the participatingindividual.
Comic strips may be in black-and-white or color and mayhave one to four/ Six panels.
Entrieslimited to one comicstrip. A teammust consist 2 participant and maximumof 4.
Content has to be in the interest of the organization and the employee community. Refrain
sexist, religious, political, company confidential, defamatory and offensive messages/content. R
using profanityin your comicstrips.
HR Team Enabling Smiles