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I pleased to i trodu e ou Guls Studio, the name of Global Exhibit, Architecture Designers
and Event Exhibition Company in Pakistan.
Serving over 500+ clients Guls Studio has executed many award winning exhibition Stands
lo all & i ter atio all a d are offi ial Stand Builder for almost all the DAWN leading
exhibitions from 2001 to 2014 in Pakistan. & Also serving all the e hi itio orga izers si e its
inception and were official ambiance designer from 2001 to 2014 for 200 top exhibitions ,we
were responsible to built Seminar Ambiance, City Ambiance, Expo Center Ambiance,
Inauguration & Registration Areas, Gala Dinner ,which were executed at high level of
satisfaction to exhibition organizers & clients.
Beside this, many renowned Blue chip multinationals, Pharmaceutical, Financial Institutions,
Construction & Real Estates Groups, FMCG s and a FO‘TUNE o pa ies are a o g
our prestigious clients. The said company also holds few Guinness World ‘e ords for Procter
& Gamble brands. (Details can be seen on our website www.gulsstudio.com ).
We have our own manufacturing facility on 200,000 Sq ft in Karachi-Pakistan, with large
number of inventory of Raw & Finish materials used in stand/Ambiance building, giving us a
clear edge on the competitors of the industry.
Gulzar Mughal Company MD Introduction:
Muhammad Gulzar Mughal, born in 1967, in Shahdadpur, Sindh is an invincible force driving Guls Studio
in the marketplace today. Guls studio is seen as a top –notch full service Exhibition & Designing Stand
Building and Event Management Company in Pakistan.
In the past 10 years, Muhammad Gulzar Mughal has demonstrated exceptional talent and skills in
making Guls Studio as a trendsetter in the field of Event Management. Prior to Guls Studio, Customers
used to make their own stalls, dismantle them and then send them to the warehouse, facing much
inconvenience and hassle. Guls Studio changed things for the better-naming the new trend Exhibition
Stand Rental Trend.
Toda due to Muha ad Gulzar Mughal rele tless efforts Guls “tudio has e o e the pio eer i the
field of events and exhibition. He has been activity involved in introducing several new concepts and
ideas, including the rental packages, furnishing 5000 rental exhibits to 500 major clients.
Mr. Mughal s ork has ee hara terized e elle e i E hi itio Desig , o stru tio , E po
Ambiance & Decoration services. As a brand scientist, Mr. Mughal made Guls Studio a market leader and
e h arked i e e ts a age e t i Pakista . Mr. Mughal elie es that hile Guls “tudio s lie t
frequently win best-show awards, their real success is seen in the new business that they generate and
ehi d the s e es, it is Guls “tudio s o ti uous ork to ards e ideas a d e o epts for the
lie t s su ess.
Muhammad Gulzar Mughal should also be accredited for introducing various plans and packages
designed at facilitating the clients towards making their campaigns more successful and efficacious. One
of such plans has been the Corporate Clients Membership Benefits Plan . This unique program has
been designed to provide regular and new complementary services including the free layout Plan. Some
of the most prominent life-time achievements of Mr. Mughal include the brand of the year Award 2009;
The 10th
year official stand builder of all Mega Exhibitions in Pakistan; rental Trade Setter in Exhibition
industries, accomplishing various events as Ambiance Trend Set in Expo Centre; Stall Rental Packages
Introduce In Market; Pamper World Largest Display at Metro Lahore and many more.
What is noteworthy is that Muhammad Gulzar Mughal, who hails from a rural town in Sindh, was able to
accept the challenges as well as the opportunities that were ahead of him in his journey towards
success. He was instrumental in programming Guls studio as a brand activity focused on Event
management dynamics and on earning increasing numbers of customers. This foresight coupled with
sensing the need for quality and innovation was one of the key ingredients to reach new heights.
Guls Studio Pakistan Mega Exhibition Official Ambiance Design from 2001 to
Guls Studio has been Official Ambiance Designer for the last 15 years (from 2001 to 2014) Every 9 out of
E hi itor s Offi ial A ia e Desig s elo gs to Guls “tudio. Ma tha ks to Al ight ALLAH for
granting this creditability.
Guls Studio Pakistan Mega Exhibition Official Stand Builder from 2001 to 2016:
Guls Studio has been Official Stand Builder for the last 15 years (from 2001 to 2014) Every 9 out of 10
E hi itor s Offi ial “ta d Builders elo gs to Guls “tudio. Ma tha ks to Al ight ALLAH for gra ti g
this creditability.
