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Course Outline Lesson 1 -  Introduction to Computers. A short history of Computers. Lesson 2 -  Technology. Uses of  Computers in Society. Lesson 3 -  Hardware. How a computer  works. Lesson 4 - Software. Operating Systems.
Lesson 5 - Networks.  Local and Wide  area networks. Lesson 6 - Internet - past /  present /  future. Lesson 7 - Internet search engines. Other  internet applications. Rest of Semester:  Final Project
Within this subject you will be  continually  graded. Each week  you will complete some work and upload to the website or present to the class. You will have  at least 2 exams  on the material that we will study. You will finally be graded for your work on the  project  that is to be completed during the second half of this semester. You will be awarded up to 10% of your final mark for your behavior in class.. Handing in work on time Use  of MSN messenger, Hi5, YouTube, Facebook, online games Arriving late or skipping class
Course Title   Vocational Education   Computers Vocational   training or education related to a  special skill or a future career. Course Aim   To give students   an introduction to all aspects of the modern computer and understand in greater detail the role of the Computer in today's society.
What is a computer? A machine that can be  instructed  to  control   data . Computers can perform  difficult  and  repetitive   actions  quickly  and   carefully,  and can quickly  store  and  retrieve  large amounts of data. data information or files repetitive  doing the same thing over and over again store  put data away retrieve   take data out
What do we use a computer for? You have 2 minutes  how many uses for a computer can you think of?
Today we will look at some important events in the creation of computers. Do you know who invented the computer? Do you know what the first computing machines were called?
The earliest aid for mathematics that has been discovered was the  Ishango Bone  from 20000 years ago. What do you think people used this for?
Some possible uses of the Ishango Bone: To help with maths. To count animals that cavemen have killed. To count....
Early machine used for counting and m maths. Invented 3 thousand years ago. Invented by the Chinese and Arabic  nations. Ancestor of the modern computer. The 際際滷 Rule Used for multiplication and division as well as some scientific functions. Invented around 1620 in England. Used by engineers in the 1950s and 1960s until the invention of the computer and calculator. Used by early pilots and astronauts!
Born 26 th  December 1791. Died age 79 on the 18 th  October 1871.  An English Mathematician who invented the idea of a programmable computer.  Scientific study and a dislike of untidiness helped him come up with his invention. Babbage wanted to find a method by which maths could  be calculated mechanically, Removing human sources of error. His inventions were never completed as he never had enough money. A fully working replica of his machine was  completed in 1991 using his original plans.
Charles Babbage created  the idea of the use of punched cards as a way to control a   mechanical calculator designed by him. Herman Hollerith developed punched card data processing technology  in  1890 . Tabulating Machine Company   was formed in 1890 by Herman and this later became known as  IBM . Punch cards still used in the 1970s up until the modern day computer became more popular.  Punch cards used by governments, banks, schools and police to store and retrieve information or data. What are todays  punched cards ?
Binary  was a simple way to send data between computers. In a  binary  file: 1 bit  = 0 or 1 1 byte  = 8 bits 1 Megabyte  = 1 million bytes 1 Gigabyte = 1 billion bytes 1 Terabyte = 1 trillion bytes or    1000000000000
How do we use binary to represent a number? 0000 = 0 0001 = 1 0010 = 2 0011 = 3 How do we represent 15? How do you think we represent 16?
Early Computers IBM shipped its first computer in 1953  the IBM 701. This was followed by the IBM 709. This computer had 32kb memory stored in a room that was 1m high, 1m wide and 1m long (1 cubic metre)  Today we can fit 10gb on a tiny flash drive.
IBM 709
Flash Drive
Analogue  Older style computers and machinery that use mechanical parts such as springs, wires and circuits to work and manage data.  Simple analogue machine, an  analogue  watch: Not as reliable or accurate as digital.  Digital  Data is managed by electronic signals. Modern computers and equipment such as mobile phones and mp3 players all use digital technology. An electronic  digital  watch. Faster and more powerful than analogue technology. Analogue - Digital
Developed in the late 1960s using  digital technology . The  chip  or  processor  found in all modern personal computers. Acts as the  CPU  (Central Processor Unit) for a computer, the part of the computer that processes and manages data. Sometimes called the  brain  of a computer. Scientists have recently invented a  plastic  processor which will allow for even more impressive technology, for example computers in food packaging or clothes! It is this technology will also help reduce the price of computers.
Task Today To create a PowerPoint presentation! Title of the presentation: Why computers are so important today.
Include in your Presentation: At least 7 slides. An introduction to the subject and conclusion. Your examples of why computers are important. Some photos or graphics from the web to demonstrate your ideas. Each person in your group should take it in turns to present!
Finally  ASK ME  if you need some help. Some helpful websites: www.google.com www.wikipedia.org www.reference.com  (which also has a  very  good dictionary) www.ask.com Good luck!

