This document outlines a tactical communication plan for a program. It details three planned communications - an introduction to the program, an invitation to participate, and ongoing "buzz" communication. For each communication, it identifies the audience and purpose, and provides examples of suggested delivery methods and considerations for addressing potential barriers. The overarching goal is to develop awareness of the program, engage participants, and drive traffic to the program site.
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Communication tactical plan
1. Communication - Tactical Plan p 1 of 1
Communication 1: Introduction to program
Audience: Users and their managers
Purpose: Examples:
Develop awareness
Alert recipients that they will be asked to participate
Explain process
Key Messages:
Delivery timing:
Suggested methods & Examples:
channels: Email (define scope / list)
Intranet site(s)
Media channels
Potential barriers and
tactics to address them:
Other considerations:
Communication 2: Invitation to participate
Audience: Invitees
Key Messages:
Delivery timing:
Suggested methods &
Potential barriers and
tactics to address them:
Other considerations:
Communication 3: Buzz communication
Audience: Site participants
Purpose: Drive engagement and traffic to the site
Stakeholders: Users and site owners
Key Messages:
Delivery timing:
Suggested methods &
Potential barriers and
tactics to address them:
Other considerations: