This presentation is meant for general public to create awareness. the presenter does not provide medical advice through this presentation
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Common eye problems in old age
1. The keepers of the house shall tremble
The strong men shall bow themselves
The grinders cease because they are few
Those that look out of the windows be darkened
3. Why is eyesight all-the-more-
important in old age?
Physical strength decreases
Tend to read more
New hobbies
Slower reflexes
4. Myths
Vision decreases with age and nothing can be
done about it
Cataract surgery is a major operation and old
people are not fit for the same
Cataract surgery should not be performed
until it is fully ripe
Medicines can melt cataract
Cataract is the only cause of decreased vision
in old age
5. 1. Near vision difficulty
With age, there is normal decrease in ability
to see minute objects
Can be corrected with glasses
6. 2. Cataract
Most common cause of reversible blindness
Most commonly seen in old people
Causes mainly visual symptoms
Easily treated by surgical removal
7. 3. Glaucoma
Damage to the nerve of the eye due to raised
pressure within the eye.
No symptoms until very late stages
Decrease in field of vision
Requires medical or surgical treatment
8. 4. Age related macular degeneration
Degeneration of layers of retina due to age
Initial presentation with distorted images and
inability to read smaller print
Not always reversible
May lead to severe visual impairment
9. 5. Dry eye
Not as sinister as others
Stinging and burning sensation in the eye
Can be relieved by medications
10. Others
Diabetic retinopathy:
Affects blood vessels of retina
Increases with increase in duration of diabetes
and poor control
Retinal vascular occlusions:
Occlusion of main artery or vein of retina leading
to sudden loss of vision.
11. Eye and brain:
Degenerative diseases and stroke can affect
eyesight and field of vision
Transient loss of vision:
May precede stroke
Sudden loss of vision for around a minute with full
Double vision:
Sudden doubling of vision may be an indicator of
serious neurological disorders.
12. Take home message
Meet your ophthalmologist regularly and get
your eyes checked, specially if you are a diabetic,
hypertensive or have any heart disease
Look out for symptoms like
Narrowing of visual field
Gradual loss of central vision
Cloudy and blurred eyesight
Blind spots in the field of vision
Sudden loss of vision
13. Recommendations for eye testing
Asymptomatic individuals or individuals
without risk factors: (40 to 54 years): every 2
to 4 years.
55 to 64 years: 1 to 3 years
65 years old or older: every 1 to 2 years, even
in the absence of symptoms
(American Academy of Ophthalmology)
14. Have a healthy sight!
Thank you
Age is an issue of
mind over
matter. If you
don't mind, it
doesn't matter.
-Mark Twain
Men do not quit
playing because
they grow old;
they grow old
because they quit
-Oliver Wendell