Infrastructure Setup with Storage Facility Approx. 200,000 Sq. ft. :
At its factory, Guls Studio stores customized stalls of the 500 Clients. On re-rental the customized design,
our lie ts parti ipa t i the e hi itio o trolli g their udget.
Clients get rid of dealing with their vendors again and again. Tension free and with full confidence the
Clients focus on activity to achieve the target provided by their management in the exhibition.
Beside this, many renowned Blue chip multinationals, Pharmaceutical, Financial Institutions,
Construction & Real Estates Groups, FMCG s and a FO‘TUNE o pa ies are a o g our
prestigious clients. (Details can be seen on our website www.gulsstudio.com ).
We have our own manufacturing facility on 200,000 Sq ft in Karachi-Pakistan, with large number of
inventory of Raw & Finish materials used in stand/Ambiance building, giving us a clear edge on the
competitors of the industry.
As per our expansion plan, we are approaching you and offering you to be our strategic partner in Far
East i.e. in Malaysia & Singapore to cater our clients there Vice Versa.
Our proposed joint working terms are:
If Guls Studio-Pak will procure any business or secure client for all over the Pakistan & GCC countries
will be forwarded to your end. As our as a strategic partner you will get 100% of billing amount from the
client & forward to GULSSTUDIO for the execution and we will get 15% for you pay as a agency
Availa le Inventory s in Storage for your Event on ‘ental Basis:
 Custom Exhibition Stands Packages
 Modular Exhibits Stands Rentals Packages
 Prefabricated Exhibits Rentals Options
 Grid Structure
 Double Decker Exhibits Stands for Exhibitions
 Mall Events Ambiance Setup
 Expo Exhibition Ambiance Setup on Rental Basis
 Mall Activity Kiosk Rental all over Pakistan
 Floats Rentals
 Palate Display Setup for In store Activity
 Thematic Ambiance Setup Modification
Guls Studio Stand Building from 2001 to 2016 with Rental & Re-rental Trend
Setter in Pakistan:
During the past 15 years, Guls Studio has made a lot of Trend set in the field of Event Management
Industry. So we say we are Trend-Setter. Out of this, we made a Trend in exhibition industry. Its name is
Exhibition Stand Rental Trend. Before this practice the clients made their stall at own, dismantle and
then sent to their warehouse. For this process the clients have to face many problems. Now Guls Studio
finished such procedure.
Today Guls Studio has the position of Pioneer in Event & Exhibition Industries. Guls Studio has
introduced several Rental Packages. We have launched Rental Exhibit in the year 2003. By the grace of
Almighty Allah Guls Studio furnished 5000 Rental Exhibits to 500 major Clients from 2001 to 2016.
Top Clients from 2001 to 2016:
Emirates Airlines, PIA Airlines, P&G, Karachi Chamber of Commerce, Dawn Group, CEMS Pakistan,
Mobilink, United Mobile, Samsung, Kenwood, Pak Suzuki Motors, Hyundai, Dewan Motors, Tapal Tea,
Axact, Pakistan Airlines (PIA), LU Biscuits Pakistan, LG, JVC, K.E.S.C.,PTCL, Rufi Builders, Tessori Jewelers,
Hamdard Laborities a d a ore……..
Event Management Projects from 2001 to 2016:
 IDEAS 2004.2008.2012.2014
 International Housing Industry Exhibition 2005.
 Textile Asia 2005.
 DAWN Life Styles Exhibition 2006.
 KEEF 2006.
 Expo Pakistan 2006.
 Health Asia I t l E hi itio & Co fere e to .
 Muslim BIG Gala 2007.
 Akber Alam Benefit Match 2008.
 IDEAS 2008.
 ITCN ASIA 2008.
 Build Asia 2008.
 Express Family Festival 2009.
 Ariel World s Largest Kurta.
 Head & Shoulders Bottle.
 Global Hand Wash Day.
 Safeguard.
 Launching Ceremony of Suzuki Liana.
 Suzuki Plant Extension.
 Axact Team Meet 2011
 Axact Team Meet 2012
 Axact Team Meet 2013
 Karachi Fashion Week 2013
 Karachi Fashion Week Mans 2013
 United Mobile Voice Mobile Launching 2014
Bench Mark World Records Events, Event Management:
By managing the marvelous event The World s Largest Kurta measured by SGS Pakistan as 101 ft. long
and 59.6 ft. wide. Consisting approx 800m high quality fabric, kurta created in own ware house and
hanged on huge 125 ft. high iron frame with 7 long armed crane support at Pakistan Sport Board Ground
Opt. Karachi Natio al “tadiu ith er olorful e e t ere o . P&G Pakista & Guls “tudio s aki g
histor at Metro Kara hi for Ariel Largest P ra id produ t displa . Di e sio of P ra id is ide,
le gth & tall a d total eight of stru ture is to s. By the grace of Almighty Allah Guls
hardworking team brought to success and achievement, that was applauded by enormous viewers.
