This document discusses key concepts in ecology including:
- The chemical basis of life including organic/inorganic compounds and the role of energy from photosynthesis and respiration.
- Ecosystems are made up of communities of interacting species and their abiotic environment. Food chains and ecological pyramids show how energy and matter are transferred between trophic levels.
- Material cycles like the carbon and water cycles recycle nutrients and maintain the flow of matter and energy in ecosystems.
2. o What is the chemical basis of life?
o Organic/inorganic Compounds
o Energy
o Laws of Thermodynamics
o Photosynthesis/Respiration
o Ecosystems
o Food Chains
o Ecological Pyramids
o Material Cycles 2
4. Law of Conservation of Matter
Matter is neither created nor destroyed but rather re-
cycled over and over. The atoms in your body may
have been in a dinosaur.
The idea that matter cannot be destroyed but is
simply transformed from one form to another is
termed conservation of matter.
5. Just four elements
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen
- make up over 96% of the mass of most organisms.
6. Elements of Life
92 naturally occurring elements
Elements Found in Living Organisms
N CHOPS (macronutrients)
C HOPKINS Ca Fe Mg B Mn Cu Cl Mo Zn
The most common elements in a cell are:
Hydrogen (H) 59%
Oxygen (O) 24%
Carbon (C) 11%
Nitrogen (N) 4%
Others such as phosphorus (P) and sulphur (S) 2% combined
7. Abundance of Elements (%)
Nitrogen, 0.04 Everything
else, 0.02
The most common elements in a cell are:
Hydrogen (H) 59%
Carbon, 0.11
Oxygen (O) 24% Hydrogen
Carbon (C) 11%
Nitrogen (N) 4% Nitrogen
Everything else
Others such as phosphorus (P) and sulphur (S)
Oxygen, 0.24 Hydrogen, 0.59
2% combined
9. Organic Compounds
Organic Compounds - Material making up
biomolecules, which in turn make up living things. All
organic compounds contain carbon.
Four major categories of organic compounds:
-Nucleic Acids
10. a. Butyric acid is the building
block of lipids; propane is a
b. Glucose is a simple
c. Amino acids form
macromolecules called proteins
d. Nucleic acids combine to form
DNA chains
11. Elements of Life
Inorganic = molecules without carboncarbon
or carbonhydrogen bonds
Examples: NaCl, NH4, H2SO4
14. Thermodynamics
Energy must be supplied (from the sun) to keep
biological processes running, because as it flows
through the various biological processes, it becomes
First Law of Thermodynamics - Energy is neither
created nor destroyed.
Second Law of Thermodynamics - With each
successive energy transfer, less energy is available
to perform work.
Entropy (disorder) increases.
15. Energy for Life
Ultimately, most organisms depend on the sun for the
energy needed to carry out life processes.
A few very ancient organisms called archaea are
able to get their energy from inorganic compounds
that bubble up from vents in the sea floor or from hot
springs. These organisms represent one-third of all
the biomass on the planet. The methane generated
by these undersea communities could be a source of
natural gas for us.
16. Energy from the Sun
Solar energy is essential for (2) reasons:
Warmth - Most organisms can exist only in a
relatively narrow temperature range.
Photosynthesis in plants
-Radiant energy is transformed into useful, high-
quality chemical energy in the bonds of organic
molecules. All life on Earth depends on
17. Energy For Life
Of all solar radiation reaching the earths
surface, about 10% is ultraviolet, 45% is visible, and
45% is infrared.
Most of energy is absorbed by land or water, or
reflected back into space.
-Only about 1-2% of the sunlight falling on plants is
captured for photosynthesis.
19. Photosynthesis
Occurs in organelles called chloroplasts within plant
6H20+6CO2 + solar energy = C6H12O6+6O2
Water and carbon dioxide in the presence of sunlight
and chlorophyll (the green pigment in chloroplasts)
yield glucose (sugar) and oxygen.
Glucose serves as primary fuel for all metabolic
processes. Energy in its chemical bonds can be used
to make other molecules such as proteins or it can
drive movement, transport, etc.
22. Cellular Respiration
Photosynthesis captures energy, while cellular
respiration releases energy.
Cellular respiration splits carbon and hydrogen
atoms from sugar and recombines them with oxygen
to re-create carbon dioxide and water (opposite of
This is how animals get all their energy. The reason
that you need to breathe is to supply this pathway
with oxygen.
