2. Planning Above and Beyond
Co-with everything
Research Communities
Bulletin boards Blogs
3. Planning Above and Beyond
about the Cloud of Knowing Project
Face to face meetings
every couple of months
Sharing papers
Open source project
Remit to consider how
online content can be
incorporated robustly
into market research
4. Planning Above and Beyond
Web content
The questions we need answers to
5. Planning Above and Beyond
Topics discussed inside Cloud of
The incorporation of web content as part of
Issues of representativeness
Outlier problem nobody is normal
What IS normal on the web? no consensus
on what is average qualitative significance
Issues of permission
6. Planning Above and Beyond
What can outliers tell us about products?
Pocket camcorders
And video pros
and bald users
Flatpack furniture
and the blind
Outliers used to be rejected in research now they are being incorporated
For internet research they are critical because most internet data is produced
by outliers everyone on the internet is weird!
7. Planning Above and Beyond
Rachel Lawes sample the culture
Dont sample the population
Sample the culture
Think how to sample
yoghurtness not a
balanced sample of yoghurt
Dr Rachel Lawes
8. Planning Above and Beyond
Theres a storm brewing in the research
Direct access to
customers so marketers
and third parties taking
on research roles
What is the role of
researchers as
Interviewing skills?
Analysis and interpretation Soon A&I will be the only skills
left to researchers
9. Planning Above and Beyond
The difference between what the client thought as she left
the last group and what she thought at the end of the debrief
A&I: What is it worth?
If the client sees all the data the only added value left is the analysis and interpretation
10. Planning Above and Beyond
Its time to bring A&I into the open and put it
on the outside where clients can see it!
Analysis and interpretation have often the hidden part of the research process
11. Planning Above and Beyond
Its Analysis AND interpretation
What kinds
of music do
you play
Oh We got
both kinds.We
got Country
AND Western
12. Planning Above and Beyond
Technically, two processes
Analysis Interpretation
Through revisiting and applying different filters
Analysis works to exhaust the meaning until
everything has been analysed
Through working outwards from micro to macro
perspectives interpretation is about finding the story
so as to show the big picture when you fit the pieces
together you begin to see more than the sum of the parts
14. Planning Above and Beyond
Crowd sourcing analysis and interpretation
Because of the power laws
amplifying a small network
Significance comes from
validation at the
interpretation stage
building a single version
Far too much research work is solitary A&I becomes much faster
and more powerful when you create a network even a small one
to do the work
15. Planning Above and Beyond
1. Speed simultaneous analysis
2. Culture sampling broader range of inputs
3. Embraces contrasting perspectives
4. Can handle outliers extreme data sources
5. Provides a way to integrate online data
6. Respondents (and marketers) can be used
as co-interpreters
16. Planning Above and Beyond
Analysis exercise: Barracuda swarm!
Were going to swarm a transcription from
many angles in 5 minutes then pull it all
together! 10 barracuda teams
B1 significant Quotations - underlines
B2 Comparison T with D likes and
B3 themes: Roller coaster - sorting
B4 Weight watchers customer
experience - map
B5 focus on Ts feelings about herself
B6 God what help is T asking for?
B7 Social: shared with other
B8 silences human aid and
acquaintances who arent overweight
B9 Culture obesity discourse
B10 Cf Ts photos and hand written
captions with the transcription
Obesity transcription bulletin board postings on the diet roller coaster by T and D
10 pairs of researchers analysing
simultaneously did this exercise
18. Planning Above and Beyond
How a typical project would work
Instead of linear projects run by teams of 1-2
Have 1 day of data gathering then 1 day of analysis
and interpretation with 5 analysts
Increase speed of project turnaround and increase
depth of analysis
Draw together complementary perspectives in
Apply different filters at the interpretation stage
19. Planning Above and Beyond
Doing an online swarm: an internet search
using a network of analysts and standard
online sources
20. Planning Above and Beyond
Practical exercise: take an ordinary
product like a hair dryer
Create up to a dozen teams each with
a different online source
Give each team a well known (non
specialist information source Like
Amazon for example)
Ask them to take 15 minutes to collect
everything that information source tells
them about that product
Then collect information from each
team allowing the feedback from each
to build a total networked picture of the
cultural meaning of that product
Fast efficient - insightful
21. Planning Above and Beyond
Typical sources for online swarm exercise
Google alert
Facebook official and fan teams
Delicious/Stumble Upon
22. Planning Above and Beyond
The power of the many..
Is just as relevant to our working processes
as it is to external markets
What could you do next to leverage it?
And dont forget the power of
analysis and interpretation
Without A&I its just your topline opinion
Editor's Notes
#5: The Cloud of Knowing project came about to address the growing use of web content in research. There is now so much data across so many platforms that it is inevitable that marketers are using it more and more.
But its use has been problematic. There are issues around sampling who is posting the content? How can we find out about them. How do we decide who is representative? Are we required to ask their permission? are we bound to protect their anonymity if we never recruited them in the first place?
And as our ability to gather this data is virtually instant we are moving to real time research where there is no time to validate to ask for permission Research without asking questions.
Whatever may be researchers misgivings, marketers are striding in to grasp this data with both hands. If we hang back we dont prevent the use of this data what we risk is irrelevance as companies make it central to their way of working.
#7: Camcorder professionals turned up in the sample
Flatpack furniture registered blind person. Also an architect from leading global firm.
What if researching shampoo chose to recruit bald people.
Outlier problem nobody is normal
What IS normal on the web? no consensus on what is average qualitative significance