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Your online partner for scientific & English
editing, proofreading, writing/ rewriting
and publication support services

Who are we ?
    Online service portal of Reseapro Scientific Services Pvt. Ltd.

1     Providing online editing & proofreading services

2     Incorporated in Feb 2009; Companies Act 1956

3     This is office located in Go ahead and replace it
      Head an example text. Bhubaneswar, India

      Top Scientists, doctors & IT experts with about 20 years
      experience in Board of Directors

5     350 Expert subject editors & native English editors

6     Large client-base in over 60 countries

7     VeriSign trusted company with secured interface

                                                                 Your Logo
Our Clients

                 Individual researchers, doctors, students
                 Publishing houses
                 Pharmaceutical companies
                 Healthcare industries
                 Research Groups/institutes
                 Other corporations

                                                Your Logo
Recent visitors
Partial Client List

    Columbia University                                                  Elsevier, Italy
    Jinju National University Jinju Gyeongnam, South Korea               State University of Montes Claros-Unimontes, Brazil
    University of Miyazaki, Japan                                        Nan Hua University, Taiwan
    Cheongju University, South Korea                                     Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt
    Dow AgroSciences LLC, USA                                            Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
    National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore                          King Fahad Hospital of the University, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia
    Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Piracicaba, Brazil   University of Saarland, Saarbruecken, Germany
    Sejong University, Seoul, Republic of Korea                          Boston College, Brookline, USA
    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA                           Zagazig university, Zagazig, Egypt
    Gunja-Dong Gwangjin-Gu , Seoul, South Korea                          Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
    Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Keda, Malaysia                    Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisbon, Portugal
    Mudra Institute of Communications Ahmedabad, India                   Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
    University of vora, vora, Portugal                                 Osmania university, Hyderabad, India
    Amsterdam Noord Holland, The Netherlands                             Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea
    Chiang Mai University, Thailand                                      Kyushu National Agricultural Research Center, Koshi, Japan
    Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, India                      Silla University, Busan, South Korea
    Gyeongsang National University, South Korea                          PGIMER, Chandigarh, India
    Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran                  St. john's university, Jamaica estate, USA
    University of New South Wales, Australia                             Centre of grace assembly, Abuja, Nigeria
    Tokyo University, japan                                              University of London, London, UK
                                                             Service offerings

               Substantive Editing     Medical Writing        Target Journal
                                                                                                          Journal Selection
                                                                                      Poster Design
                 Proofreading                                 Camera ready              Creation
                                     Medical Re-Writing                                                  Journal Submission
All subjects

                                                                                                                                All subjects
                Editing research     Research Proposals/
                   Proposals                                 Equation Building                              Response to
                                      Grant Application
                                                                                        Design &             Reviewers
                                                                                    Development of
                Full translation                               Typesetting         Medical Promotional
                                      Business Proposal             &                                    Editorial Support to
                        &                                                               materials
                                           Writing               Indexing                                 Journal Publishers
                Scientific editing

                                                                Formatting             Design and            Publication
                Editing Services      Writing Services
                                                                 Services             Development             Support

                                                    Group of in-house and online editors
Scientific Editing & English proofreading

                                          Research papers
                                          Medical papers
                                          Thesis/ dissertations
                                          Research proposals
                                          Grant applications
                                          Term papers
                                          Student essays
Covers all Subject fields of science
engineering, medical, academic,           Resume
social sciences, art, history, culture
                                          Personal statements
                                          Promotional sales brochures
                                          Poster design
Medical writing & Editing

