1. Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
A number of international organisations have taken action for IoT design standardisation.
Following are the examples:
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
A number of international organisations have taken action for IoT design standardisation.
Following are the examples:
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
International Telecommunication Union for Telecommunication (ITU-T)
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
A number of international organisations have taken action for IoT design standardisation.
Following are the examples:
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
International Telecommunication Union for Telecommunication (ITU-T)
European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI)
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
A number of international organisations have taken action for IoT design standardisation.
Following are the examples:
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
International Telecommunication Union for Telecommunication (ITU-T)
European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI)
Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
6. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), an international body initiated actions for ad-
dressing and working on the recommendations for the engineering specifications for the
Internet of Things. IETF suggests the specifications for the layers, and the engineering
aspects for the IoT communication, networks and applications.
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
7. International Telecommunication Union for Telecommunication (ITU-T)
International Telecommunication Union for Telecommunication (ITU-T) suggested a
reference model for IoT domain, network and transport capabilities for the IoT services
and the applications at the application and application-support layers.
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
8. European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI)
European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI) initiated the development of a
set of standards for the network, and devices and gateway domains for the communication
between machines (M2M). ETSI proposed high-level architecture for applications and
service capabilities.
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
9. Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), an International Industry Consortium, has also
suggested open standards for sensors’ discovery, capabilities, quality and other aspects
with support to geographical information web support.
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
Physical cum data-link layer in the model consists of a local area network/personal
area network. A local network of IoT or M2M device deploys one of the two types of
technologies— wireless or wired communication technologies.
Wireless Communication Technology
Near-Field Communication
Bluetooth BR/EDR and Bluetooth Low Energy
ZigBee IP/ZigBee SE 2.0
GPRS/GSM Cellular Networks-Mobile Internet
Wireless USB
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
Wired Communication Technology
UART/USART Serial Communication
Serial Peripheral Interface
I2C Bus
Wired USB
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
12. Near-Field communication (NFC)
Near-Field communication (NFC) is an enhancement of ISO/IEC214443 standard
for contact-less proximity-card.
NFC is a short distance (20 cm) wireless communication technology
It enables data exchange between cards in proximity and other devices.
Examples of applications of NFC are proximity-card
reader/RFID/IoT/M2M/mobile device, mobile payment wallet, electronic keys for
car, house, office entry keys and biometric passport readers.
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
13. NFC
NFC devices transmit and receive data at the same instance and the setup time
(time taken to start the communication) is 0.1 s.
The device can also communicate with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi devices in order to
extend the distance from 10 cm to 30 m or higher.
The device is able to receive and pass the data to a Bluetooth connection or
standardised LAN or Wi-Fi using information handover functions.
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
14. Bluetooth BR/EDR and Bluetooth Low Energy
Bluetooth devices follow IEEE 802.15.1 standard protocol for L1 (physical cum
data-link layer).
BT devices form a WPAN devices network.
Two types of modes for the devices are Bluetooth BR/EDR (Basic Rate 1
Mbps/Enhanced Data Rate 2 Mbps and 3 Mbps) and Bluetooth low energy (BT
LE 1Mbps).
A latest version is Bluetooth v4.2. BT LE is also called Bluetooth Smart.
Bluetooth v4.2 (December 2014) provides the LE data packet length extension,
link layer privacy and secure connections, extended scanner and filter link layer
policies and IPSP.
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
15. Bluetooth BR/EDR and Bluetooth Low Energy
BT LE range is 150 m at 10 mW power output, data transfer rate is 1 Mbps and
setup time is less than 6 s.
Bluetooth v5, released in June 2016, has increased the broadcast capacity by
800quadrupled the range and doubled the speed.
A device may have provisions for single mode BT LE or dual mode BT BR/EDR
(Mbps stands for Million Bits per second).
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
16. ZigBee IP/ZigBee SE 2.0
ZigBee devices follow the IEEE 802.15.4 standard protocol L1 (physical cum
data-link layer). ZigBee devices form a WPAN devices network.
ZigBee end-point devices form a WPAN of embedded sensors, actuators,
appliances, controllers or medical data systems which connect to the Internet for
IoT applications, services and business processes.
ZigBee Neighbourhood Area Network (NAN) is a version for a smart grid. ZigBee
smart energy version 2.0 has energy management and energy efficiency
capabilities using an IP network.
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
17. ZigBee IP/ZigBee SE 2.0
ZigBee NAN is for devices which are used for smart-metering, distribution automation
devices and smart grid communication profile. NAN enables a utility’s last-mile at HAN
(Home Area Network), outdoor access network that connects smart meters to WAN
(widearea network) gateways.
figure shows ZigBee End Point, Coordinator, Router, ZigBee IP Router modes forming
star, mesh and IP networks of ZigBee sensors, end devices and ZigBee router device
which interconnect to Internet IPv4, IPv6 and to cellular networks
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
18. ZigBee IP/ZigBee SE 2.0
Figure: ZigBee end point, coordinator, router, ZigBee IP router nodes forming the star, mesh
and IP networks of ZigBee sensors, end devices, and ZigBee router devices which interconnect
to Internet IPv4, IPv6 and cellular networks
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
19. ZigBee IP/ZigBee SE 2.0
The above figure shows
Three end devices, two routers, one sensor node connected to coordinator ZigBee
devices forming a star network.