Guls ade the World s Largest “afe Guard “oap Displa o hours short oti e o l for Pro ter &
Gamble (Pakistan). This display was arranged at the parking area of Metro Lahore. 200000 Safe Guard
Soap were displayed on approx 200 pilots. Guls Studio also made the 2nd
World s Largest “afe Guard
Soap Display at Metro Lahore Pakistan 400000 Safe Guard Soap was displayed on Approx. 400 pilots.
The weight of soaps was in tons. Hand washing setup was also arranged, by the grace of Allah, the Event
Management team made it possible for Guls to achieve success in such project in making the World
Record. Really we are thankful to Almighty Allah for its successful completion in a very short time.
Guls made the Largest Pamper Display on 36 pilots Macro Star Gate, Karachi. Approximately 15,000
Pampers were displayed for the public for a period of one month at Macro. Thousands of peoples
appreciated and bought the Pampers. Event Management Department of Guls Studio executed the
desig . It as World s third re ord e e t that as a aged a d e e uted Guls for P&G.
Guls reated World s Largest Head & “houlders Bottle which height was 20 ft. not only created the
bottle but also carried out over all event management. A marvelous and beautiful event ambiance was
designed by Guls 20 ft. bottle icon has been covered with high-drip on the big stage and unveiled after in
augural addresses. Follow & spot lighting was creating wonderful impact inside and the whole
surrounding, at the end of launching, colorful fireworks set off that was really fantastic.
IDEAS Defense Exhibition 2004 to 2004:
Serving over 350+ lie ts Guls Studio has executed many award winning exhibition Stands locally &
i ter atio all a d are offi ial Stand Builder for almost all the leading exhibitions specially
I ter atio al Defe se E hi itio IDEAS in Pakistan.
Guls Studio is serving I ter atio al Defe se E hi itio (IDEAS) event, since its inception and were
official stand builder for IDEAS-2008. In IDEAS-2008 ,we were responsible to built Seminar Ambiance,
City Ambiance, Expo Center Ambiance, Inauguration & Registration Areas, Gala Di er a d o pa s
stands of Pakistan Ordinance Factory, DGMP, Pakistan Machine Tool Factory, TISAS,USAID,TEKSAV,GATE
Electronics, THALES, People Steel Mills, PIA ,which were executed at high level of satisfaction to DEPO
and to the individual clients.
Guls Studio is serving I ter atio al Defe se E hi itio (IDEAS 2012) event, executed many
exhibition Stands locally & internationally is Pakistan Ordinance Factory (POF), NRTC Stand, Russian
Helicopter Stand, Aselsan Stand & MBDA Stand which were executed at high level of satisfaction to this
Clients Recognition from 2001 to 2016:
 Ecommerce Gateway Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd.
 Karachi Chamber Of Commerce & Industry
 Pegasus Consultancy (Pvt) Ltd.
 Dewan (Pvt) Ltd.
 Tapal Tea (Pvt) Ltd.
 Express Family Festival 2009.
 Pakistan Airlines (PIA).
 Qarshi Industries (Pvt) Ltd.
 Nestle Pakistan Ltd.
 Dawlance Pakistan Ltd.
 Cems Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd.
 KEEF 2006.
 Oriental Media Links.
 Womenza 2008.
 SUZUKI Launching Ceremony 2008.
 Ariel Pakistan.
 Head & Shoulders Pakistan.
 Safeguard Pakistan.
 Pampers Pakistan.
 Prince Biscuits Pakistan.
 Dawn Group
 United Mobile
Dawn Life Style Exhibitions for 2001 to 2016:
9 0ut of 10 clients & approx. 32 Major Brands trusted Guls Studio for the Designing and Execution of
their stall on turnkey solution basis.
ITCN ASIA Exhibitions for 2001 to 2016:
9 0ut of 10 clients & approx. 15 Major Brands trusted Guls Studio for the Designing and Execution of
their stall on turnkey solution basis.
Build Asia Exhibitions for 2001 to 2015:
9 0ut of 10 clients & approx. 12 Major Brands trusted Guls Studio for the Designing and Execution of
their stall on turnkey solution basis.
Brand Awards & Brand Scientist 2009 to 2016:
By the Grace of Allah Guls has been awarded one of the most acclaimed Brand of Pakistan. Brands
Award Council of Pakistan has instituted a special honor by awarding Medal of Brand Scientist to only 11
Best Brand Guardians in Pakistan, which has been selected by the management of Brands Award
We are thankful to Almighty Allah that he has given us very big result for our little hard work as well as
we are thankful to our corporate clients because of their trust in Guls we have obtained these
achievement in event industry.