                 Abstract                   際際滷 kit / Power Point
                 Literature Review           Presentation
                 Scientific research        Press releases
                  papers & journal           Feature articles
                  articles                   Cover letter for
                 Thesis/ dissertation        journals
                 Case study                 Clinical study reports/
                 Clinical study reports/     documentation
                  documentation              Product packaging
                 Medical Protocol           Newsletter
                 Product inserts            Brochures
                 Monograph                  Posters
                 Continuing medical
                  education (CME)
                 Business Proposals
                 Grant applications
                 Promotional /sales
Type of service                                  Turnaround time, days         Price per page (i.e. 275 words),
Editing Services
Substantive editing                                        1 - 10                            13 - 22
Proofreading                                                1 - 10                            7 - 13
Full translation & Scientific Editing                      15 - 30                           30 - 40
Editing Research Proposals/ Grant applications              3 - 30                           15 - 35
Formatting Services
Camera-ready formatting                                   3 - 15                             7 -10
Target journal formatting                                 1 - 15                            6 - 10
Typesetting & Indexing                                Quotation based                   Quotation based
Publication Support Services
Journal Selection *                                         3-5                            220  300 *
Journal submission*                                           2                               220*
Response to reviewers*                                        3                               250*
Editorial Support to Journal Publishers                      10                               2000
Writing Services
Medical writing                                            15 - 30                         150 - 180
Medical re-writing                                         15 - 30                         150  180
Research Proposals/ Grant Application Writing              15 - 30                         150  180
Business Proposal Writing                                  15 - 30                         150  180
Design & Development
Poster design & creation *                                 3 - 10                         500  1200 *
Designing & development of medical                         3 - 15                          120 - 180
promotional materials

* For single assignment ** For detail prices visit www.manuscriptedit.com/prices
Editing Process

3 stages to guarantee highest quality

         Expert         English
         subject       language
          editor         editor
Manuscript Submission
File Formats

 1   Text formats

     Microsoft Word,

     This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it
     Rich Text format



 2   Figure formats

     Microsoft Word

     Microsoft Excel

     Microsoft PowerPoint

                                                        Your Logo
Editing example:   Delivered as Track changed manuscript
Unique selling point (USP)

Highest     Time                price
Quality    bound

FREE Sample Editing
Editors & medical writers

              350 Expert subject editors & native English editors.
              In-house and online contractual editors from top
              Masters, PhD and post-doctoral level editors.
              Highly experienced and published in peer reviewed
              Familiar with APA, MLA, AMA style writing.
              Some of them are peer reviewers and Editors of
               international journals.
              Members of professional societies: American
               Medical Writers Association (AMWA), European
               Medical Writers Association (EMWA), Council of
               science editors (CSE)
Editor recruitment & training
In-house & online editors

                             3 step screening process
                             Rate of candidate selection is less
                              than 5%

                             APA and MLA style writing
                             English language training
                             Editing tools
                             Regulatory guidelines
Robust online interfaces
Robust online interfaces
Editing Services


            Full Translation
              & Scientific                   Proofreading

Substantive Editing

 The substantive editing service at Manuscriptedit.com involves:

    thorough and comprehensive revision of the manuscript content and incorporation of
     substantive changes to the text.
    checking the manuscript's English language for spelling, vocabulary, grammar and
    rephrasing & revising sentence structure, improving word choice.
    adjusting the writing style to make it consistent and logical and conform to a chosen
    improving the organization and quality of communication.
    triple-checks to improve the clarity and logic of presentation, and most importantly ensure
     that the intent of the author is presented correctly.
    eliminating repetitions, to ensure continuity and logical presentation of the authors'
     thoughts and making overall improvement of the manuscript.
    fact checking to verify simple and obvious statement of facts about their accuracy.

 The proofreading service at Manuscriptedit.com involves:

  reading the manuscript thoroughly & picking up all types of errors present therein,
  making appropriate corrections of the errors,
  reviewing the manuscript for appropriate capitalization and punctuation,
  checking the manuscript for consistent use of abbreviations,
  checking the manuscript for correct documentation of references.
  Focusing on checking typing mistakes, missing words, punctuation, capitalization and
   so forth by proofreaders.
  checking the manuscript with regard to its layout such as headlines, paragraphs, and
   illustrations for their correct dimensions and placement, type, etc.
Editing research proposals

