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Property Benefit
Learn how a Cost
Segregation study can
improve your cash flow and
lower your taxes
What Is Cost Segregation?
 Basically, cost segregation reclassifies real
  and personal property construction costs
  in a commercial property
 Historically, most if not all of a building was
  classified as real property and
  depreciated over 39 years.
 Personal property can be depreciated
  over as little as 5-7 years, dramatically
  improving cash flow
How Does This Get Done?
 With a properly done Cost Segregation
  study, the individual characteristics of the
  components of your building are broken
  out, or segregated, from the whole.
 Why? Because some components, like
  carpeting, asphalt, specialty wiring etc
  wear out long before 39 years. It doesnt
  make sense to depreciate them over 39
  years if they only have a five or seven
  year lifespan.
What is the Benefit?
 Ifyou win the lottery, would you take the
  prize over 30 years or upfront?
 Money now is worth more to you than
  money 30 years from now.
 Cost-seg accelerates the depreciation of
  your building for tax purposes, reducing
  your taxes, while utilizing the look back
  provision can generate a sizeable IRS
  refund upfront.
Will This Cause an Audit?
 In 1997, a landmark case with Hospital
  Corp of America took place in which the
  IRS admitted that cost segregation was a
  valid process.
 In 1999 they issued a Legal Memorandum
  which said that a properly done cost-
  seg study would not be contested.
 In 2004 the IRS reaffirmed the strategy by
  issuing the Cost Segregation Audit Guide.
How Much is the Benefit?
   The amount of the benefit is based on a
    number of factors, such as the number of
    years the building has been owned, if there
    have been any recent renovations, the
    purpose of the building, and other factors.
   In general, for every $1 million of cost that can
    be re-classified, the average benefit is
    approximately $150-160,000
   We have saved clients over $152,000,000
How Much is this Going to
 Inthe past, because of the technical and
  engineering requirements for a successful
  cost segregation study, only the biggest
  companies were able to hire qualified
  consultants with huge upfront costs.
 Now, firms like ours have specialists who
  do nothing but cost-seg and are able to
  do it for a fraction of the cost than in the
Low Cost, Guaranteed Results
   Our guarantee to you is that if we determine
    that you are not going to benefit from a cost
    segregation study, there is no charge to you.
   If we do find a benefit to you, and 90% of the
    time we do, our fee is guaranteed to be a
    small fraction of the benefit. Fee will be
    quoted as a fixed amount, but will not
    exceed 10% of benefit.
   Fee quoted upon completion of initial analysis
Who Benefits From Cost Seg?
 Must be a commercial property- hotels,
  restaurants, apartments, nursing homes,
  automobile dealers, manufacturing all
  good prospects for cost segmentation
 Must be a For-Profit entity
 Target Building cost: $1-10 million
 Not planning to sell within 24 months at
  minimum, preferably not within 5 years
Why Havent I Heard About
   CPAs in general only advised of this since
    2004. Some still think of old disallowed rules
    regarding component depreciation.
   CPAs not generally engineers as required
   Engineering based studies required per IRS
    guidelines. Our consultants are experienced
    engineers and specialize in cost
   Engineers generally not good salespeople!
Leaving Money on The Table?

 Ifyou havent looked into doing a
  cost segmentation study for your
  business, you are probably paying
  too much in taxes.

 You still have to pay taxes, but you
  dont need to leave a tip!
Make an Informed Decision
 Contact  us to see how this would impact
  your business
 Learn why you should or should not do a
 Make an informed decision. We welcome
  the participation and partnership of your
How We Work With Your CPA
   We partner with your CPA in this process
   We provide your CPA precise information to
    maximize your benefits according to the law
   We do the engineering study that is required
    by IRS guidelines then work with your CPA to
    complete the proper forms such as the Form
    3115 to maximize your refund
   Make sure study passes IRS engineering
Next Steps
 Contact  us to request a study
 We review initial information provided to
  determine feasibility
 Complete study performed and fee
 Implement with CPA to apply to your
 See the improved financial results!
Contact Information
 Contact    me at
        information can also be completed
    on my website:

