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Communication Protocols

 Describes the rules that govern the
  transmission of data over the communication
 Provide a method for orderly and efficient
  exchange of data between the sender and the
Roles of Communication Protocol
1. Data Sequencing  to detect loss or duplicate
2. Data Routing  to find the most efficient path
   between source and a destination.
3. Data formatting  defines group of bits within a
   packet which constitutes data, control,
   addressing and other information.
4. Flow control  ensures resource sharing and
   protection against traffic congestion by
   regulating the flow of data on communication
Roles of Communication Protocol
5. Error control  detect errors in messages. Method
   for correcting errors is to retransmit the erroneous
   message block.
6. Precedence and order of transmission  condition
   all nodes about when to transmit their data and
   when to receive data from other nodes. Gives
   equal chance for all the nodes to use the
   communication channel.
7. Connection establishment and termination 
8. Data security  Prevents access of data by
   unauthorized users.
The OSI Model
 OSI is short for Open Systems Interconnection.
 OSI model was first introduced by the International
  Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1984
     Outlines WHAT needs to be done to send data from one
      computer to another.
     Protocols stacks handle how data is prepared for

 Contains specifications in 7 different layers that
  interact with each other.
What is THE MODEL?
 Commonly referred to as the OSI reference
 Open system interconnection (OSI) model is a
  framework for defining standards for linking
  heterogeneous computer systems, located
 The OSI model is a theoretical blueprint that
  helps us understand how data gets from one
  users computer to another.
 It is also a model that helps develop standards
  so that all of our hardware and software talks
  nicely to each other.
7 Layer OSI Model
 Why use a reference model?
    Serves as an outline of rules for how protocols can be used
     to allow communication between computers.
    Each layer has its own function and provides support to
     other layers.
 Other reference models are in use.
    Most well known is the TCP/IP reference model.
7 Layer OSI Model
 Open system interconnection (OSI) model is a framework
  for defining standards for linking heterogeneous computer
  systems, located anywhere.
What Each Layer Does


           2Cisco Academy   Program Semester 1
Application Layer
 Gives end-user
  applications access to
  network resources

 Where is it on my
    Workstation or Server
     Service in MS Windows


      3Graphic   courtesy of http://www.hawkclan.com/zxonly/iso/slide2.html
Presentation Layer
 Provides common data
  formatting between
 Components make
  sure the receiving
  station can read the
  transferred data


     3Graphic   courtesy of http://www.hawkclan.com/zxonly/iso/slide2.html
Session Layer
 Allows applications to
  maintain an ongoing
 Example  NetBIOS
 Where is it on my
    Workstation and
     Server Service (MS)
    Windows Client for
     NetWare (NetWare)

      3Graphic   courtesy of http://www.hawkclan.com/zxonly/iso/slide2.html
Transport Layer
 Provides reliable data
 Its the TCP in TCP/IP
 Receives info from
  upper layers and
  segments it into packets
 Can provide error
  detection and correction


      3Graphic   courtesy of http://www.hawkclan.com/zxonly/iso/slide2.html
Network Layer
 Provides network-
  wide addressing and a
  mechanism to move
  packets between
  networks (routing)
    Network addressing
    IP from TCP/IP
    IPX from IPX/SPX

      3Graphic   courtesy of http://www.hawkclan.com/zxonly/iso/slide2.html
Network Addresses
   Network-wide addresses
   Used to transfer data across subnets
   Used by routers for packet forwarding
     IP Address
 Where is it on my computer?
     TCP/IP Software
Data Link Layer
 Places data and
  retrieves it from the
  physical layer and
  provides error
  detection capabilities


      3Graphic   courtesy of http://www.hawkclan.com/zxonly/iso/slide2.html
Sub-layers of the Data Link Layer
 MAC (Media Access Control)
   Gives data to the NIC
   Controls access to the media through:
      CSMA/CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision
      Token passing
 LLC (Logical Link Layer)
   Manages the data link interface (or Service Access
    Points (SAPs))
   Can detect some transmission errors using a Cyclic
    Redundancy Check (CRC). If the packet is bad the LLC
    will request the sender to resend that particular packet.
Physical Layer
 Determines the specs for
  all physical components
    Interconnect methods (topology
     / devices)
    Data encoding (bits to waves)
    Electrical properties
    Ethernet (IEEE 802.3)
    Token Ring (IEEE 802.5)
    Wireless (IEEE 802.11b)


       3Graphic   courtesy of http://www.hawkclan.com/zxonly/iso/slide2.html
Physical Layer (contd)
 What are the Physical Layer components on my
   Network Interface Card
   Has a unique 12 character Hexadecimal number
    permanently burned into it at the manufacturer.
   The number is the MAC Address/Physical address of a
   Twister Pair
   Fiber Optic
   Coax Cable
How Does It All Work Together


                2Cisco Academy   Program Semester 1
The TCP/IP Model
 Another Model is the TCP/IP Model.
 There is no universal agreement regarding how to
  describe TCP/IP with a layered model.
 Most descriptions present three to five layers.
 We use the four layer structure that incorporates
  the Presentation and Session layers with the
  Application layer.
Comparing TCP/IP With OSI


              2Cisco Academy   Program Semester 1
The TCP/IP Model (4 Layer)
 Application Layer
        Interacts with user processes
 Transport Layer
        TCP guarantees data is received and sent accurately
 Internet Layer
        IP separates upper layers from the network and manages
         the connections across the network
 Network Access Layer
        Incorporates the Network and Physical layers of the OSI

4   http://www.pku.edu.cn/academic/research/computer-center/tc/html/TC0102.html
Remembering the 7 Layers