 The outline of a proposal should:
  be strong, comprehensive and communicated in a coherent, concise and focused
  present specific details, i.e. what the research will focus on, what objectives and
    goals will be accomplished etc.
  present the methods with which the objectives will be realized.
  Our expert editors will keep the above points in mind while editing or proofreading
    your research proposals/ grant applications. The detail of this service at
    Manuscriptedit.com includes the following:
  ensure that your proposal complies with the guidelines and formats of the funding
    agency as far as possible; but such guidelines should be made available to us.
  edit your research proposal for errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation, check for
    correct choices of words and phrases.
  remove superfluous words and repetitions, re-organize to improve coherency.
  check for clear description and rationale of the experimental methods.
  point out obvious scientific discrepancies, and review the tables, figures and legends.
Full Translation & Scientific Editing

 The salient features of our translation service are as follows:

  translation done by native speakers with good English knowledge
  translation using the right terminology, tone and style for your need.
  we ensure to deliver the translated manuscript on time
  we ensure that the final manuscript in English prepared through this service retains
   the original content of the document in native language while providing a polished
   and eloquent presentation that reads as if written by a native English speaker.
  we have more than 350+ editors and 1000+ translators working for us.
Formatting Services

          Camera-ready   Target journal
           formatting      formatting

            Equation     Typesetting &
            Building       Indexing
Camera-ready formatting

 Our camera-ready formatting service includes the following:

  prepare designated layout and formatting style.
  arrange texts, paragraphs and figures within a specified margin and
  ensure that the manuscript is ready for direct printing by the publisher.
  if available, use the desired word template for the working document.
Target journal formatting

 The target journal formatting service at Manuscriptedit.com includes the

  format the full manuscript in accordance with the author's guidelines of the
  ensure the desired line spacing and margin of the journal.
  arrange texts, paragraphs and figures within a specified margin and
  if available, use the word template of the journal for the working document
   to ensure correct formatting according to the journal standard.
Equation Building

  Create mathematical notation for word processing, web pages,
    desktop publishing, presentations, elearning, and for TeX, LaTeX, and
    MathML documents.

  Tools used: MathType, GrindEQ Math
Typesetting & Indexing

 Typesetting is an important part of preparing a manuscript for the market.
 Our professional typesetting service involves enhancing the quality and
 value of our clients' manuscripts by:
  reformatting the text and images into the required style.
  arranging the text, tables and figures on the predefined specifications of
    page sizes
  preparing a fully formatted manuscript for direct printing.
 Indexing is generally designed to help readers find their way around a
 document quickly and easily. This is made by preparing a route map for a
 document. The indexing service at Manuscriptedit covers manuscripts such
 research papers, books, website, or database. Our indexers will make a
 systematic list of all the entities for an easy navigation within the manuscript
Publication Support Services

        Journal        Journal    Response to
       Selection     Submission    Reviewers

               Editorial Support to
               Journal Publishers
Journal Selection

    Selects the most appropriate journal on the basis of :

       Scope of journal
       Impact factor
       Target readership
       Duration of review process
       Visibility of the journal
       Cost of publication
Journal Submission

    Process of submitting the manuscript to journals:

     Check whether the language is publication-ready
     Check if the paper is formatted according to journal guidelines
     Create author account on the journal website
     Complete the entire journal submission form and submit the
     Provide all details clearly
     Monitor progress of submission
     Correspond with journal editor
Response to reviewers

    Following details will be performed:

     Interpret the reviewers comments,
     Make desired revision of the response written by the author
     Check the response for correct tone, and perform English
     Edit the cover letter to be submitted with the response
     Clearly communicate and make point-wise response to
      reviewers queries
Editorial support to journal publishers

     Manuscriptedit.com acts as an intermediary between authors and
     the journal publisher. We do the following work for the journal
      Obtain all accepted manuscripts from the journal publisher.
      Complete formatting and typesetting of texts, tables and figures
         conforming to the journal standard.
      Directly communicate with the authors and obtain best quality
         figures if necessary.
      Carry our iterative editing until the manuscript is publication-
      Prepare galley proof of the document and communicate with
         authors for proofreading.
      Return the "corrected proof" to the journal publisher.
Publication Support Packages
Benefits of using our Publication
Support packages