One end device, two routers and one coordinator forming a mesh network.
Mesh network router connects to an AP/gateway, which in turn connects to a
cellular network.
Coordinator of mesh network connects to ZigBee IP border router, which enables
local ZigBee networks’ connectivity to the Internet.
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
20. Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi is an interface technology that uses IEEE 802.11 protocol and enables the Wireless
Local Area Networks (WLANs). Wi-Fi devices connect enterprises, universities and
offices through home AP/public hotspots. Wi-Fi connects distributed WLAN networks
using the Internet.
Automobiles, instruments, home networking, sensors, actuators, industrial device nodes,
computers, tablets, mobiles, printers and many devices have Wi-Fi interface. They
network using a Wi-Fi network.
Wi-Fi is very popular. The issues of Wi-Fi interfaces, APs and routers are higher power
consumption, interference and performance degradation.
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
21. GPRS/GSM Cellular Networks-Mobile Internet
An IoT/M2M communication gateway can access a Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN).
The network access may use a GPRS cellular network or new generation cellular network
for Internet access. A mobile phone provisions for a USB wired port, BT and Wi-Fi con-
nectivity. Wireless connectivity for Internet uses data connectivity using GSM, GPRS,
UMTS/LTE and WiMax services of a mobile service provider or Wi-Fi using a modem.
A phone, generally, provisions for number of sensors also; for example, acceleration, GPS
and proximity
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
22. Wireless USB
Wireless USB is a wireless extension of USB 2.0 and it operates at ultra-wide band
(UWB) 5.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz frequencies. It is for short-range personal area network
(high speed 480 Mbps 3 m or 110 Mbps 10 m channel). FCC recommends a host wire
adapter (HWA) and a device wire adapter (DWA), which provides wireless USB solution.
Wireless USB also supports dual-role devices (DRDs). A device can be a USB device as
well as limited capability host.
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
23. UART/USART Serial Communication
A Universal Asynchronous Transmitter (UART) enables serial communication (transmis-
sion) of 8 bits serially with a start bit at the start of transmission of a byte on serial
Transmitter Data (TxD) output line. Serial means present one after another at succes-
sive time intervals.
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
24. Serial Peripheral Interface
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) is one of the widely used serial synchronous commu-
nication methods. Source of serial synchronous output or input is called master when
it also controls the synchronising clock information to the receiver. A receiver of serial
synchronous input or output is called a slave, when along with the serial data it also
receives the synchronising clock information from the master. Four sets of signals, viz.,
SCLK, MISO, MOSI, and SS (slave select) are used on four wires. When SS is active,
then the device functions as a slave.
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
25. I2C Bus
A number of device integrated circuits for sensors, actuators, flash memory and touch-
screens need data exchanges in a number of processes. ICs mutually network through
a common synchronous serial bus, called inter-integrated circuit (I2C). Four potential
modes of operation (viz. master transmit, master receive, slave transmit and slave re-
ceive) for I2C bus device and generally most devices have a single role and use two
modes only.
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
26. Wired USB
Universal Serial Bus (USB) is for fast serial transmission and reception between the
hosts, the embedded system and distributed serial devices; for example, like connecting
a keyboard, printer or scanner. USB is a bus between the host system and a number
of interconnected peripheral devices. Maximum 127 devices can connect with a host.
USB standard provides a fast (up to 12 Mbps) as well as a low-speed (up to 1.5 Mbps)
serial transmission and reception between the host and serial devices. Both the host and
can function in a system.
USB three standards are USB 1.1 (1.5 and 12 Mbps), 2.0 (mini size connector) 480
Mbps, 3.0 (micro size connector) 5 Gbps and 3.1 (super speed 10 Gbps).
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
27. Ethernet
Ethernet standard is IEEE 802.2 (ISO 8802.2) protocol for local area network of comput-
ers, workstations and device LANs. Each frame at a LAN consists of header. Ethernet
enables the services of local device nodes, computers, systems and local resources, such
as printers, hard disk space, software and data.
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
28. Ethernet
Features of Ethernet network are:
Uses passive broadcast medium and is wired connections based
Formatting of frame (serially sent bits as PDU of MAC layer) is according to IEEE
802.2 standard
Uses a 48-bit MAC address assigned distinctly to each computer on the LAN
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) resolves a 32 bit IP address at Internet device
LANs. Each frame at a LAN destination host media address.
Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) resolves 48 bit destination host
media address into 32 bit IP addresses for Internet communication.
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things
29. Ethernet
Uses wired bus topology, and transmission speeds are 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps
(unshielded and shielded wires), 1 Gbps (high-quality coaxial cable), 4 Gbps (in
twisted pair wiring mode) and 10 Gbps (fiber-optic cables).
Business Models for Business Processes in the Internet of Things