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Commercial Property Benefit

  • 1. Commercial Property Benefit Learn how a Cost Segregation study can improve your cash flow and lower your taxes
  • 2. What Is Cost Segregation? Basically, cost segregation reclassifies real and personal property construction costs in a commercial property Historically, most if not all of a building was classified as real property and depreciated over 39 years. Personal property can be depreciated over as little as 5-7 years, dramatically improving cash flow
  • 3. How Does This Get Done? With a properly done Cost Segregation study, the individual characteristics of the components of your building are broken out, or segregated, from the whole. Why? Because some components, like carpeting, asphalt, specialty wiring etc wear out long before 39 years. It doesnt make sense to depreciate them over 39 years if they only have a five or seven year lifespan.
  • 4. What is the Benefit? Ifyou win the lottery, would you take the prize over 30 years or upfront? Money now is worth more to you than money 30 years from now. Cost-seg accelerates the depreciation of your building for tax purposes, reducing your taxes, while utilizing the look back provision can generate a sizeable IRS refund upfront.
  • 5. Will This Cause an Audit? In 1997, a landmark case with Hospital Corp of America took place in which the IRS admitted that cost segregation was a valid process. In 1999 they issued a Legal Memorandum which said that a properly done cost- seg study would not be contested. In 2004 the IRS reaffirmed the strategy by issuing the Cost Segregation Audit Guide.
  • 6. How Much is the Benefit? The amount of the benefit is based on a number of factors, such as the number of years the building has been owned, if there have been any recent renovations, the purpose of the building, and other factors. In general, for every $1 million of cost that can be re-classified, the average benefit is approximately $150-160,000 We have saved clients over $152,000,000
  • 7. How Much is this Going to Cost? Inthe past, because of the technical and engineering requirements for a successful cost segregation study, only the biggest companies were able to hire qualified consultants with huge upfront costs. Now, firms like ours have specialists who do nothing but cost-seg and are able to do it for a fraction of the cost than in the past.
  • 8. Low Cost, Guaranteed Results Our guarantee to you is that if we determine that you are not going to benefit from a cost segregation study, there is no charge to you. If we do find a benefit to you, and 90% of the time we do, our fee is guaranteed to be a small fraction of the benefit. Fee will be quoted as a fixed amount, but will not exceed 10% of benefit. Fee quoted upon completion of initial analysis
  • 9. Who Benefits From Cost Seg? Must be a commercial property- hotels, restaurants, apartments, nursing homes, automobile dealers, manufacturing all good prospects for cost segmentation benefits Must be a For-Profit entity Target Building cost: $1-10 million Not planning to sell within 24 months at minimum, preferably not within 5 years
  • 10. Why Havent I Heard About This? CPAs in general only advised of this since 2004. Some still think of old disallowed rules regarding component depreciation. CPAs not generally engineers as required Engineering based studies required per IRS guidelines. Our consultants are experienced engineers and specialize in cost segmentation. Engineers generally not good salespeople!
  • 11. Leaving Money on The Table? Ifyou havent looked into doing a cost segmentation study for your business, you are probably paying too much in taxes. You still have to pay taxes, but you dont need to leave a tip!
  • 12. Make an Informed Decision Contact us to see how this would impact your business Learn why you should or should not do a study Make an informed decision. We welcome the participation and partnership of your CPA
  • 13. How We Work With Your CPA We partner with your CPA in this process We provide your CPA precise information to maximize your benefits according to the law We do the engineering study that is required by IRS guidelines then work with your CPA to complete the proper forms such as the Form 3115 to maximize your refund Make sure study passes IRS engineering guidelines
  • 14. Next Steps Contact us to request a study We review initial information provided to determine feasibility Complete study performed and fee charged Implement with CPA to apply to your financials See the improved financial results!
  • 15. Contact Information Contact me at timrobertson@robertsonadvisorsgroup.com 619-403-6622 Initial information can also be completed on my website: www.RobertsonAdvisorsGroup.com