    Professional touch: You focus your time and energy on research; we will handle your publication steps with a
      professional touch.
     End-to-end package: Depending on the package chosen, we will help you in each step of the publication
      process starting from editing and polishing your manuscript's English, journal formatting, journal selection, and
      the cumbersome submission process as well as ensure that you have addressed all the journal reviewers'
      comments in your response.
     Experienced and published editors: Your manuscript will be handled by editors with experience in peer-
      reviewing and publishing in international journals.
    Subject expert comments and suggestions: For Premium and Advanced packages, our subject expert editors
      will provide comments and suggestions to improve the quality of your manuscript's communication and
    Fast and reliable service: You can rely on us with regard to delivering our services to you on time.
    Post-delivery assistance: We continue to engage with you and provide support in every stage after delivering
     our services to you.

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Company Profile And Services Overview

  • 1. Manuscriptedit Your online partner for scientific & English editing, proofreading, writing/ rewriting and publication support services www.manuscriptedit.com
  • 2. Who are we ? Online service portal of Reseapro Scientific Services Pvt. Ltd. 1 Providing online editing & proofreading services 2 Incorporated in Feb 2009; Companies Act 1956 3 This is office located in Go ahead and replace it Head an example text. Bhubaneswar, India Top Scientists, doctors & IT experts with about 20 years 4 experience in Board of Directors 5 350 Expert subject editors & native English editors 6 Large client-base in over 60 countries 7 VeriSign trusted company with secured interface Your Logo
  • 3. Our Clients Individual researchers, doctors, students Publishing houses Pharmaceutical companies Healthcare industries Universities Research Groups/institutes Other corporations Your Logo
  • 5. Partial Client List Columbia University Elsevier, Italy Jinju National University Jinju Gyeongnam, South Korea State University of Montes Claros-Unimontes, Brazil University of Miyazaki, Japan Nan Hua University, Taiwan Cheongju University, South Korea Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt Dow AgroSciences LLC, USA Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore King Fahad Hospital of the University, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Piracicaba, Brazil University of Saarland, Saarbruecken, Germany Sejong University, Seoul, Republic of Korea Boston College, Brookline, USA Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA Zagazig university, Zagazig, Egypt Gunja-Dong Gwangjin-Gu , Seoul, South Korea Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Keda, Malaysia Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisbon, Portugal Mudra Institute of Communications Ahmedabad, India Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan University of vora, vora, Portugal Osmania university, Hyderabad, India Amsterdam Noord Holland, The Netherlands Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea Chiang Mai University, Thailand Kyushu National Agricultural Research Center, Koshi, Japan Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, India Silla University, Busan, South Korea Gyeongsang National University, South Korea PGIMER, Chandigarh, India Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran St. john's university, Jamaica estate, USA University of New South Wales, Australia Centre of grace assembly, Abuja, Nigeria Tokyo University, japan University of London, London, UK
  • 6. Services Service offerings Substantive Editing Medical Writing Target Journal Journal Selection Formatting Poster Design & Proofreading Camera ready Creation Medical Re-Writing Journal Submission Formatting All subjects All subjects Editing research Research Proposals/ Proposals Equation Building Response to Grant Application Design & Reviewers Writing Development of Full translation Typesetting Medical Promotional Business Proposal & Editorial Support to & materials Writing Indexing Journal Publishers Scientific editing Formatting Design and Publication Editing Services Writing Services Services Development Support Group of in-house and online editors
  • 7. Scientific Editing & English proofreading Research papers Medical papers Thesis/ dissertations Research proposals Grant applications Term papers Student essays Covers all Subject fields of science engineering, medical, academic, Resume social sciences, art, history, culture Personal statements Promotional sales brochures Poster design
  • 8. Medical writing & Editing Abstract 際際滷 kit / Power Point Literature Review Presentation Scientific research Press releases papers & journal Feature articles articles Cover letter for Thesis/ dissertation journals Case study Clinical study reports/ Clinical study reports/ documentation documentation Product packaging Medical Protocol Newsletter Product inserts Brochures Monograph Posters Continuing medical education (CME) Business Proposals Grant applications Promotional /sales materials
