Jutta Pauschenwein offered several comic workshops in 2017 and 2018 to teach participants how to use comics for explaining concepts. She created comics to illustrate her teacher training activities and online courses. While she enjoyed using comics in her teaching and workshops, she found it difficult to draw comics when feeling stressed or sad.
2. What happened in 2017?
….with respect to the use of comics in my teaching and
training activities?
I planned to do a drawing course and didn’t find the
I offered three workshops and had a lot of fun with the
I wasn’t calm enough to draw many comics …
6. 7.7.17 The future
of learning at the
blog post to get in
discussion with
9. New comics in 2018
The teacher training continued.
I did a workshop in carnival time.
I created comics around MOOCs
I offered one workshop (until today, 25. May) and had
a lot of fun with the participants
16. 15.5.18 E-learning trends and strategy of implementation
17. Comics Workshop in Viena
28.5.18 Workshop „Comics und grafische
Elemente in der Lehre“
18. Reflection
I use comics
to explain things - often training/learning instructions
to get into discussions
to have fun by visualizing an element of (online) teaching
I do not draw comics if I’m sad.