Guls Studio is the first Event Management Company in Pakistan which has been awarded Brands of the
Year Award by Brand Council in the category of best Event Management and Ambiance Designer in
Events Ambiance Rental Offers Packages:
 Mall Events
 Product Launchings
 Inaugurations Set Design
 Thematic Events Setup
 Interior Design Services
Exhibitions Stand Rental Offers Packages For UAE:
 1 time ka Exhibit 1 time ki Cost
 Guls Triplicate Exhibit Package
 6 Types of Exhibits
 Spend 1 time Use 5 times
 Trigger Three Exhibit Package Deals
 Kiosk Rental Package
 Emirates Sexier
 7 Times Stall Building Exhibition Package
Life Time Free Design Membership:
Guls Studio is No. 1 exhibit designing company of Pakistan with over 15 year experience of industry and
we are very proud to serve more than 152 clients from different industries. We are happy to announce
our Corporate Clients Membership Benefits Plan . This unique program has been designed to provide
our regular and new clients a bunch of complementary services including Free Layout Plan, Free 3d
Views, Free Estimation and many more, after getting in to our members club you can enjoy these
o ple e tar ser i es. After all, this ti e is o t ost you anything and you may happen upon a
profitable discovery. Looking forward to privilege of serving and awaits your kind reply. You can obtain
our membership with Best regards.
Working as a Strategic Partner with you:
Guls Studio is proud to have the honor of a major contributor to every small and large Exhibition in
Pakistan. After the Almighty Allah we are thankful to all Exhibition Organizers who trusted and
supported us by making their strategic partner, to achieve the position of Guls Studio today enjoys in the
Guls Website:
Guls BTL Activation Division Establish & Work 2005:
There are several mode of engagement coined to provide brand experience directly to target consumers
like POME, POHC, ACTIVITIES. Door to Door selling / convincing, road shows like multimedia units,
customers relation building shows like arena / malls / flats / Mohalla activation, store interception &
event management etc. (School Activity, College Activity, University Activity).
Guls Studio 15000 Sketches Turn into Reality:
Guls Studio has so far given the shape of reality to 15000 sketches. So all corporate and business houses
knows we are the turn sketch into reality and offer concept design to the valued clients free of charge.
Mall Kiosk Rental Offers Package:
All kiosks are designed to maximize your sales potential and follow mall criteria. Whether you need one
customized mall kiosk or a hundred, Guls Studio can design, build, and install them for you.
Using Computer Assisted Design, we'll mass-produce exact replicas of your mall kiosks, or easily
implement small variations. We specialize in customized kiosks.
Even if you need large-scale rollouts and simultaneous deliveries, Guls Studio will deliver and install your
custom store fixtures anywhere in Pakistan & UAE.
Business owners have been coming to us for decades to build their Jewelry Kiosks, Cell Phone Kiosks,
and Food Kiosks. Our clients have included big names such as P&G, United Mobile, LG, Tapal Tea, Tessori
Jewelers, LU Biscuits Pakistan, etc; as well as hundreds of ambitious individuals. We install the kiosk for
well known Shopping Mall in Pakistan such as Park Tower, Forum, Millennium Mall, Dolman Mall, Hyper
Star, Liberty Market, Macro, Metro, etc.
If you're a first-time buyer, be sure to consult our Checklist, then contact us and we'll lead you get
through the process. We'll make sure your mall kiosk satisfies the local government requirements, and
all the mall criteria. Not to mention your own.
We ll ork dire tl ith the all a d ad ise ou o differe t optio s i ol i g di e sio s, aterials
used, color, and appearance of your mall kiosk.
Guls Studio has over 15 years of experience, and can handle large-scale rollouts and simultaneous
deliveries. When you need the highest care and quality, delivered on-time and within your budget,
contact us for a free quote.
Feel free to write us if you have any query regarding this.
With Best Regards,
Faizan Mughal
GM Marketing
Mobile: 0331-6312097(Whatsapp)
Skype: gulsstudio
Guls Studio Head Office Karachi:
Suite No. 3,4,6, Rufi Corner Phase- ll, Block 13/D-1, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi – Pakistan.
Office Phone: +92-21-34985311-3
Email: info@gulsstudio.com
Web: http://www.gulsstudio.com
Guls Studio Branch Office Lahore:
257-Block H2, M.A. Johar Town, Lahore, Pakistan.