  • 9. Prices Type of service Turnaround time, days Price per page (i.e. 275 words), US$ Editing Services Substantive editing 1 - 10 13 - 22 Proofreading 1 - 10 7 - 13 Full translation & Scientific Editing 15 - 30 30 - 40 Editing Research Proposals/ Grant applications 3 - 30 15 - 35 Formatting Services Camera-ready formatting 3 - 15 7 -10 Target journal formatting 1 - 15 6 - 10 Typesetting & Indexing Quotation based Quotation based Publication Support Services Journal Selection * 3-5 220 300 * Journal submission* 2 220* Response to reviewers* 3 250* Editorial Support to Journal Publishers 10 2000 Writing Services Medical writing 15 - 30 150 - 180 Medical re-writing 15 - 30 150 180 Research Proposals/ Grant Application Writing 15 - 30 150 180 Business Proposal Writing 15 - 30 150 180 Design & Development Poster design & creation * 3 - 10 500 1200 * Designing & development of medical 3 - 15 120 - 180 promotional materials * For single assignment ** For detail prices visit www.manuscriptedit.com/prices
  • 10. Editing Process 3 stages to guarantee highest quality Expert English Chief subject language Editor editor editor
  • 12. Manuscript Submission File Formats 1 Text formats Microsoft Word, This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it Rich Text format PDF LaTex 2 Figure formats Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Microsoft PowerPoint PDF Your Logo
  • 13. Editing example: Delivered as Track changed manuscript
  • 14. Unique selling point (USP) Security Competitive Service Highest Time price Quality bound FREE Sample Editing
  • 15. Editors & medical writers 350 Expert subject editors & native English editors. In-house and online contractual editors from top universities. Masters, PhD and post-doctoral level editors. Highly experienced and published in peer reviewed journals. Familiar with APA, MLA, AMA style writing. Some of them are peer reviewers and Editors of international journals. Members of professional societies: American Medical Writers Association (AMWA), European Medical Writers Association (EMWA), Council of science editors (CSE)
  • 16. Editor recruitment & training In-house & online editors Recruitment 3 step screening process Rate of candidate selection is less than 5% Training APA and MLA style writing English language training Editing tools Regulatory guidelines
  • 19. Editing Services Substantive editing Full Translation & Scientific Proofreading Editing Editing Research proposal
  • 20. Substantive Editing The substantive editing service at Manuscriptedit.com involves: thorough and comprehensive revision of the manuscript content and incorporation of substantive changes to the text. checking the manuscript's English language for spelling, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. rephrasing & revising sentence structure, improving word choice. adjusting the writing style to make it consistent and logical and conform to a chosen standard. improving the organization and quality of communication. triple-checks to improve the clarity and logic of presentation, and most importantly ensure that the intent of the author is presented correctly. eliminating repetitions, to ensure continuity and logical presentation of the authors' thoughts and making overall improvement of the manuscript. fact checking to verify simple and obvious statement of facts about their accuracy.
  • 21. Proofreading The proofreading service at Manuscriptedit.com involves: reading the manuscript thoroughly & picking up all types of errors present therein, making appropriate corrections of the errors, reviewing the manuscript for appropriate capitalization and punctuation, checking the manuscript for consistent use of abbreviations, checking the manuscript for correct documentation of references. Focusing on checking typing mistakes, missing words, punctuation, capitalization and so forth by proofreaders. checking the manuscript with regard to its layout such as headlines, paragraphs, and illustrations for their correct dimensions and placement, type, etc.
  • 22. Editing research proposals The outline of a proposal should: be strong, comprehensive and communicated in a coherent, concise and focused manner. present specific details, i.e. what the research will focus on, what objectives and goals will be accomplished etc. present the methods with which the objectives will be realized. Our expert editors will keep the above points in mind while editing or proofreading your research proposals/ grant applications. The detail of this service at Manuscriptedit.com includes the following: ensure that your proposal complies with the guidelines and formats of the funding agency as far as possible; but such guidelines should be made available to us. edit your research proposal for errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation, check for correct choices of words and phrases. remove superfluous words and repetitions, re-organize to improve coherency. check for clear description and rationale of the experimental methods. point out obvious scientific discrepancies, and review the tables, figures and legends.
