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The needs it satisfies:
Do you need something, or someone, that
helps you understanding your health and
Our companion can do that. Just link one
of your devices and you will be followed
by one of our digital companions.
3. Companion is a new type of app partly on mobile
and partly on the internet that is devoted to help you.
It tries to analyze and to find value in big data from
health and fitness internet things (Withings pressure
measurement tool, Fitbit bracelets, Google Fit health
data API, .).
4. Plan
You start with a fitness plan
chosen by you and the Companion
assigned to you will give
evaluation of your fitness data
and some advices. It will provide a
weekly report about your
progresses with analysis and
evaluations. You can ask any time
for extra analysis on demand
about the current day or the
current week status.
Of course it is up to you the responsibility to manage your training. For lazy or overrunning persons it
can be useful a digital companion devoted full time to follow your progresses or failures helping to
improve your performance.
7. www.megatris.com 際際滷 7
Companion is contextual rule based, it use AI
technologies like rules, predictive analytics, semantic
networks and simulation.
All these tools are used to generate reports about your
fitness status and recommendations that are sent to
your mobile using push notifications.
9. Analytycs Generate predictive and prescriptive analytics on
your data helping you to understand what is
happening in your body
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Megatris Comp. LLC
We create cloud services and mobile apps to make people life easier.
Our mobile apps are integrated with Megatris Cloud to sell services and
1250 Oakmead Pkwy, Sunnyvale, CA 94085, USA