  7 - Application    All
  6 - Presentation   People
  5 - Session        Seem
  4 - Transport      To
  3 - Network        Need
  2 - Data Link      Data
  1 - Physical       Processing

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  • 1. Communication Protocols Describes the rules that govern the transmission of data over the communication Network. Provide a method for orderly and efficient exchange of data between the sender and the receiver.
  • 2. Roles of Communication Protocol 1. Data Sequencing to detect loss or duplicate packets. 2. Data Routing to find the most efficient path between source and a destination. 3. Data formatting defines group of bits within a packet which constitutes data, control, addressing and other information. 4. Flow control ensures resource sharing and protection against traffic congestion by regulating the flow of data on communication lines.
  • 3. Roles of Communication Protocol 5. Error control detect errors in messages. Method for correcting errors is to retransmit the erroneous message block. 6. Precedence and order of transmission condition all nodes about when to transmit their data and when to receive data from other nodes. Gives equal chance for all the nodes to use the communication channel. 7. Connection establishment and termination 8. Data security Prevents access of data by unauthorized users.
  • 4. The OSI Model OSI is short for Open Systems Interconnection. OSI model was first introduced by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1984 Outlines WHAT needs to be done to send data from one computer to another. Protocols stacks handle how data is prepared for transmittal Contains specifications in 7 different layers that interact with each other.
  • 5. What is THE MODEL? Commonly referred to as the OSI reference model. Open system interconnection (OSI) model is a framework for defining standards for linking heterogeneous computer systems, located anywhere. The OSI model is a theoretical blueprint that helps us understand how data gets from one users computer to another. It is also a model that helps develop standards so that all of our hardware and software talks nicely to each other.
  • 6. 7 Layer OSI Model Why use a reference model? Serves as an outline of rules for how protocols can be used to allow communication between computers. Each layer has its own function and provides support to other layers. Other reference models are in use. Most well known is the TCP/IP reference model.
  • 7. 7 Layer OSI Model Open system interconnection (OSI) model is a framework for defining standards for linking heterogeneous computer systems, located anywhere.
  • 8. What Each Layer Does 2 2Cisco Academy Program Semester 1
  • 9. Application Layer Gives end-user applications access to network resources Where is it on my computer? Workstation or Server Service in MS Windows 3 3Graphic courtesy of http://www.hawkclan.com/zxonly/iso/slide2.html
  • 10. Presentation Layer Provides common data formatting between communicating devices Components make sure the receiving station can read the transferred data 3 3Graphic courtesy of http://www.hawkclan.com/zxonly/iso/slide2.html
  • 11. Session Layer Allows applications to maintain an ongoing session Example NetBIOS Where is it on my computer? Workstation and Server Service (MS) Windows Client for NetWare (NetWare) 3 3Graphic courtesy of http://www.hawkclan.com/zxonly/iso/slide2.html
  • 12. Transport Layer Provides reliable data delivery Its the TCP in TCP/IP Receives info from upper layers and segments it into packets Can provide error detection and correction 3 3Graphic courtesy of http://www.hawkclan.com/zxonly/iso/slide2.html
  • 13. Network Layer Provides network- wide addressing and a mechanism to move packets between networks (routing) Responsibilities: Network addressing Routing Examples: IP from TCP/IP 3 IPX from IPX/SPX 3Graphic courtesy of http://www.hawkclan.com/zxonly/iso/slide2.html
  • 14. Network Addresses Network-wide addresses Used to transfer data across subnets Used by routers for packet forwarding Example: IP Address Where is it on my computer? TCP/IP Software
  • 15. Data Link Layer Places data and retrieves it from the physical layer and provides error detection capabilities 3 3Graphic courtesy of http://www.hawkclan.com/zxonly/iso/slide2.html
  • 16. Sub-layers of the Data Link Layer MAC (Media Access Control) Gives data to the NIC Controls access to the media through: CSMA/CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection Token passing LLC (Logical Link Layer) Manages the data link interface (or Service Access Points (SAPs)) Can detect some transmission errors using a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC). If the packet is bad the LLC will request the sender to resend that particular packet.
  • 17. Physical Layer Determines the specs for all physical components Cabling Interconnect methods (topology / devices) Data encoding (bits to waves) Electrical properties Examples: Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) Token Ring (IEEE 802.5) Wireless (IEEE 802.11b) 3 3Graphic courtesy of http://www.hawkclan.com/zxonly/iso/slide2.html
  • 18. Physical Layer (contd) What are the Physical Layer components on my computer? NIC Network Interface Card Has a unique 12 character Hexadecimal number permanently burned into it at the manufacturer. The number is the MAC Address/Physical address of a computer Cabling Twister Pair Fiber Optic Coax Cable
  • 19. How Does It All Work Together 2 2Cisco Academy Program Semester 1
  • 20. The TCP/IP Model Another Model is the TCP/IP Model. There is no universal agreement regarding how to describe TCP/IP with a layered model. Most descriptions present three to five layers. We use the four layer structure that incorporates the Presentation and Session layers with the Application layer.
  • 21. Comparing TCP/IP With OSI 2 2Cisco Academy Program Semester 1
  • 22. The TCP/IP Model (4 Layer) Application Layer Interacts with user processes Transport Layer TCP guarantees data is received and sent accurately Internet Layer IP separates upper layers from the network and manages the connections across the network Network Access Layer Incorporates the Network and Physical layers of the OSI model 4 4 http://www.pku.edu.cn/academic/research/computer-center/tc/html/TC0102.html
  • 23. Remembering the 7 Layers 7 - Application All 6 - Presentation People 5 - Session Seem 4 - Transport To 3 - Network Need 2 - Data Link Data 1 - Physical Processing