  • 23. Full Translation & Scientific Editing The salient features of our translation service are as follows: translation done by native speakers with good English knowledge translation using the right terminology, tone and style for your need. we ensure to deliver the translated manuscript on time we ensure that the final manuscript in English prepared through this service retains the original content of the document in native language while providing a polished and eloquent presentation that reads as if written by a native English speaker. we have more than 350+ editors and 1000+ translators working for us.
  • 24. Formatting Services Camera-ready Target journal formatting formatting Equation Typesetting & Building Indexing
  • 25. Camera-ready formatting Our camera-ready formatting service includes the following: prepare designated layout and formatting style. arrange texts, paragraphs and figures within a specified margin and position. ensure that the manuscript is ready for direct printing by the publisher. if available, use the desired word template for the working document.
  • 26. Target journal formatting The target journal formatting service at Manuscriptedit.com includes the following: format the full manuscript in accordance with the author's guidelines of the journal. ensure the desired line spacing and margin of the journal. arrange texts, paragraphs and figures within a specified margin and position. if available, use the word template of the journal for the working document to ensure correct formatting according to the journal standard.
  • 27. Equation Building Create mathematical notation for word processing, web pages, desktop publishing, presentations, elearning, and for TeX, LaTeX, and MathML documents. Tools used: MathType, GrindEQ Math
  • 28. Typesetting & Indexing Typesetting is an important part of preparing a manuscript for the market. Our professional typesetting service involves enhancing the quality and value of our clients' manuscripts by: reformatting the text and images into the required style. arranging the text, tables and figures on the predefined specifications of page sizes preparing a fully formatted manuscript for direct printing. Indexing is generally designed to help readers find their way around a document quickly and easily. This is made by preparing a route map for a document. The indexing service at Manuscriptedit covers manuscripts such research papers, books, website, or database. Our indexers will make a systematic list of all the entities for an easy navigation within the manuscript
  • 29. Publication Support Services Journal Journal Response to Selection Submission Reviewers Editorial Support to Journal Publishers
  • 30. Journal Selection Selects the most appropriate journal on the basis of : Scope of journal Impact factor Target readership Duration of review process Visibility of the journal Cost of publication
  • 31. Journal Submission Process of submitting the manuscript to journals: Check whether the language is publication-ready Check if the paper is formatted according to journal guidelines Create author account on the journal website Complete the entire journal submission form and submit the manuscript Provide all details clearly Monitor progress of submission Correspond with journal editor
  • 32. Response to reviewers Following details will be performed: Interpret the reviewers comments, Make desired revision of the response written by the author Check the response for correct tone, and perform English editing Edit the cover letter to be submitted with the response Clearly communicate and make point-wise response to reviewers queries
  • 33. Editorial support to journal publishers Manuscriptedit.com acts as an intermediary between authors and the journal publisher. We do the following work for the journal publisher: Obtain all accepted manuscripts from the journal publisher. Complete formatting and typesetting of texts, tables and figures conforming to the journal standard. Directly communicate with the authors and obtain best quality figures if necessary. Carry our iterative editing until the manuscript is publication- ready. Prepare galley proof of the document and communicate with authors for proofreading. Return the "corrected proof" to the journal publisher.
  • 35. Benefits of using our Publication Support packages Professional touch: You focus your time and energy on research; we will handle your publication steps with a professional touch. End-to-end package: Depending on the package chosen, we will help you in each step of the publication process starting from editing and polishing your manuscript's English, journal formatting, journal selection, and the cumbersome submission process as well as ensure that you have addressed all the journal reviewers' comments in your response. Experienced and published editors: Your manuscript will be handled by editors with experience in peer- reviewing and publishing in international journals. Subject expert comments and suggestions: For Premium and Advanced packages, our subject expert editors will provide comments and suggestions to improve the quality of your manuscript's communication and organization. Fast and reliable service: You can rely on us with regard to delivering our services to you on time. Post-delivery assistance: We continue to engage with you and provide support in every stage after delivering our services to you.