C6H12O6 + 6O2 = 6H2O +6CO2 + energy
24. 5.1 Communities and Ecosystems
The study of the relationships
between living organisms and their
息 2008 Paul Billiet ODWS
25. How do organisms interact with one another?
How do they interact with their nonliving
26. 5.1.1
All the populations of the different species living and
inter-acting in the same ecosystem
7-spotted lady
Bean aphids
(Aphis fabae)
Red ant
(Myrmica rubra)
Broom plant
息 2008 Paul Billiet ODWS
27. 5.1.1
Community + Abiotic
environment, interacting
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28. 5.1.1
A group of organisms that can breed to
produce fully fertile offspring
息 2008 Paul Billiet ODWS Great White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus
29. 5.1.1
A group of organism of
the same species which
live in the same habitat
at the same time where
they can freely
The black-veined white butterfly
(Aporia crataegi) mating
息 2008 Paul Billiet ODWS
30. Biodiversity
The total number of
different species in an
ecosystem and their
relative abundance
息 2008 Paul Billiet ODWS Worcester City Museums
31. 5.1.1
The characteristics of the type of environment
where an organism normally lives.
(e.g. a stoney stream, a deciduous temperate
woodland, Bavarian beer mats)
息 2008 Paul Billiet ODWS
32. 5.1.2
Energy and organisms
Organisms which can synthesise their own
complex, energy rich, organic molecules from
simple inorganic molecules (e.g. green plants
synthesis sugars from CO2 and H2O)
息 2008 Paul Billiet ODWS
33. 5.1.2
Organisms who must obtain
complex, energy rich, organic compounds
from the bodies of other organisms (dead
or alive)
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34. 5.1.3
Heterotrophic organisms who ingest dead
organic matter. (e.g.
earthworms, woodlice, millipedes)
Earth worm
(Lumbricus terrestris)
息 2008 Paul Billiet ODWS
35. 5.1.3
Heterotrophic organisms who secrete digestive
enzymes onto dead organism matter and absorb
the digested material. (e.g. fungi, bacteria)
息 2008 Paul Billiet ODWS
37. Feeding relationships
Predators & prey
Parasite & host
Large blue
(Maculinea arion)
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39. The place of an organism in its
An organisms habitat + role + tolerance
limits to all limiting factors
息 2008 Paul Billiet ODWS
G.F. Gause (1934)
If two species, with the same niche, coexist
in the same ecosystem, then one will be
excluded from the community due to
intense competition
息 2008 Paul Billiet ODWS
41. Niche
The niche of a species consists of:
Its role in the ecosystem
(herbivore, carnivore, producer etc)
Its tolerance limits (e.g. soil pH, humidity)
Its requirements for shelter, nesting sites
etc etc, all varying through time
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42. The niche as a two-dimensional shape
Species A
Niche represented
by a 2-dimensional
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43. Separate niches
Species A Species B
No overlap of
So coexistence is
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44. Overlapping niches
Species B Species C
occurs where the
niches overlap
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45. Specialisation avoids competition
Species B Species C
Evolution by
natural selection
separate niches
Species B Species C
息 2008 Paul Billiet ODWS Specialisation into two separate niches
46. This niche is not big enough for the
both of us!
Species A Species D
Very heavy competition leads to
competitive exclusion
One species must go
息 2008 Paul Billiet ODWS
47. Total exclusion
Species A has a
bigger niche it is
more generalist
Species E has a smaller
niche it is more specialist
Specialists, however, do
tend to avoid competition
Here it is total swamped
by Species A
息 2008 Paul Billiet ODWS
48. Example: Squirrels in Britain
The Red Squirrel
(Sciurus vulgaris) is
native to Britain
Its population has
declined due to:
Competitive exclusion
Disappearance of hazel
coppices and mature Isle of Wight Tourist Guide
conifer forests in
lowland Britain
息 2008 Paul Billiet ODWS
49. The Alien
The Grey Squirrel
(Sciurus carolinensis)
is an alien species
Introduced to Britain in
about 30 sites between
1876 and 1929
It has easily adapted to
parks and gardens
replacing the red
Bananas in the Falklands
息 2008 Paul Billiet ODWS
51. From Species to Ecosystems
Ecosystem - biological community
and its physical environment
The physical environment
includes non-living factors such as
climate, water, minerals, etc.
It is difficult to define the
boundaries of an ecosystem. Most
ecosystems are open in that they
exchange materials and organisms
with other ecosystems.
52. Food Chains and Food Webs
Food Chain - linked feeding series
Food Web - Most consumers have multiple food
Trophic level - An organisms feeding status in a food
web. Plants are at the producer level while animals
are consumers. Animals that eat plants are primary
consumers while animals that eat other animals are
secondary and tertiary consumers. (Some
animals, called omnivores, eat both plants and
animals.) Finally, there are organisms that recycle
dead bodies and remove waste.
