Common expressions are provided for various situations: 1) "God bless you" when someone sneezes, 2) "You're welcome" or "Don't mention it" when thanked, 3) "Thank you" when complimented, 4) "Get well soon" when sick, 5) expressions of condolence when a friend loses a father, 6) "I beg your pardon" when not hearing a question, 7) "I'm sorry" or "Please excuse me" when pushing someone by accident, 8) "Excuse me" or "Pardon me" when leaving the dinner table, and 9) "Congratulations" when someone graduates school.
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Common Expressions
1. Common Expressions:
1. God bless you
2. Youre welcome Dont mention it
3. Thank You
4. Get well soon
5. Condolence
6. I beg your pardon
7. Im sorry. Please excuse me.
8. Excuse me or Pardon me
9. Congratulations
2. Manner
Situations: What do you say
when someone
1. sneezes
2. says Thank you to you
3. says I like your new suit
4. is sick
What do you say when you..
5. hear that a friends father
6. didnt hear a friends
7. push someone by accident
8. want to leave the dinner
9. what do say when
someone graduates from
Common Expressions:
1. God bless you
2. Youre welcome Dont
mention it
3. Thank You
4. Get well soon
5. Condolence
6. I beg your pardon
7. Im sorry. Please excuse
8. Excuse me or Pardon
9. Congratulations