Office Phone: +92-42-35313991-2
Email: info@gulsstudio.com
Web: http://www.gulsstudio.com
Note: Please Visit The Following Links

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Amit Malhotra

Company Overview

  • 1. *GULS STUDIO COMPANY PROFILE* I pleased to i trodu e ou Guls Studio, the name of Global Exhibit, Architecture Designers and Event Exhibition Company in Pakistan. Serving over 500+ clients Guls Studio has executed many award winning exhibition Stands lo all & i ter atio all a d are offi ial Stand Builder for almost all the DAWN leading exhibitions from 2001 to 2014 in Pakistan. & Also serving all the e hi itio orga izers si e its inception and were official ambiance designer from 2001 to 2014 for 200 top exhibitions ,we were responsible to built Seminar Ambiance, City Ambiance, Expo Center Ambiance, Inauguration & Registration Areas, Gala Dinner ,which were executed at high level of satisfaction to exhibition organizers & clients. Beside this, many renowned Blue chip multinationals, Pharmaceutical, Financial Institutions, Construction & Real Estates Groups, FMCG s and a FO‘TUNE o pa ies are a o g our prestigious clients. The said company also holds few Guinness World ‘e ords for Procter & Gamble brands. (Details can be seen on our website www.gulsstudio.com ). We have our own manufacturing facility on 200,000 Sq ft in Karachi-Pakistan, with large number of inventory of Raw & Finish materials used in stand/Ambiance building, giving us a clear edge on the competitors of the industry. Gulzar Mughal Company MD Introduction: Muhammad Gulzar Mughal, born in 1967, in Shahdadpur, Sindh is an invincible force driving Guls Studio in the marketplace today. Guls studio is seen as a top –notch full service Exhibition & Designing Stand Building and Event Management Company in Pakistan. In the past 10 years, Muhammad Gulzar Mughal has demonstrated exceptional talent and skills in making Guls Studio as a trendsetter in the field of Event Management. Prior to Guls Studio, Customers used to make their own stalls, dismantle them and then send them to the warehouse, facing much inconvenience and hassle. Guls Studio changed things for the better-naming the new trend Exhibition Stand Rental Trend. Toda due to Muha ad Gulzar Mughal rele tless efforts Guls “tudio has e o e the pio eer i the field of events and exhibition. He has been activity involved in introducing several new concepts and ideas, including the rental packages, furnishing 5000 rental exhibits to 500 major clients. Mr. Mughal s ork has ee hara terized e elle e i E hi itio Desig , o stru tio , E po Ambiance & Decoration services. As a brand scientist, Mr. Mughal made Guls Studio a market leader and e h arked i e e ts a age e t i Pakista . Mr. Mughal elie es that hile Guls “tudio s lie t frequently win best-show awards, their real success is seen in the new business that they generate and ehi d the s e es, it is Guls “tudio s o ti uous ork to ards e ideas a d e o epts for the lie t s su ess. Muhammad Gulzar Mughal should also be accredited for introducing various plans and packages designed at facilitating the clients towards making their campaigns more successful and efficacious. One of such plans has been the Corporate Clients Membership Benefits Plan . This unique program has been designed to provide regular and new complementary services including the free layout Plan. Some of the most prominent life-time achievements of Mr. Mughal include the brand of the year Award 2009; The 10th year official stand builder of all Mega Exhibitions in Pakistan; rental Trade Setter in Exhibition
  • 2. industries, accomplishing various events as Ambiance Trend Set in Expo Centre; Stall Rental Packages Introduce In Market; Pamper World Largest Display at Metro Lahore and many more. What is noteworthy is that Muhammad Gulzar Mughal, who hails from a rural town in Sindh, was able to accept the challenges as well as the opportunities that were ahead of him in his journey towards success. He was instrumental in programming Guls studio as a brand activity focused on Event management dynamics and on earning increasing numbers of customers. This foresight coupled with sensing the need for quality and innovation was one of the key