These quotes about philanthropy make it clear its our duty to care for others. Last year alone, Community West Foundation provided $3.3 million in grants to support Cleveland charities.
2. Lifes most persistent
and urgent question is,
What are you doing for
-Martin Luther King Jr.
On Service
3. Only a life lived for
others is a life
-Albert Einstein
4. Service to others is the rent you pay for your room
here on earth.
-Muhammad Ali
5. On Giving
Giving is the highest expression of potency. In the
very act of giving, I experience my strength, my
wealth, my powerin the act of giving lies the
expression of my aliveness.
-Erich Fromm, psychologist and philosopher
6. The dead carry with them in their clutched hands only
that which they have given away.
-DeWitt Wallace, publisher, Readers Digest
7. I have found that
among its other
benefits, giving
liberates the soul of
the giver.
-Maya Angelou
8. Everyone has their own
reasons for giving back. For
us, its simply about making
the world a more fair and
equitable placeWe
believe everyone deserves
the chance to live a healthy,
productive life.
-Bill and Melinda Gates
On Responsibility
9. So, here I am, by pure, pure luck,
born at the right time, the right
genderin the right place, in a
system where allocating capital
pays off like crazy. Ive got a
whole bunch of stock certificates
sitting therethey have no utility
to me. They have all kinds of
utility for the people Bill and
Melinda are helping.
-Warren Buffett
10. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it
cannot save the few who are rich.
-John F. Kennedy
12. Community West Foundation is a local
philanthropic organization dedicated to
supporting charities that provide the basic
needs of food, clothing, shelter and medical
care to the most needy in and around Western
Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
To learn more about what we do and how you
can help, visit our website,
13. Photo Credits
Via Photopin
Martin Luther King: U.S. Embassy New Delhi
Albert Einstein: Walking Geek
Muhammed Ali: Shavar Ross
Hands giving: Gates Foundation
Red flowers: Aphrodite
Maya Angelou: York College
Bill Gates: Jurvestson
Warren Buffett: Fortune Live
John F. Kennedy: Night of the Swallow
Helping hands: Tambako the Jaguar