Capital Metro has a federal obligation to provide freight rail service to new customers located on its rail lines. A new ethanol distribution facility is being proposed near Decker Lane in Austin that would require 400-500 train cars of shipments per month, doubling to over 800 cars by 2020. Capital Metro would be obligated to serve this new customer, requiring $350,000-$1.5 million in track infrastructure improvements. The facility could generate around $250,000 annually for Capital Metro while removing 35-40 daily tanker trucks from local highways and improving air quality. However, it may increase train traffic and concerns have been raised by Travis County about ethanol shipments.
2. Capital Metro Freight Obligations
Federal Common Carrier Obligations (administered by the Surface
Transportation Board) require Capital Metro to provide freight services to:
Entities currently in existence on the rail line
New entities that purchase/develop facilities on the rail line
Freight operations must be in compliance with Department of
Transportation and FRA regulations
Packaging and placarding in accordance with DOT
Train operation and track in accordance with FRA
3. New Freight Rail Customer Opportunity
Ethanol Distribution Facility near Decker Lane
Ethanol Distribution Facility is proposed to be developed in Austin
Volume = 400-500 train cars per month
Expectation is this demand will more than double by 2020
Capital Metro Obligations
Agency and its common carrier contractor (Watco) would be obligated to
serve the new customer
Track infrastructure improvements (~$350,000 - $1.5 mm) required
Funding alternatives are being evaluated
Capital Metro Benefits
Estimate CMTA will net approximately $250,000 per year
4. Community Implications
Community Advantages
Removes 35 40 Daily Tanker trucks from Highways
Helps community improve air quality standards
Creates new jobs
Community Concerns
Will add to train traffic in this area
Travis County has expressed concern about the shipment of this product
Other Considerations
Federal mandates on ethanol blending requirements may change over time
Consider alternative route via McNeil and Austin Junction
5. Project Timing
Current Target for implementation
Optimistic: September 15, 2010
More likely: February 2011
Facility Construction
Six months to begin initial operation (12 month total build out)
Includes track infrastructure improvements
6. Freight Rail Operations: Decker Transload Station
L oca
Flint Hills Resources has
fuel storage tanks to convert
to ethanol storage
Decker Lane Siding is 15
track miles
West of Elgin Interlocker
7. Freight Rail Operations: Decker Transload Station
Decker Lane Siding is 15 track miles
West of Elgin Interlocker
Flint Hills Resources
(around bend) currently has
fuel storage tanks to convert
to ethanol storage
Decker Lane