ingredients to reach new heights. Guls Studio Pakistan Mega Exhibition Official Ambiance Design from 2001 to 2016: Guls Studio has been Official Ambiance Designer for the last 15 years (from 2001 to 2014) Every 9 out of E hi itor s Offi ial A ia e Desig s elo gs to Guls “tudio. Ma tha ks to Al ight ALLAH for granting this creditability. Guls Studio Pakistan Mega Exhibition Official Stand Builder from 2001 to 2016: Guls Studio has been Official Stand Builder for the last 15 years (from 2001 to 2014) Every 9 out of 10 E hi itor s Offi ial “ta d Builders elo gs to Guls “tudio. Ma tha ks to Al ight ALLAH for gra ti g this creditability. Infrastructure Setup with Storage Facility Approx. 200,000 Sq. ft. : At its factory, Guls Studio stores customized stalls of the 500 Clients. On re-rental the customized design, our lie ts parti ipa t i the e hi itio o trolli g their udget. Clients get rid of dealing with their vendors again and again. Tension free and with full confidence the Clients focus on activity to achieve the target provided by their management in the exhibition. Beside this, many renowned Blue chip multinationals, Pharmaceutical, Financial Institutions, Construction & Real Estates Groups, FMCG s and a FO‘TUNE o pa ies are a o g our prestigious clients. (Details can be seen on our website www.gulsstudio.com ). We have our own manufacturing facility on 200,000 Sq ft in Karachi-Pakistan, with large number of inventory of Raw & Finish materials used in stand/Ambiance building, giving us a clear edge on the competitors of the industry. As per our expansion plan, we are approaching you and offering you to be our strategic partner in Far East i.e. in Malaysia & Singapore to cater our clients there Vice Versa. Our proposed joint working terms are: If Guls Studio-Pak will procure any business or secure client for all over the Pakistan & GCC countries will be forwarded to your end. As our as a strategic partner you will get 100% of billing amount from the client & forward to GULSSTUDIO for the execution and we will get 15% for you pay as a agency commission. Availa le Inventory s in Storage for your Event on ‘ental Basis:  Custom Exhibition Stands Packages  Modular Exhibits Stands Rentals Packages  Prefabricated Exhibits Rentals Options  Grid Structure  Double Decker Exhibits Stands for Exhibitions  Mall Events Ambiance Setup
  • 3.  Expo Exhibition Ambiance Setup on Rental Basis  Mall Activity Kiosk Rental all over Pakistan  Floats Rentals  Palate Display Setup for In store Activity  Thematic Ambiance Setup Modification Guls Studio Stand Building from 2001 to 2016 with Rental & Re-rental Trend Setter in Pakistan: During the past 15 years, Guls Studio has made a lot of Trend set in the field of Event Management Industry. So we say we are Trend-Setter. Out of this, we made a Trend in exhibition industry. Its name is Exhibition Stand Rental Trend. Before this practice the clients made their stall at own, dismantle and then sent to their warehouse. For this process the clients have to face many problems. Now Guls Studio finished such procedure. Today Guls Studio has the position of Pioneer in Event & Exhibition Industries. Guls Studio has introduced several Rental Packages. We have launched Rental Exhibit in the year 2003. By the grace of Almighty Allah Guls Studio furnished 5000 Rental Exhibits to 500 major Clients from 2001 to 2016. Top Clients from 2001 to 2016: Emirates Airlines, PIA Airlines, P&G, Karachi Chamber of Commerce, Dawn Group, CEMS Pakistan, Mobilink, United Mobile, Samsung, Kenwood, Pak Suzuki Motors, Hyundai, Dewan Motors, Tapal Tea, Axact, Pakistan Airlines (PIA), LU Biscuits Pakistan, LG, JVC, K.E.S.C.,PTCL, Rufi Builders, Tessori Jewelers, Hamdard Laborities a d a ore…….. Event Management Projects from 2001 to 2016:  IDEAS 2004.2008.2012.2014  International Housing Industry Exhibition 2005.  Textile Asia 2005.  DAWN Life Styles Exhibition 2006.  KEEF 2006.  Expo Pakistan 2006.  Health Asia I t l E hi itio & Co fere e to .  Muslim BIG Gala 2007.  Akber Alam Benefit Match 2008.  IDEAS 2008.  ITCN ASIA 2008.  Build Asia 2008.  IPEX.  SAARC.  Express Family Festival 2009.  Ariel World s Largest Kurta.  Head & Shoulders Bottle.  Global Hand Wash Day.  Safeguard.
