A brief project presentation during the 2015 'Commit Comnunity Days' @ Papendal, Netherlands.
QUINN is a joint Radboud University/TNO/LexisNexis valorisation project to investigate applicabilaty of automated search suggestion functionality.
QUINN is a valorisation project of the larger TNO-led SWELL, and part of the Dutch COMMIT public/private R&D initiative.
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Commit Community Days 2015: QUINN valorisation project
3. Objectives
Information specialists build complex Boolean queries for news retrieval
News topics evolve over time: new entities/terms/concepts/events
Search strings are long and complex: difficult to see how query can be
Question: can we assist users with query term suggestions?
Hypothesis: result sets contain potentially relevant new query terms
Term extraction technology implemented for the COMMIT/SWELL
First results
Dedicated UI for term suggestion, showing:
- original query
- documents from news stream
- list of suggested query terms
Evaluated with 6 users from 2 organizations so far:
- users recognize potential
- noisy term suggestions need improvement
- additional wishes: suggestions for Boolean operators, wildcards
User experiment finalised later this week