This document provides guidance for communicating about climate change within a church setting. It outlines key steps to plan a talk or sermon on climate change, including identifying the audience and their beliefs, framing the issues, presenting the science clearly, and using theological resources. The summary highlights addressing potential barriers like scientific jargon or apathy, emphasizing established science with visuals, and connecting the issues to biblical passages about creation care, justice, and hope.
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Communicating for change tear 2012
1. Communicating for
Talking about Climate Change in
Enough! Being Gods people in a 1
captivated world
2. Outcomes
Plan a talk/sermon on climate change
Key issues
Science & theology resources
Enough! Being Gods people in a 2
captivated world
3. Selling the message
Enough! Being Gods people in a 3
captivated world
5. On Belief
Nature Nature
capricious perverse/tolerant
African Soldiers &
farmer civil servants
Self made
Oil barons NGOs
Nature Nature
benign ephemeral
From Mark Maslin, 2004:
Global Warming: A Very Short
Introduction, Oxford University
Enough! Being Gods people in a 5
captivated world
6. Barriers
Jargon, explaining science
Tribalism, e.g. Bolt fans
Authority who do we believe?
Dualism doesnt matter as it will all end
Hopelessness what can I do?
Apathy whats it got to do with me?
Psychological distance not here, not
now, not me
Enough! Being Gods people in a 6
captivated world
8. Presenting Science
KISS but not patronising
Visuals graphs well explained
Bringing in the expert resources
Deal with misconceptions DANGER!
Acknowledge uncertainties
Stress well established ideas
Multiple lines of evidence
Ill get back to you
Enough! Being Gods people in a 8
captivated world
12. Theology
Creational monotheism
Not green but biblical
Combating evangelical dualism
Gospel-creation connection
Evangelism & creation care
Justice-creation connection
Caring for poor
Enough! Being Gods people in a 12
captivated world
13. Key Passages
Gen 1 cosmic temple
Gen 2 gardeners by appointment
Ps 104 God of biodiversity
Rm 8 groaning creation
1 Cor 15 resurrection theology
2 Peter 3 refinement not destruction
Jeremiah 29:6-8 living in exile
Good Samaritan neighbours in a globalised
atmosphere & economy
Enough! Being Gods people in a 13
captivated world
14. Moving our Listeners
Guilt paralyses but hope energises
Alternate polis beyond left & right
Virtues prayer, patience, simplicity
Eschatology appealing to hope
Evangelism & Ecclesiology being
Enough! Being Gods people in a 14
captivated world
15. Science Resources
Enough! Being Gods people in a 15
captivated world
16. Bookshelf
Global Warming: A Very Short Introduction, Mark
The Weather Makers, Tim Flannery (small errors)
A Moral Climate Michael Northcott
For the Beauty of the Earth Bouma-Prediger
The Care of Creation: Focusing Concern and Action
RJ Berry (Ed)
A Climate for Change Katherine Hayhoe & Andrew
Enough! Being Gods people in a 16
captivated world