  • 4.  Launching Ceremony of Suzuki Liana.  Suzuki Plant Extension.  Axact Team Meet 2011  Axact Team Meet 2012  Axact Team Meet 2013  Karachi Fashion Week 2013  Karachi Fashion Week Mans 2013  United Mobile Voice Mobile Launching 2014 Bench Mark World Records Events, Event Management: ARIEL By managing the marvelous event The World s Largest Kurta measured by SGS Pakistan as 101 ft. long and 59.6 ft. wide. Consisting approx 800m high quality fabric, kurta created in own ware house and hanged on huge 125 ft. high iron frame with 7 long armed crane support at Pakistan Sport Board Ground Opt. Karachi Natio al “tadiu ith er olorful e e t ere o . P&G Pakista & Guls “tudio s aki g histor at Metro Kara hi for Ariel Largest P ra id produ t displa . Di e sio of P ra id is ide, le gth & tall a d total eight of stru ture is to s. By the grace of Almighty Allah Guls hardworking team brought to success and achievement, that was applauded by enormous viewers. SAFEGUARD Guls ade the World s Largest “afe Guard “oap Displa o hours short oti e o l for Pro ter & Gamble (Pakistan). This display was arranged at the parking area of Metro Lahore. 200000 Safe Guard Soap were displayed on approx 200 pilots. Guls Studio also made the 2nd World s Largest “afe Guard Soap Display at Metro Lahore Pakistan 400000 Safe Guard Soap was displayed on Approx. 400 pilots. The weight of soaps was in tons. Hand washing setup was also arranged, by the grace of Allah, the Event Management team made it possible for Guls to achieve success in such project in making the World Record. Really we are thankful to Almighty Allah for its successful completion in a very short time. PAMPERS Guls made the Largest Pamper Display on 36 pilots Macro Star Gate, Karachi. Approximately 15,000 Pampers were displayed for the public for a period of one month at Macro. Thousands of peoples appreciated and bought the Pampers. Event Management Department of Guls Studio executed the desig . It as World s third re ord e e t that as a aged a d e e uted Guls for P&G. HEAD & SHOULDERS Guls reated World s Largest Head & “houlders Bottle which height was 20 ft. not only created the bottle but also carried out over all event management. A marvelous and beautiful event ambiance was designed by Guls 20 ft. bottle icon has been covered with high-drip on the big stage and unveiled after in augural addresses. Follow & spot lighting was creating wonderful impact inside and the whole surrounding, at the end of launching, colorful fireworks set off that was really fantastic. IDEAS Defense Exhibition 2004 to 2004: Serving over 350+ lie ts Guls Studio has executed many award winning exhibition Stands locally & i ter atio all a d are offi ial Stand Builder for almost all the leading exhibitions specially I ter atio al Defe se E hi itio IDEAS in Pakistan. Guls Studio is serving I ter atio al Defe se E hi itio (IDEAS) event, since its inception and were official stand builder for IDEAS-2008. In IDEAS-2008 ,we were responsible to built Seminar Ambiance, City Ambiance, Expo Center Ambiance, Inauguration & Registration Areas, Gala Di er a d o pa s stands of Pakistan Ordinance Factory, DGMP, Pakistan Machine Tool Factory, TISAS,USAID,TEKSAV,GATE
  • 5. Electronics, THALES, People Steel Mills, PIA ,which were executed at high level of satisfaction to DEPO and to the individual clients. Guls Studio is serving I ter atio al Defe se E hi itio (IDEAS 2012) event, executed many exhibition Stands locally & internationally is Pakistan Ordinance Factory (POF), NRTC Stand, Russian Helicopter Stand, Aselsan Stand & MBDA Stand which were executed at high level of satisfaction to this Clients. Clients Recognition from 2001 to 2016:  Ecommerce Gateway Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd.  Karachi Chamber Of Commerce & Industry  Pegasus Consultancy (Pvt) Ltd.  Dewan (Pvt) Ltd.  Tapal Tea (Pvt) Ltd.  Express Family Festival 2009.  Pakistan Airlines (PIA).  Qarshi Industries (Pvt) Ltd.  Nestle Pakistan Ltd.  Dawlance Pakistan Ltd.  Cems Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd.  KEEF 2006.  Oriental Media Links.  Womenza 2008.  IDEAS PAKISTAN 2008.  SUZUKI Launching Ceremony 2008.  Ariel Pakistan.  Head & Shoulders Pakistan.  Safeguard Pakistan.  Pampers Pakistan.  Prince Biscuits Pakistan.  Dawn Group  United Mobile Dawn Life Style Exhibitions for 2001 to 2016: 9 0ut of 10 clients & approx. 32 Major Brands trusted Guls Studio for the Designing and Execution of their stall on turnkey solution basis. ITCN ASIA Exhibitions for 2001 to 2016: 9 0ut of 10 clients & approx. 15 Major Brands trusted Guls Studio for the Designing and Execution of their stall on turnkey solution basis. Build Asia Exhibitions for 2001 to 2015: 9 0ut of 10 clients & approx. 12 Major Brands trusted Guls Studio for the Designing and Execution of their stall on turnkey solution basis.
