The document discusses the history and development of the Internet and how it has revolutionized communication globally. It began as disconnected computer networks but over time became interconnected, allowing people around the world to communicate nearly instantly. While the Internet has enabled faster and cheaper communication, some drawbacks include potential misunderstandings without visual/audio cues and receiving unwanted emails or files containing viruses. Overall, email and instant messaging are popular ways to communicate despite some disadvantages.
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2. Modern life and business has become easier
thanks to the contribution(tohfe) of the Internet
technology. however(buna baxmayarag) it was
not created overnight.(gefleten) It took a long
time until networks(sebeke) could be connected
together. From here the Internet has had a
tremendous(neheng) impact(tesir) all over the
3. The foremost target(gabagcil hedef) of
Internet has always been the communication.
And Internet has excelled(otub kecmisdir)
beyond(kenarinda) the expectations. Now we
can communicate in a fraction(pay) of second
with a person who is sitting in the other part
of the world.
4. What is Internet?
Internet is such an important thing nowadays.
Most of us use it every day whether to search
for information, to find friends and even to
buy groceries. (erzaglar)
The Internet is a global system of
interconnected (elagelendirilen)computer
networks that interchange( mubadile) data
(melumat) by packet switching using the
standardized Internet Protocol Suite(dest)
5. What is Communication?
Communication is the process of
conveying(oturur) information from a sender
to a receiver with the use of a medium in
which the communicated information is
understood by both sender and receiver. It is a
process that allows people to exchange
information by several methods.
6. What are the advantages in
communicating through the Internet?
. It has allowed people to correspond(uygun
gelmek) with each other in faster, more efficient
(effektiv), and often inexpensive(ucuz) ways.
We use email and instant messengers (ani
elciler)to keep in touch with family members,
friends, and perhaps even business
sometimes we feel more comfortable
conversing(danismag) with people when we cant
see or hear them.
7. Email is readily available (memnuniyyetle
mumkun)to anyone who has Internet access
(giris)also. There are several free email
providers, such as Yahoo! and Hotmail.
8. Using Symbols: Emoticons
The special characteristic of instant
messengers is that you can use emoticons to
express feelings and other actions. Emoticons
are images that appear after the user has
typed in a code.
9. Email Communication
Email communication is now used by thousands
of people every day. They use it to send
documents for business or school, to catch
up(catmag) on the latest news with their friends
and family, or to send pictures, jokes, and
It is phenomenal, and it happens without the use
of paper, pens, envelopes, and stamps
Most instant messengers are free,
communicating with them not only fast, it's also
10. What are the disadvantages in
communicating through the Internet?
1. Although there are many advantages to
email, there are also several negative aspects
too. While writing a letter can be as simple as
picking up a pen and writing words on paper,
composing an email can be much more
Despite efforts by email providers to simplify
email composition, still, writing an email can be
a difficult task for the computer illiterate.
11. For example:
John Smith: My mother is one of those people
who sees computers, specifically(xususile)
internet knowledge, as a foreign languagea
language shed be able to survive without
knowing, and therefore, shes very
reluctant(hevessiz) to learn. She recently broke
down and got an email account so that she could
keep in touch with my sister and me while we are
away at school. It has taken numerous(coxlu)
lessons from my sister, my father, and me to get
her to the point where she understands just
enough that she can write an email and reply to
12. 2. Besides the complication aspect, there are
other cons to using email. While you can send
electronic packages through email, such as
attachments containing text or pictures, you
cant send actual three dimensional
13. 3. Another negative aspect of emails is receiving
unwanted mail and attachments. Businesses can
send out junk(kohne kuruw) mail to you email
accounts just like they send junk mail to your
mailboxes at home. Besides junk mail, you may
receive forwards containing useless information
that can waste your time, or you may receive
viruses through emails that can destroy the hard
drive on your computer.
14. 4. A very important con of email communication
is the possibility of being misunderstood.
Because you cannot see or hear the person with
whom you are communicating and vice versa,
there is a chance that something that is said
may be misinterpreted(tehrif edilen). If, for
example, a friend sends you an email and says
something with sarcasm, you may not pick up
on the sarcastic tone. This is because you cant
hear their voice as they say it, and it can cause
arguments and hurt feelings.
15. 5. When speaking on instant messengers, we are
cut off (gacin) from those visual and audio clues
that we usually rely so heavily on, often without
thinking about it, in face-to-face conversations.
6. As with email, it is possible to receive viruses
through instant messengers. It is important to
be cautious(ehtiyatli) when people send you
files over the instant messengers. Anytime
someone sends you a file, think carefully before
accepting it.
16. Conclusion Netice
Despite(baxmayarag) certain cons of using
email and instant messengers, both
communication mediums are popular and
convenient. Today, more and more people use
email and instant messengers to communicate
with each other. They give people the chance
to correspond with one another in fast, cost
effective ways.