The document provides instructions for an exercise where participants sit in a specific arrangement with their backs to each other and facing different directions. They are then asked to communicate with each other and reflect on the experience. Finally, participants are instructed to write a memo to themselves about how they would like to change their communication strategy at work based on their reflection from the exercise.
2. Please sit in this arrangement A B C D E Backs to each other B , C , D , and E all facing this way A faces this way
3. Please sit in this arrangement A B C D E Backs to each other B , C , D , and E all facing this way A faces this way You can communicate with any other letter
5. Now… Please write a memo to yourself for Monday morning. Tell yourself how you would like to change any part of your communication strategy at work after reflection on this activity. To:_____Me_______ From:___Me_______ Date: March 20 Memo:___________ ________________ ________________