  • 6. Brand Awards & Brand Scientist 2009 to 2016: By the Grace of Allah Guls has been awarded one of the most acclaimed Brand of Pakistan. Brands Award Council of Pakistan has instituted a special honor by awarding Medal of Brand Scientist to only 11 Best Brand Guardians in Pakistan, which has been selected by the management of Brands Award Council. We are thankful to Almighty Allah that he has given us very big result for our little hard work as well as we are thankful to our corporate clients because of their trust in Guls we have obtained these achievement in event industry. Guls Studio is the first Event Management Company in Pakistan which has been awarded Brands of the Year Award by Brand Council in the category of best Event Management and Ambiance Designer in Pakistan. Events Ambiance Rental Offers Packages:  Mall Events  Product Launchings  Inaugurations Set Design  Thematic Events Setup  Interior Design Services Exhibitions Stand Rental Offers Packages For UAE:  1 time ka Exhibit 1 time ki Cost  Guls Triplicate Exhibit Package  6 Types of Exhibits  Spend 1 time Use 5 times  Trigger Three Exhibit Package Deals  Kiosk Rental Package  Emirates Sexier  7 Times Stall Building Exhibition Package Life Time Free Design Membership: Guls Studio is No. 1 exhibit designing company of Pakistan with over 15 year experience of industry and we are very proud to serve more than 152 clients from different industries. We are happy to announce our Corporate Clients Membership Benefits Plan . This unique program has been designed to provide our regular and new clients a bunch of complementary services including Free Layout Plan, Free 3d Views, Free Estimation and many more, after getting in to our members club you can enjoy these o ple e tar ser i es. After all, this ti e is o t ost you anything and you may happen upon a profitable discovery. Looking forward to privilege of serving and awaits your kind reply. You can obtain our membership with Best regards. Working as a Strategic Partner with you: Guls Studio is proud to have the honor of a major contributor to every small and large Exhibition in Pakistan. After the Almighty Allah we are thankful to all Exhibition Organizers who trusted and
  • 7. supported us by making their strategic partner, to achieve the position of Guls Studio today enjoys in the market. Guls Website: http://www.gulsstudio.com Guls BTL Activation Division Establish & Work 2005: There are several mode of engagement coined to provide brand experience directly to target consumers like POME, POHC, ACTIVITIES. Door to Door selling / convincing, road shows like multimedia units, customers relation building shows like arena / malls / flats / Mohalla activation, store interception & event management etc. (School Activity, College Activity, University Activity). Guls Studio 15000 Sketches Turn into Reality: Guls Studio has so far given the shape of reality to 15000 sketches. So all corporate and business houses knows we are the turn sketch into reality and offer concept design to the valued clients free of charge. Mall Kiosk Rental Offers Package: All kiosks are designed to maximize your sales potential and follow mall criteria. Whether you need one customized mall kiosk or a hundred, Guls Studio can design, build, and install them for you. Using Computer Assisted Design, we'll mass-produce exact replicas of your mall kiosks, or easily implement small variations. We specialize in customized kiosks. Even if you need large-scale rollouts and simultaneous deliveries, Guls Studio will deliver and install your custom store fixtures anywhere in Pakistan & UAE. Business owners have been coming to us for decades to build their Jewelry Kiosks, Cell Phone Kiosks, and Food Kiosks. Our clients have included big names such as P&G, United Mobile, LG, Tapal Tea, Tessori Jewelers, LU Biscuits Pakistan, etc; as well as hundreds of ambitious individuals. We install the kiosk for well known Shopping Mall in Pakistan such as Park Tower, Forum, Millennium Mall, Dolman Mall, Hyper Star, Liberty Market, Macro, Metro, etc. If you're a first-time buyer, be sure to consult our Checklist, then contact us and we'll lead you get through the process. We'll make sure your mall kiosk satisfies the local government requirements, and all the mall criteria. Not to mention your own. We ll ork dire tl ith the all a d ad ise ou o differe t optio s i ol i g di e sio s, aterials used, color, and appearance of your mall kiosk. Guls Studio has over 15 years of experience, and can handle large-scale rollouts and simultaneous deliveries. When you need the highest care and quality, delivered on-time and within your budget, contact us for a free quote.
  • 8. CONTACT-REQUEST A QUOTE Feel free to write us if you have any query regarding this. With Best Regards, Regards, Faizan Mughal GM Marketing Mobile: 0331-6312097(Whatsapp) Skype: gulsstudio GULS STUDIO- PAKISTAN Guls Studio Head Office Karachi: Suite No. 3,4,6, Rufi Corner Phase- ll, Block 13/D-1, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi – Pakistan. Office Phone: +92-21-34985311-3 Email: info@gulsstudio.com Web: http://www.gulsstudio.com Guls Studio Branch Office Lahore: 257-Block H2, M.A. Johar Town, Lahore, Pakistan. Office Phone: +92-42-35313991-2 Email: info@gulsstudio.com Web: http://www.gulsstudio.com Note: Please Visit The Following Links