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Community volunteering – grassroots activism or parochialism? How can we encourage and support volunteering in support of communities Richard Usher South West Regional Co-ordinator Community Matters Strengthening Volunteering: 25 th  March 2011
What does Community Matters do? Promoting the role of community organisations National Federation of Community Organisations Supporting community, infrastructure and public sector members Regional support to 120 members in the South West Training and resources – such as Community Assets Matters VISIBLE – quality standards for community organisations.
What do we mean by community volunteering? Volunteering in your locality – to improve it Often associated with community centre or community buildings Motivated by seeing a positive change in the local environment/context Providing services for local people Often managed by volunteers for volunteers.
The Challenge Case study of Upsteighton Community Centre What are the challenges? How can the existing committee/volunteers engage with the wider community? What potential partners and support are available? Does your organisation or role have a part to play – if so what?
When things go well! Newlands Community Association The focal point for community led regeneration in East Bradford A Community Anchor working with local residents/groups/organisations to improve local conditions They support the development of community leadership skills and advocate for community involvement They provide a range of services for all members of the community from the very young to the very old and from all backgrounds.
Why they went well? Sourced funding and made the most of their assets Community roots remain Demonstrating their value Working with cross-sector partners – local Children’s services; Housing etc. Maintaining the motivation and accessing appropriate training for volunteers Reaching new people – young people and those not involved in the early days.
Demonstrating the value “ Many people in the community don’t know – for example the football in Eccleshill is all down to us, but this guy had no idea!” “ The biggest change is in people, when I started working here people used to say ‘oh we are forgotten, nobody thinks about us.’ People are now beginning to get some sort of hope.” “ Being multi-purpose means that you get on board (or in this case on The Board as well) people from different organisations and areas, and share information.”
How does this all fit in with localism? It is localism It’s not very sexy – i.e. social enterprise is there but success depends on grant funding too! It provides the bedrock for initiatives such as: Right to Buy; Right to Challenge New volunteering opportunities are created on the basis of need.
Thank you! Further information: Richard Usher [email_address] www.communitymatters.org.uk www.visiblecommunities.org.uk

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Community volunteering – grassroots activism or parochialism? - Richard Usher

  • 1. Community volunteering – grassroots activism or parochialism? How can we encourage and support volunteering in support of communities Richard Usher South West Regional Co-ordinator Community Matters Strengthening Volunteering: 25 th March 2011
  • 2. What does Community Matters do? Promoting the role of community organisations National Federation of Community Organisations Supporting community, infrastructure and public sector members Regional support to 120 members in the South West Training and resources – such as Community Assets Matters VISIBLE – quality standards for community organisations.
  • 3. What do we mean by community volunteering? Volunteering in your locality – to improve it Often associated with community centre or community buildings Motivated by seeing a positive change in the local environment/context Providing services for local people Often managed by volunteers for volunteers.
  • 4. The Challenge Case study of Upsteighton Community Centre What are the challenges? How can the existing committee/volunteers engage with the wider community? What potential partners and support are available? Does your organisation or role have a part to play – if so what?
  • 5. When things go well! Newlands Community Association The focal point for community led regeneration in East Bradford A Community Anchor working with local residents/groups/organisations to improve local conditions They support the development of community leadership skills and advocate for community involvement They provide a range of services for all members of the community from the very young to the very old and from all backgrounds.
  • 6. Why they went well? Sourced funding and made the most of their assets Community roots remain Demonstrating their value Working with cross-sector partners – local Children’s services; Housing etc. Maintaining the motivation and accessing appropriate training for volunteers Reaching new people – young people and those not involved in the early days.
  • 7. Demonstrating the value “ Many people in the community don’t know – for example the football in Eccleshill is all down to us, but this guy had no idea!” “ The biggest change is in people, when I started working here people used to say ‘oh we are forgotten, nobody thinks about us.’ People are now beginning to get some sort of hope.” “ Being multi-purpose means that you get on board (or in this case on The Board as well) people from different organisations and areas, and share information.”
  • 8. How does this all fit in with localism? It is localism It’s not very sexy – i.e. social enterprise is there but success depends on grant funding too! It provides the bedrock for initiatives such as: Right to Buy; Right to Challenge New volunteering opportunities are created on the basis of need.
  • 9. Thank you! Further information: Richard Usher [email_address] www.communitymatters.org.uk www.visiblecommunities.org.uk