53. Food Chains and Food Webs
5.1.10 & 5.1.11
Energy flow in a Food Chain Energy losses
between trophic levels include material not being
consumed or material not assimilated, and heat
loss through cell respiration.
Energy transformations are never 100% efficient
54. Food Chains and Food Webs
Photosynthesis is at the base of all ecosystems so
photosynthesizers (usually plants) are called the
Productivity - the amount of biomass produced in a
given area in a given period of time. Photosynthesis
is called primary productivity because it is basic to all
other growth in an ecosystem.
Secondary productivity - manufacture of biomass by
organisms that eat plants
58. Trophic Levels
Organisms can also be identified by the type of food
they consume:
Herbivores (Plants) {Deer}
Carnivores (Meat) {Wolves}
Omnivores (Plants/Meat) {Bears}
Scavengers (Carcasses) {Crows}
Detritivores (Debris) {Ants}
Decomposers (All) {Bacteria}
59. Ecological Pyramids
If the organisms at various trophic levels are
arranged diagrammatically, they form a pyramid with
many more producers than consumers.
Due to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, energy
is lost at each level of the pyramid.
Energy is lost as heat in metabolic processes.
Predator efficiency < 100%
10% Rule (Energy / Biomass)
-100 kg clover
10 kg rabbit
1 kg fox
60. Units: energy per unit area per time
ie. kJ m-2 yr-1
Trophic Levels
rule of 10:
only ~10% of the energy
is passed from one trophic
level to the next
64. Nutrient recycling
Energy enters and leaves ecosystems, but
nutrients must be recycled.
Saprotrophic bacteria and fungi
(decomposers) recycle nutrients
65. Material Cycles
Hydrologic Cycle - path of water through the
Solar energy continually evaporates water stored in
the oceans and land, and distributes water vapor
around the globe.
-Condenses over land surfaces, supporting all
terrestrial systems
Responsible for cellular metabolism, nutrient flow in
ecosystems, and global distribution of heat and
67. Carbon Cycle
Begins with intake of CO2 during photosynthesis.
Carbon atoms are incorporated into sugar which is
eventually released by cellular respiration either in the
plant or in organisms that consumed it.
Sometimes the carbon is not recycled for a long time.
Coal and oil are the remains of organisms that lived
millions of years ago. The carbon in these is released
when we burn them. Some carbon is also locked in
calcium carbonate (shells, limestone).
69. Carbon Cycle
The parts of the cycle that remove carbon dioxide
from the atmosphere (vegetation) are called carbon
The parts of the cycle that release carbon dioxide are
called carbon sources.
Burning of fuels generates huge quantities of carbon
dioxide that cannot be taken up fast enough by the
carbon sinks. This excess carbon dioxide contributes
to global warming.
70. Nitrogen Cycle
Nitrogen is needed to make proteins and nucleic
acids such as DNA (Chap. 2).
Plants take up inorganic nitrogen from the
environment and build protein molecules which are
later eaten by consumers.
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria change nitrogen to a more
useful form by combining it with hydrogen to make
ammonia. Other bacteria convert ammonia to nitrites
and nitrates, which can be taken up by plants to make
-Members of the bean family (legumes) have
nitrogen-fixing bacteria living in their root tissue.
71. Nitrogen Cycle
Nitrogen re-enters the environment:
-Death of organisms
-Excrement and urinary wastes
Nitrogen re-enters atmosphere when denitrifying
bacteria break down nitrates into N2 and nitrous oxide
(N2O) gases.
-Humans have profoundly altered the nitrogen cycle via
use of synthetic fertilizers, nitrogen-fixing crops, and
fossil fuels.
73. Phosphorous Cycle
Phosphorous is needed to make DNA, ATP (the
energy currency of the cell) and other important
biomolecules (Chap. 2).
Phosphorous compounds are leached from rocks
and minerals and usually transported in aqueous
Taken in and incorporated by producers
-Passed on to consumers
Returned to environment by decomposition
Cycle takes a long time as deep ocean sediments
are significant sinks
75. Sulfur Cycle
Most sulfur is tied up in underground rocks and
minerals. Inorganic sulfur is released into air by
weathering and volcanic eruptions.
Cycle is complicated by large number of oxidation
states the element can assume.
Human activities release large amounts of
sulfur, primarily by burning fossil fuels.
-Important determinant in rainfall acidity