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Comp Wk 1 Introduction

  • 1.
  • 2. Course Outline Lesson 1 - Introduction to Computers. A short history of Computers. Lesson 2 - Technology. Uses of Computers in Society. Lesson 3 - Hardware. How a computer works. Lesson 4 - Software. Operating Systems.
  • 3. Lesson 5 - Networks. Local and Wide area networks. Lesson 6 - Internet - past / present / future. Lesson 7 - Internet search engines. Other internet applications. Rest of Semester: Final Project
  • 4. Within this subject you will be continually graded. Each week you will complete some work and upload to the website or present to the class. You will have at least 2 exams on the material that we will study. You will finally be graded for your work on the project that is to be completed during the second half of this semester. You will be awarded up to 10% of your final mark for your behavior in class.. Handing in work on time Use of MSN messenger, Hi5, YouTube, Facebook, online games Arriving late or skipping class
  • 5. Course Title Vocational Education Computers Vocational training or education related to a special skill or a future career. Course Aim To give students an introduction to all aspects of the modern computer and understand in greater detail the role of the Computer in today's society.
  • 6. What is a computer? A machine that can be instructed to control data . Computers can perform difficult and repetitive actions quickly and carefully, and can quickly store and retrieve large amounts of data. data information or files repetitive doing the same thing over and over again store put data away retrieve take data out
  • 7. What do we use a computer for? You have 2 minutes how many uses for a computer can you think of?
  • 8. Today we will look at some important events in the creation of computers. Do you know who invented the computer? Do you know what the first computing machines were called?
  • 9. The earliest aid for mathematics that has been discovered was the Ishango Bone from 20000 years ago. What do you think people used this for?
  • 10. Some possible uses of the Ishango Bone: To help with maths. To count animals that cavemen have killed. To count....
  • 11. Early machine used for counting and m maths. Invented 3 thousand years ago. Invented by the Chinese and Arabic nations. Ancestor of the modern computer. The 際際滷 Rule Used for multiplication and division as well as some scientific functions. Invented around 1620 in England. Used by engineers in the 1950s and 1960s until the invention of the computer and calculator. Used by early pilots and astronauts!
  • 12. Born 26 th December 1791. Died age 79 on the 18 th October 1871. An English Mathematician who invented the idea of a programmable computer. Scientific study and a dislike of untidiness helped him come up with his invention. Babbage wanted to find a method by which maths could be calculated mechanically, Removing human sources of error. His inventions were never completed as he never had enough money. A fully working replica of his machine was completed in 1991 using his original plans.
  • 13. Charles Babbage created the idea of the use of punched cards as a way to control a mechanical calculator designed by him. Herman Hollerith developed punched card data processing technology in 1890 . Tabulating Machine Company was formed in 1890 by Herman and this later became known as IBM . Punch cards still used in the 1970s up until the modern day computer became more popular. Punch cards used by governments, banks, schools and police to store and retrieve information or data. What are todays punched cards ?
  • 14. Binary was a simple way to send data between computers. In a binary file: 1 bit = 0 or 1 1 byte = 8 bits 1 Megabyte = 1 million bytes 1 Gigabyte = 1 billion bytes 1 Terabyte = 1 trillion bytes or 1000000000000
  • 15. How do we use binary to represent a number? 0000 = 0 0001 = 1 0010 = 2 0011 = 3 How do we represent 15? How do you think we represent 16?
  • 16. Early Computers IBM shipped its first computer in 1953 the IBM 701. This was followed by the IBM 709. This computer had 32kb memory stored in a room that was 1m high, 1m wide and 1m long (1 cubic metre) Today we can fit 10gb on a tiny flash drive.
  • 19. Analogue Older style computers and machinery that use mechanical parts such as springs, wires and circuits to work and manage data. Simple analogue machine, an analogue watch: Not as reliable or accurate as digital. Digital Data is managed by electronic signals. Modern computers and equipment such as mobile phones and mp3 players all use digital technology. An electronic digital watch. Faster and more powerful than analogue technology. Analogue - Digital
  • 20. Developed in the late 1960s using digital technology . The chip or processor found in all modern personal computers. Acts as the CPU (Central Processor Unit) for a computer, the part of the computer that processes and manages data. Sometimes called the brain of a computer. Scientists have recently invented a plastic processor which will allow for even more impressive technology, for example computers in food packaging or clothes! It is this technology will also help reduce the price of computers.
  • 21. Task Today To create a PowerPoint presentation! Title of the presentation: Why computers are so important today.
  • 22. Include in your Presentation: At least 7 slides. An introduction to the subject and conclusion. Your examples of why computers are important. Some photos or graphics from the web to demonstrate your ideas. Each person in your group should take it in turns to present!
  • 23. Finally ASK ME if you need some help. Some helpful websites: www.google.com www.wikipedia.org www.reference.com (which also has a very good dictionary) www.ask.com Good luck!

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Computing - Lesson 1